Sauria Geographic Location in Avendora | World Anvil

Sauria (Sore-ee-uh)

Length of Day: 20 hours   Length of a Year: 271 days   Gravity: 34 Gs   Moons: 0   Average Temperature: 56 - 193 degrees F   Water Coverage: 8.5%   Terrain: A massive planet, Sauria is a desert world approximately 37 times larger than the earth. The Capitol of the planet, its namesake, is located around the worlds only ocean, Scyieth (S-eye-ee-th). The city is so huge it completely surrounds the ocean, spreading out from there to cover around a quarter of Sauria’s entire surface. This main city extends many miles into the ground, possibly even to the very center of the planet, where Emperor Aku resides in safety. There are a few other cities and towns in the remaining desert but none come anywhere near to rivaling the shear might of the Capitol. The main city has a constant hexagonal force shield projected in 3 layers over its entirety, individual hexes being disabled to allow ships to enter after a thorough scan. Once the ship is through the first layer, it turns on again and only then does the next open. Additionally, Sauria has 3 planetary rings rotating with/around it, all spinning in different patterns in such as way as to not effect the climate or the suns rays on the Capitol (this would effect both vision and solar energy). All 3 rings house many people, but by far the majority live in the innermost ring, while the outmost contains many docked ships and planetary defenses and the middle ring hosts the army of Sauria and also serves as the base of operations for the Homeguard and the Saurian Swords.   Culture: Sauria is the most influential and best representative of Saurian culture as a whole. It has the highest population of any planet including its rings. Moral values are extolled in general and crime is kept to a minimum due to a massive presence of law enforcement, though due to how wealthy Sauria is, crime was already uncommon. Saurians are generally xenophilic, but after the first attempt on the Emperor’s life Xenos are no longer allowed within the inner walls of the Saurian High Palace. Ambassadors and other nations’ rulers are met in the highly guarded Diplomacy hall. This is also where the Saurian High Court deliberates and passes edicts and laws. The Saurian Empire is generally a quasi representative republic as a whole as senators are elected by the people of their district, then senators elect a planetary governor, planetary governors elect Sector Barons, Barons help choose high council memebers. The outlying factor is, of course, the Emperor, who holds absolute authority.   Military: Sauria had the largest and most powerful garrison of any other single planet or even system. This is amplified, of course, by the residence of the Homeguard and Broken sword, of which little is made publicly available. Due to the outermost ring (known as the third ring) housing the Homeguard fleet, Sauria also has immediate naval supremacy within its system. The ship designs held within, as most Homeguard things, are confidential. All that is known is that they are unlike any other standard Saurian ship design and a Homeguard fleet has never been defeated once within the Avendora galaxy. Lastly, the third ring bristles with orbital defense cannons and powerful missile silos with enough destructive power to obliterate multiple planets.
Alternative Name(s)
Sicaar IV (S-ih-kar)
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Inhabiting Species

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