Government in Albion | World Anvil


Being a citizen of Albion means you have made the Pact (even if you immigrated as an adult) and declared your residence as Albion (with the appropriate paperwork, which involves also qualifying as a citizen of the United Kingdom, if relevant.)   All adults (over 18) have voting rights in Albion, but elections run a bit differently because Albion does not formally have a legislative body. Most laws are determined by the Ministry and Judiciary, with significant decisions sometimes being put to a vote of the populace. This doesn't happen terribly often (more on the order of a referandum vote in modern political terms, so anywhere from two or three times a year to every few years, depending.)   This means that most legislative and bureaucratic power is held by the Ministry.  

The Ministry

The Ministry is based in the southeast quarter of Trellech, an area that is home to the Guard Hall, the Courts, the Penelopes, and a wide range of Ministry offices, storerooms, supplemental meeting spaces, some sleeping spaces for emergencies, and so on.   The First Minister is an elected office, and determines his or her cabinet, but on average these do not change very often. (It's a complicated job, and it doesn't actually come with a lot of direct power, because Albion functions under the laws of the United Kingdom where those laws apply.) In many ways, the Council has more direct power within the realm of their mandate.   The cabinet includes:
  • First Minister
  • Minister of Materia (magical materials: lots of overlap with Flora and Fauna)
  • Minister of the Treasury
  • Minister of Hearth and Home (includes health and safety standards, healing, etc.)
  • Minister Outside the Borders (diplomacy and colonial services)
  • Minister of Education (four major divisions: Children, Schools, Apprentices, and Skills, which covers adult learning and re-training).
  • Minister of Flora and Fauna
  • Speaker for the Others (non-human races)
However, the Ministry does have a substantial budget to play with, and is responsible for a wide range of activities in the magical community, including education, certification of magical supplies and skills, and coordination with the non-magical military, public health, and other aspects.  

Specific departments

The Guard is responsible for law enforcement, but also for a wide range of other social welfare duties. Richard Edgarton in Pastiche, describes checking on outlying farms after an earthquake, helping a veteran who was seeing magical spaces thanks to a head injury and finding him somewhere safer to be, and similar tasks.   Similarly, while the Penelopes help investigate crimes, much of their work is actually about "Someone did some fool thing with magical experimentation again, how do we get them out of the dangerous room and/or make the space habitable again?"