Danatelian Lands

The Seven Great Cities

From the towering peaks of the Matdhü Chain, east towards the rolling waves of the Azure Sea, and to the vast fields of the Lands of the Wind: that is the land we were promised by our gods.
— Priest of Argus the Protector

The Danatelian Lands are the main ruling power in the Arda Almyed. The nation was established in 328 CE, following the creation of the Treaty of the Seven Cities.

The inhabitants of the Danatelian Lands are diverse, both in ancestry and culture, and these differences have led to both eras of great understanding and deep divide.

Seven Cities, One Land

While the Danatelian Lands consider themselves to be a unified country, most who live there identify themselves as a citizen of their city first, and their nation second. This divide between the city dates back to the initial creation of the country, when the First Danatelians fled their homeland in search of the Arda Almyed.

Political Organisation

Regions of the Danatelian Lands by TC
Each of the seven cities has control over a region of the country. They are responsible for all of the affairs of the region, from taxing the population to protecting and supporting the various towns and villages under their protection. Before the unification of the lands, these cities would often fight over resources, and some old rivalries are still well alive to this day.

"So it's true what they say about Fleurians heh! Your legs are just as slow as ya brains!"
Nissoi mocking a Naren who just lost a race.

The Seven Cities each have elected officials who represent them at the Council of Sebe. Together they discuss what decisions the Cities will take together as a nation, and what can be done to help the growth of the country. The Danatelian Lands have little power as a whole, with cities still functioning as almost independent entities.

In some rare and unfortunate cases, some villages and towns fall outside of any city's jurisdiction. This usually happens when the settlement isn't considered "profitable" enough to waste resources on, or simply that they are too far out of reach. These places are called Fawats, and usually attract outcasts and criminals of all kinds.

United by Faith

Most Danatelians share a common faith in the Saohri Gods. During the Danatelian Conquest, those conquered would see their faith and gods assimilated into the Saohri Pantheon. Most of the population is thus united in their faith of the Gods, making the Saohri Temple an incredibly powerful organisation.

But what unites the Danatelians today was once at the source of many conflicts. Each region had its patron god, and many wars were waged in the Age of Princes in hopes of establishing the dominion of one cult over the other.

Today most people worship both the patron god of their profession or region, as well as whatever local god might watch over their village. It is common for faithful to leave on pilgrims, though people rarely make a trip more than once in their life-time.
by Albert Joseph Franke
danatelian crest.png
Danatelian Flag by Timepool

Danatelian Crest

Alternative Names: Danatelian Kingdom, Danatelian Federacy
Demonym: Danatelians
Main Religion: Saohri Temple
National Motto: United we Stand, Divided we Fall.

The 7 Cities


At the southern tip of the country, Noh’riga is the town of Kirïal the Silent. It is one of the cultural centers of the country, counting many famous artists and poets amongst its population.


Home of Samara the Enchantress, Ikhala lies on the eastern coast of the Lands. It is the academic capital of the city, boasting the largest library of the country.

The town of Nares is dedicated to Deïmon the Bright, and is the only town among the seven to rely on internal trade. It is one of the main producers of agricultural goods, selling the finest wines and spices across the land.


The largest and wealthiest city among the seven, Fehlhef is the political capital of the country. The town is also dedicated to Argus the Protector. This city is the economic center of the country: it is the home of the biggest banks and wealthiest merchants.


Meniwk is built on the vestiges of ancient Baseikan ruins. It is the home of Matazel the Lonely. The town's economy relies partly on fishing and sea trading, and partly on the adventurers and treasure hunters interested in the treasures that lie dormant beneath the streets.


The youngest of the seven cities, Naïshin is located in the north of the country. The largest temple of Seûln the Mother sits at its heart. It is also the weakest of the seven regions, and has been trying to grow its territory to the north-east in hopes of gaining an edge.


Dedicated to Aher the Throneless King, the town of Rowsin is set on the top of high cliffs, hanging above the sea. The region makes a lot of money through trade with the nearby Principality of Kadara.

A Brief History of the Danatelian Lands

Arrival of the Danatelians (??)

Most historians will place the arrival of the first Danatelians in the Arda Almyed around 7 or so centuries ago. Their arrival was immediately followed by the start of the Danatelian Conquest, as they started to fight with the local nations to grab a piece of land. While the Danatelians were few compared to those who lived in Arda Almyed, they were experienced in the ways of war. Thus, what should've been an impossible battle soon led to the rise of the Danatelian Kingdom.
Our ancestors came from the seas. They had a home before this one among the Sea of Dusk, but had to leave as the price for their mistakes. Only in death may we return to the place we once came from.
— History Tutor

Age of the First Cities (20 CE - 124 CE)

As many cities rose in power and wealth, conflicts started to emerge amongst the once united Danatelian population. Each city for itself became the way of life. The first major open conflict was declared in 83 CE. In 91 CE, a political faction attempted to unite the cities behind a king. He was assasinated within a year, and from his death bloomed princes and princesses, each with their claim to the throne.

Though this period is nowadays thought of as the Dark Ages of Danatelian history, many political and economic ideas were developed in these times of unrest. The wars only came to an official end in 124 CE, when Queen Margeshed finally united the cities under a single banner.

Al Maleukar, 124 CE - 302 CE

What followed the war was an era of economic and cultural growth, as Queen Margeshed gathered all the erudites of the nation around her at her court in Meniwk. For the first time since the arrival of the Danatelians, a longlasting peace had been established. The following century would be a period of growth and prosperity. It is also during that century that the Saohri Temple rose to power.

In the middle of the 3rd century CE, famine and poor weather struck the lands for many consecutive years. The country grew poorer, the power of the monarchy diminished, and in 281 CE the island of Bajou claimed its independence.

Dark Ages, ~250 CE - 328 CE

The King and his court live wealthy as always while we grovel in their dust. They take our food, our work, and leave us with debts and dirt! Enough I say! The time of the King has come, no more shall we listen to his crown!
— Ayoub Benalil, leader of the Ignari uprising.

In 302 CE, the last king of the kingdom was murdered by an unknown religious zealot. Striken by poverty and famine, the country was divided once more. Local warlords emerged about the lands, claiming ownership of villages and lands through ruthless pillaging. The following decades were followed with constant struggle for stability.

Age of the Seven Cities, 328 CE - 425 CE, Now

In the year 328, the seven largest Danatelian cities came together to sign a common constitution, signifying the birth of the Danatelian Lands as we know them today. Each city was attributed control around its surrounding region, and the land was divided in various semi-autonomous economic sectors.

It took some years for the alliance to anchor itself, and the cities had to squash out the various regional leaders who would not bend to the new law. By the end of the 4th century, the Danatelian lands were once again united in peace, and a still on-going period of growth and prosperity once more blessed the Danatelians.

Arda Almayed

Cover image: by TC


Author's Notes

Wipes forhead and one large article done! Finally finished my first draft of this big chunk of a boy, I would love to get some feedback! What is missing? What isn't clear? Are there some glaring typos I somehow missed? Let me know!

Shoutout to Dhelian, Cato and Darkseid for helping me out with this one <3 love yall cookies! And a huge thanks to Rikia for always providing excellent feedback <3 !

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Apr 27, 2021 19:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is such a good article. I love all the different cities and the really detailed and clear history. Also, your layout is beautiful! <3

Apr 27, 2021 21:49 by TC

Thank you for the kind words! Im glad to hear the article was good, long stuff is always so much harder that short work :')

Creator of Arda Almayed
Apr 30, 2021 06:28 by O4

Before I start, I just wanted to say I ended up playing all of The Dancing Oud playlist while reading the article. It adds so much to the experience and puts your world through special lens. Great job on that!  

Structure & Design
As usual, your article looks sleek and the flow between each section is incredibly smooth. The banners' design is super nice. I'm guessing each of the outer circles is one of the 7 cities and they're pointing to the center as a symbol of their unification. Am I on the mark? It does agree with the motto. If so I wonder what the different colors mean.
Opening Quote: "Thunder Chains" should be in bold as well, right? Nice quote to start the article. It brings vivid images to mind with only a few words. Also, I'm a sucker for epic phrasings like "we were promised by our gods". Summary: A very clear and clean overall explanation. It conveys the basic information to put everything in context going forward. Seven Cities, One Land (Political Organisation): Oooh, I like when it gets political. Taxation is my jam when it comes to worldbuilding. It's an excellent starting point to establish political structures and mechanisms. They are the cogs the will spin future story wheels. The quote is easy to relate to and brings your descriptions to life. The Fawat is an interesting idea with loads of storytelling potential. The border map helps to orient the different regions. One thing I did not understand is whether each region has its own name or not. United by Faith: Sort of reminds me of early Christianity adopting pagan traditions to bring in converts. Is this along the same lines? I haven't gotten into your world's pantheon yet, so I can't help but wonder how the dynamics between each of the god's worshipers were. A Brief History of the Danatelian Lands: Well, I do love me some history! The eras provide a wonderfully simplistic overview of the timeline which begs for more details (or maybe it's just me being curious). The conquest era is the most mysterious part for sure. I mean, 'they came, they saw, they conquered', right? It's an interesting choice to avoid a straight-up monarchy for your world and quickly get it over in a 100 years. The end of the era sounds very French-revolutiony. Dark Ages are always an intriguing concept. I mean, why dark? Were they devoid of progress? I guess when you have many kings fighting for supremacy, it gets dark. The era of peace is pretty long compared to the others. It seems like this would have been the last era if it wasn't for magic changing the game. You talk about 'repressive measures of censorship', but I haven't read of any example of said censorships in the era prior. How was life more restrictive back in the old days? Also, making connections with the outside world is a big step for a young nation. I do want to know more about the Thunder Chain Folk/Conglomerate to understand more the importance of it. The era of magic sounds exciting, but again it's only a tease! I want like 3 more paragraphs of what it all means for the kingdom and its inhabitants (I guess that's for another article). By the way, I would expect the changes to go on for far longer than 10 years, but maybe Danatelains are highly adaptable people. Sidebar: Super short descriptions of the cities that somehow manage to capture the essence of each one. It makes sense how together they make a strong nation.  
Overall Opinion
  I immensely enjoyed going through this article and it gave me the overview I need to understand your world better. Once again, my biggest issue is not a bad one, but just the fact that I finish reading your articles and I have a taste for more. You like to tease with intriguing and cool ideas and it makes me want to read more articles to see if the rest is elsewhere. There might be another section you could add here, but I'll leave that to you to decide if and what. So basically, awesome article!!

Let us unite against the enemies of Album!
Apr 30, 2021 10:03 by TC

Thank you so so much for the extensive feedback, I really do appreciate it!! I figured I'd touch on a few of my reasons for some of the things you mentioned here :)   So first of all, I'm sorry for teasing so much ;-; if it makes you feel better I created A Lot of stubs working on this article, which means I'll likely expand on many things in the (hopefully) near future.   For the United by Faith I was actually thinking more of the Roman Empire, who had the habit of basically fusing whatever the locals were up to with their own thing (hence why they were pretty big on Isis), though I guess the christians got that habit from them ^^   Because this is a general article on a nation, I decided I wanted to avoid going too in-depth in the history section (I'm waiting on Chronos to come out to get working on a timeline). The Era of Peace is actually made up of more era's, I was just running out of inspiration so I decided to combine them for the time being until future me came up with something cool (hence why its so long).

Creator of Arda Almayed