Seven Sisters

In 1922, Vivian Porter's assistant asks her for a favour. Can she investigate the odd events taking place at a small manor turned boarding house near Oxford?   When Vivian arrives, Cadmus Michaels has no idea who she is, or that she's come to investigate at the request of his nephew, Farran. Cadmus is just trying to keep the place together until Farran comes of age. But when apparitions, deadly roses, and a failed seance are followed by a mysterious ritual on the grounds, Cadmus has had enough.   He wants to know who Vivian really is, and to do that, he must confront his own fears. Vivian, for her part, wants desperately to know what her cousin Robin is up to. She's sure he's up to something.  
Content notes for Seven Sisters (click to read)
Autistic hero. Attitudes of immortal or extremely-long-lived beings being rather different than ours. Secrets kept by a main character. Secondary character who is deaf and relies on sign language (she would not self-identify as part of Deaf culture). No on-page sex.

Notable people

Vivian Porter (main)
Cadmus Michaels (main)
Robin Aelfdane (secondary)   Also: Farran Michaels, Lena Cooper, a collection of academics, and the occasional spiritualist


Thebes (an estate near Oxford). Trellech
Related books
Robin and Vivian both appear in Fool's Gold, Robin's romance.
Cover of Seven Sisters. A thin angular woman and man in 1920s dress silhouetted on a background of lavender and grey. Bright green curling vines are inset in the top right.

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