Syndalinn Material in Avendora | World Anvil

Syndalinn (Sin-duh-lin)


Physical & Chemical Properties

Syndalinn, similar to diamond (but substantially harder), is very durable but will shatter if hit at the wrong angle. Engineers have been able to manufacture (with great effort) Prince Rupert’s Drop type shape, then melting off the tail, effectively creating an extremely durable shape that is nearly impervious to all external force. If enough force is applied to the material at the right angle, weather that be to the previously mentioned shape, a sheet, or a naturally occurring formation, it will violently shatter and send micro shards flying far in every direction. The molecules of this material, similar to salt, are rectangular in nature. Interestingly, when melted down these molecules will change shape to conform with whatever surface they are pressed against.

Geology & Geography

Syndalinn often forms deep into the mantle on various worlds, but can also be found in formations growing in deep underground caves.
$67,350 / #
Translucent fuchsia
Melting / Freezing Point
~16,000° F
Related Technologies


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