Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
There are prompts for everyone! Because there will be no official list of prompts this year, I decided to develop my own set of prompts. 31 days, 44 prompts covering all of the article templates and a tale accompanying them. Read them in this article or clith through the map!   You can find the map version of the prompts here.   You can post your progress here: Tillerz' WorldEmber 2021 Progress Board.  

Day 1-2

In the Salty Cardinall, a Bridgeport pub noted for its superb stew, our group stumbled into a scatterbrained man. They should find a young man who no one seems to know or remember but him. The lad had run away with a precious family heirloom.   After further study, the party discovered that the relic held mysterious powers and had gone haywire.


01 - Character: Write about a lost individual nobody appears to know or remember except the person who asked to find them. - create article


02 - Item: Write about an object that has been passed through the generations in a family. - create article


03 - Item: Write about a device that goes haywire. Who created it, and what was it meant to do? - create article

Day 3

Following leads, our heroes take an Airship from Bridgeport to the elven capital Olena Ora, where they are met with a frown when they inquire about the man-on-the-run.


04 - Vehicle: Write about the fastest vehicle in your world. How does its design contribute to its speed? - create article


05 - Ethnicity: Write about a group of people who are not particularly welcoming to strangers. - create article

Day 4

The turtles greeted our heroes with open arms and informed them of the lad's unusual condition, which caused him to alternate between dimensions on a regular basis. They also offered them sweets and pleaded with them to stay for a few days. The turtles had to tell that our lad was having trouble staying in this world. Several times during his stay, he had popped in and out of this world.


06 - Species or Organisation: Write about a species or organisation in your world that is collecting wisdom. How do they use it? - create article ( species / organisation )


07 - Item / Food: Write about something so sweet, it makes your teeth hurt. - create article

Day 5

Soon, the expedition was sent to the Citadel of Ri, a remote outpost in the Fire Belt shrouded in poisonous mists and surrounded by volcanoes. The monks contributed their knowledge gained from ancient tablets containing wisdom written in a secret language: the myth of the wanderer between worlds.


08 - Myth / Legend: Write about a myth in your world about being in two places at once. - create article


09 - Building / Settlement: Write about a settlement or building in your world that stores secret or forbidden information. Who has access to it? - create article ( settlement / building )


10 - Language: Describe a language or code that is used to store secret or forbidden information. - create article

Day 6-8

Following the monks' orders, our investigators travelled to the floating machine city Skulk to obtain two dwarven-made items: a ring to find him and a ring to bind him. As payment for the rings, they had to clean out the traffic-clogging pests in the tunnels of the steam-engine underground train.


11 - Natural Law: Write about a natural law in your world that distinguishes a settlement or location. - create article


12 - Material: Write about a material in your world that is used to make extraordinary things, powerful items, or complex mechanisms. - create article


13 - Plot / Quest: Write about a plot or quest in your world that aims to restore security for a critical business or location. - create article


14 - Document: Write about a document in your world that was signed by someone without reading the fine print and forced them to do things they didn't want to do. - create article


15 - Any template: Take something from the news, a well known book or a story and add it to your world, but with a twist.

Day 9

They tracked the lad down to the kendric city Makari, where an event was taking place: the ruler had delegated total control of the city to a twelve-year-old girl for the entire day. However, the young man had left to the north.


16 - Character: Write about a character in your world who was assigned a job for which they lacked all qualifications but performed admirably. - create article


17 - Title / Rank: In your world, describe a title or rank that has authority over a settlement or region. - create article

Day 10

The information obtained from the kendrics led our heroes to an inventor at the Gnomerado amusement park. Apparently, the young man attempted to seek assistance with his problem here. The party had to purchase "transform into gnome" potions in order to enter, only to discover the park in the midst of a battle between the gnomish employees and their automatons.


18 - Condition: Create an artificial condition in your world and write about it. What is the cause, and how does it help? - create article


19 - Conflict: Write about an unintentional conflict in your world. What caused it, and how did it end? - create article


20a - Military Unit (organization): Write about a military unit that was never meant to exist in your world. How did it get defeated? - create article


20b - Military Unit (formation): Write about a formation of a military unit that was never meant to exist in your world. - create article

Day 11

After escaping the battlefield, our heroes arrived in Queenshaven for Queen's Day, a celebration of Queen Eleanor Rani of Farenia's birthday.


21 - Tradition / Ritual: Write about a tradition in your world that honours a high-ranking individual. How is it celebrated? - create article

Day 12

Using a balloon, the heroes began their journey to the east, following the young man's traces. Strong winds blew the balloon off course, sending the party on a terrifying trip to a strange and alien landmass.


22 - Organisation: Write about a group in your world that tries to keep strange things hidden to avoid panic and horror. Did they always succeed? If not, what happened? - create article


23 - Geography: Write about a region in your world that is strikingly different from the rest of it. Why is this the case? - create article

Day 13

The balloon eventually made its way to Land's End. Our heroes were yelled at by guards when they attempted to land, because the city was quarantined. So instead they landed on a ship bound for Ferrograd as the ring directed them further to the east. This city was not their next destination, but going there brought them closer to it.


24 - Condition: Write about a highly contagious illness in your world. How is it spreading, and what is being done to combat it? - create article


25 - Profession: In your world, who is treating the sick? Are they successful or are they just charlatans? - create article

Day 14

The bitter cold in Ferrograd surprised our group. They "persuaded" the captain to skip the usual five days in the harbour and continue sailing further east on the same day, using their magical abilities.


26 - Geography: Describe a location in your world that has extreme weather. How do people cope with it? - create article


27 - Spell: Describe a spell in your world that can change a being's mind. What was it designed for, and what is its most common application? - create article

Day 15-17

The ship finally arrived in Charakur, the capital of Calika and the world's largest trade port. They met the Gnomish Expeditionary Force at the harbour, where they argued with the harbour guards about whether or not their automaton could enter the city. It didn't look good for the gnomes.


28 - Technology: Describe a technology in your world that improves people's lives but can also be abused by evidoers. - create article


29 - Settlement: Write about a settlement that is one of the most important trading centres in your world. What is unique about it? - create article


30 - Organisation: Write about an organisation in your world that solves problems in a unique way. - create article

Day 18-20

Our heroes arrived in Ojiro after encountering Geertruud Smallbottom in various states of undress as a result of an astoundingly large number of mishaps.   They came across a dragon named Mahilansathi who had sent our young lad to find some manuscripts in the Library of Siklios] in Zaxor that could help him with his problem. The dragon also told them about a funny encounter he had with Geertruud a few days before, during which he played her a little song.  


31 - Myth / Legend: Write about a myth or legend from your world that explains why certain actions result in misfortune. Is this true? - create article


32 - Species / Technology: In your world, write about a highly evolved species or technology. What abilities / features does it have? - create article ( species / technology )


33 - Tradition / Ritual: Write about a song or tune from your world that has a long history. Why is it still being played? - create article

Day 21-22

The heroes boarded a ship bound for Zaxor's northern coast, but they were captured by Khajari Tribe pirates, who intercepted the ship with their flying fleet and brought them to the Croc Tooth Isles. A massive disaster caused by Han's mages had transformed these islands.   The group could come to an agreement and continue on their way to Zaxi.  


34 - Conflict: Write about a conflict in your world that was so ferocious that one side used extraordinary means with unexpected results. - create article


35 - Building / Landmark: Write about a building or landmark in your world that has undergone major changes and is now unusable or has been completely repurposed. - create article

Day 23-25

The dragon had instructed them to look for the scrolls far beneath Zaxi's dunes. When they attempted to hire a group of locals to find and excavate the entrance to the ruins of an ancient city, they were surprised to learn that they were not the first to request assistance - they had found the young lad!   They discovered a scroll wrapped around a blue glowing stone after overcoming some traps and mechanical defenders within the ruins. The map on the scroll pointed to an island near the troll lands in Qail's Central Continent's south.


36 - Plot / Quest: Write about a plot or quest that takes the party to a remote location using a one-of-a-kind vehicle. - create article


37 - Settlement / Geography: Write about a settlement or location that is cut off from the rest of the world. How did it come to be this way? - create article


38 - Vehicle: Write about a ship or other vehicle that is the only means of travel to reach a disconnected settlement or location. - create article

Day 26

When inspecting the map traders from Dashan told them that they had spotted an island beneath a gigantic dome of glass right at that area. On their next journey to the orc lands of Namoria the island had vanished. But at night they could see a blue glimmer coming from below the waves.


39 - Profession: Write about a profession that is travelling around the world. - create article

Day 27

Orcish blacksmiths told them that a troop of gnomes had visited once to study the mystery island and had planned to build a ship that could dive. They had moved on to Boranga to gather essential materials.


40 - Material: Write about a material in your world that gets its physical qualities improved drastically upon receiving a certain treatment. - create article

Day 28

Under the condition to help them obtain rare materials at the pinnacle of Mount Thunkanega, the merchants helped our heroes to arrive in Boranga. The gang nearly died when confronting a construct built from molten stone.


41 - Natural Law: Write about a devastating force of nature in your world. How do people deal with it? - create article

Day 29

On arrival at Boranga City the party met the gnomes again. Together they found out how to develop a vehicle that could reach the metropolis under the sea. In the Borangan mountains they gathered the ore for the ship, but not without getting told by an oracle named Golden Child residing in the small mountain village Bahundanda that one of them would not leave their destination again.


42 - Title / Rank: Write about a title or rank in your world that is so rare or unusual that nearly no one knows about it. - create article

Day 30

With our lad, the gnomes and the party loaded in the finished vehicle, they eventually arrived in the City of Glass, the blue glowing sphere they found earlier granting them admission.   They discovered the city uninhabited except for a few automatons in charge of maintaining it. The gnomes helped to figure out that the creators had gone millennia ago, and the automatons were to maintain the area up until their next visit.   They also determined by using one of the devices that the heirloom the young guy had carried with him was in fact an antique relic comparable to the ones in this subterranean metropolis. The only secure haven for him was this place until a cure had been found.


43 - Document: In your world, write about a document or piece of information that is so ancient or odd that no one can make any sense of it anymore. - create article

Day 31

When our heroes left the city, the gnomes stayed behind to help and to "further investigate and retrieve ancient technology" after they had found out that the city was capable to rise to the surface of the ocean once a year. They would follow to Bridgeport in a few months.   Upon the spectacular arrival with their dive boat in the harbour of Bridgeport, the heroes saw their employer again who angrily persisted in not knowing anything about a young lad, a stolen heirloom or even our party.


44 - Condition: Write about a condition in your world that afflicts the elderly. How do they cope with it? Are there methods to palliate it? - create article


45 - Prose / Manuscript: Write a story including all / many of the prompt articles above. - create article / create manuscript



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Nov 7, 2021 19:23 by Dani

Tillerz, this was such a COOL idea! I love the adventure, I love the map, and I love the journey you've created to take creators through these prompts. Very very neat, and definitely something I'll be using soon!

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Nov 7, 2021 20:11 by Tillerz

Now I need to fill the missing days with more prompts and story. Oh dear. ;-)

Nov 8, 2021 00:32 by Dani

You've got thiiiiiis :D Looking forward to seeing how the journey ends!

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Nov 9, 2021 21:40

Tillerz, thank you for this. You should get WorldEmber credit for these prompts. They are amazing and I'm already thinking of ideas for them .

Nov 14, 2021 18:34 by TJ Trewin

Prooooooompts!! Tillerz if we complete these in our own worlds, how's the best way to show you?

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 14, 2021 20:14 by Tillerz

Make an overview article and post a link to it on progress board: Tillerz' WorldEmber 2021 Progress Board.

Nov 17, 2021 00:04 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is such a cool idea, Tillerz! I love the idea of the prompts inspired by the story! :D

Nov 21, 2021 11:24 by Dani

Aaaaaaa #45! :D EXCITE!

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
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