Magical plants and materials

There are a wide variety of magical plants and materials mentioned through the books - these are just a sampling. (If you've got one you'd like to learn more about, drop me a note.)  


Enchanter's Nightshade

A small white flowering plant that grows where there is materia in the soil. Not entirely reliable, but indicative. Mentioned in Magician's Hoard.  


A mandrake is relevant to the plot of Best Foot Forward 


Ghost orchids (an extremely rare variety) feature in Pastiche.  


Roses feature in a number of my books, notably Wards of the Roses and Seven Sisters.  



Central to the plot of Goblin Fruit. Glows with a golden light. An alternate version appears in Best Foot Forward along with references to other potions.   
Learn more about the goldwasser
A magical drink that harvests experiences from coins and creates a hallucinogenic euphoric drink. (The drink itself is not dangerous, but the coins used to make it will drain magic and can lead to severe illness or death.) Referenced again in On The Bias and Best Foot Forward.

Other mentioned potions

  • Alabaster's Dream Arcanum discourages dreaming (badly). In Sailor's Jewel.
  • Felicity's Fellow: a better potion for discouraging dreaming. In Sailor's Jewel.
  • Pliny's Potion of Proper Repose. Another ineffective sleep potion. In Sailor's Jewel.

Stones and minerals

(For working stones, see Applications of magic.)  


A particular aquamarine features in Sailor's Jewel.  


A mineral originally discovered in the Glencoe area of the Scottish Highlands. Features in The Fossil Door.