Argus the Protector

The Traveler, The Seafarer, The Lightning Thrower

I bring offerings to Argus the Great! I sing to the howling winds of the raging storms, I bring the leaves of olive trees and gift them to you! May they bring you strength and glory! Tomorrow, I go to sea, may you keep your watchful eyes on my ship and crew, may you blow in our sails and tame your waves! Glory to He Who Spits Lightning!
— Prayer of a captain on a stormy night.

Argus is the master of Storms and Tempests, the manifestation of the raw power of nature and the protector of the Danatelian Lands. He is the most worshipped god of the Saohri Temple, considered to be the patron saint of merchants, sailors and the maker of good fortune.
Argus the Protector by Aijxjx

As all other major gods of the Saohri Pantheon, Argus the Protector's godhood can be divided into three Adegho: the Seafarer, the Lightning Thrower, and the Traveler. The Adegho of Argus are considered to be three iterations of same individual at different stages of the god's life. Contrary to other gods, whose Adegho are treated as seperate individuals with sometimes conflicting interests, all three Adegho of Argus are considered to be the same divinity.

Origins and Myths

There are many myths and legends concerning the creation of Argus. Some say he was created by Matazel the Lonely to punish mortals, only for him to turn on his creator and become their protector instead, others claim him to have created himself from the breath of Matazel as he slept. But the most well known story tells the tale of an extra-ordinary man, the first king of the Danatelians, who ascended to godhood after reigning over his people for 500 years.

The story comes from one of the most ancient pieces of litterature known to the Danatelians, the Epic of Argus, a thousand page long epic tale writing in Danali. Throughout Danatelian history, it was translated, rewritten, adapted to plays and popularised. Argus was a demi-god, an ordinary man, or a god transformed into a mortal as a test. He was an adventurer, a hero, a king or warrior, rich beyond imagination. He slayed monsters, traveled to far-away lands, courted gods from across the realm. He returned admired and loved, unified Nansaa, and was crowned first king of the Danatelians.

He brought peace to Nansaa, and reigned for five hundred years. Under his rule the nation prospered, and all lived peacefully. But during the last years of his reign, jealousy grew of his power and of the love the gods had for him, and Mawtajalib seeped into the hearts of all, even Argus' closest friends. They rebelled against Argus, tore him off of his throne, and burned him on a pyre. But death did not come for him- the gods looked kindly to the man who had done so much for his country, and his soul rose from his ashes and ascended to the sky.


The worship of Argus is one of the most widthspread across the country, due to his popularity with the working class and peasantry. Many aspects of it are wrapped in superstition and customs, and a thorough study of the worship of Argus will require a distinction between the formal cult of the Temple of Argus and the folk practice.

Formal Worship

The Temple of Argus claims itself as the only legitimate organ of worship of the god. They are affiliated with the Saohri Temple, and work more or less closely with other official cults. Their influence is stronger in Ignares, richest city of the Danatelian Lands and home of the Palace of Storms.

The Palace of Storms is located at the heart of Ignares. It stands tall and bright, its polished white walls shining under the sun. Tall and twisted towers stretch towards the clouds, overlooking the city. Markets and stalls line the outer walls of the temple, the smells and shouts of merchants echoing in the quiet gardens and auditoriums in which students focus on their work.

Celebrations are held monthly in most cities in honour of Argus. Sacrified animals of various sorts are burned on large pires in the inner court of his temples, and the people dance and sing around the fire, music reaching to the clouds. In times of war, priests of Argus call upon the god so that he protects the nation.

I call thy name, Roaring Voice of the Clouds, He Who Strikes Fear In The Heart Of His Enemies! The invaders are coming for our town, to pillage our cellars and steal our cattle. Let lightning strike their camps, let the wind and rain scatter them on the horizon!
— Prayer of a War Priest

Any ship wealthy enough to afford the luxury of hosting a priest of Argus will be sure to have one among their crew. In older times (~500 A.A), priests of Argus were thought to bring good luck on sea faring ships. As time passed, it became more and more common for ships to have a priest of Argus among their crew, who would bless their journeys and heal the injured with remedies and herbs.

Folk Practice

In the more rural areas of the Danatelian Lands, the worship of Argus takes a different aspect. A few villages have been built around the remains of old trees struck by lightning, taking it as a sign of the will of the god. Prayers and worship do not follow a strict calendar, but rather bend to the will of the weather. When storm clouds gather and families take refuge in their houses, stories of the glory of Argus are told as thunder and lightning crash above. Some Sabeyun can even read omens by observing the behaviours of bluewinds.
Names: Argus the Protector, He-Who-Travels-The-Roads, He-Who-Captains-The-Ships, The Lightning Thrower, He-Who-Stands-On-The-Mountains, and many other titles.

Dediacted Town: Ignares

Appearance: Argus is typically depicted in three forms- that of a young man, a seasoned warrior, and an old merchant. His skin is depicted as dark brown or stormy black, and his eyes are said to crackle with lightning. His hair is long and floats like clouds.

Domains: Grave, Nature (The Seafarer), Order (The Traveler), Tempest, War (The Lightning Thrower)

Divine Symbol: Lightning striking a shield or tree.


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Oct 7, 2020 23:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really love how Argus changes through three forms. That's such a cool idea for a god. Do different people worship each of his forms, or are there some who worship all of them?   I'm looking forward to reading about the other gods in the pantheon for sure!   (And I feel your pain - I'm going to be working on a pantheon for WorldEmber, I think!)   Btw: I think you have something wrong with your tooltip, it's not working correctly.

Oct 8, 2020 08:12 by TC

Oooh, thanks for the tooltip catch!   I'm glad you like how he changes, this one comes straight out (ish) of egyptian mythology :)! Priests of Argus tend to worship one aspect over the others (as in if you play a cleric you'd worship whoever is the god of your domain), but its not uncommon for some clerics to worship all three.   Glad you're looking forward to the rest of them! I think I'm currently on 3 out of 7, with all remaining 4 outlined- just need to write about them now :')   Thank you for taking the time to comment!!

Creator of Arda Almayed
Jun 3, 2022 13:56 by R. Dylon Elder

My favorite part here is how they're worshipped differently. Like having a distinction between formal, "official" forms of worship and folk worship is a nice touch of realism. Well done.

Jun 5, 2022 15:12 by TC

Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad that bit about the different worships had its desired effect :)

Creator of Arda Almayed