Thunderbird Mountain Pocket Dimension
It is the most fascinating discovery made in a very long time. This pocket of space just seems to exists outside of our space. Inside of it it works similar to how it does here on Earth but it is just a sphere. And we have no idea what is between these worlds, but there clearly has to be something since the two places are sometimes connected, but not always.
Comparing the two spaces is interesting because of course all of our experiments and measurements come from a place that makes sense on Earth. And sometimes things work exactly the same way in the pocket dimension. But sometimes its just different. And figuring that out has been very difficult.
The pocket dimension is a perfect sphere with a radius of just five kilometers. Much of the space within the dimension is filled out by the Thunderbird Mountain. The walls of the sphere are neither visible nor reachable. With human eyes it just looks like there is an infinite blue sky all around the mountain. When approaching the wall directly then nothing is stopping the approach, but once the wall is reached the movement no longer brings that person forward. Even if it feels like it. No matter how long you fly towards the wall the distance to the mountain never increases. At the same time none of our instruments or data indicate that there is a wall. Its like everything goes through except people and objects.
The entire space is constantly filled with light. The source of this light is not visible but is directional. We did realize from the shadows that are cast on the mountain that the light source is at a 45 degree angel between the top of the sphere and the equator. The top of the sphere can be determined by where the mountain peak points towards. The light source circles around the sphere exactly every twelve earth hours. This means the mountain always has one side that is covered by shadows and one in the light. The light is bright enough to see, but not as bright as Earths sun.
The climate of the dimension surprisingly stable. The temperature is almost constant in every part of the sphere and gradually goes down from bottom to top. The average temperature at the bottom is around 15° Celsius with the lowest temperature at the top is -15° Celsius.
Unlike the climate the weather can be very chaotic and unpredictable. There are strong winds, thunderstorms and rain that constantly change without any detectable pattern. How this chaos can exist in the sphere is a complete mystery to us. Every time we start to see a pattern in the data we collected there is something that breaks if up again. What that something is we have no idea. Not even a hypothesis really.
Collisions & Dimensional Rifts
We have very little understanding on how these rifts appear or what they are. All we know is that we can travel through them and that they remain for a while. We call it collisions, but we don't really know if that is even what is happening. Under our understanding of physics it really shouldn't happen.
The collisions with Earth create between three to five rifts that are stable and big enough for a small aircraft to fly through. They appear in at a random location above the Adirondack Mountains. So far we have not been able to make a pattern of the appearances since we started recording them. As there are many old stories related to the thunder birds in many parts of North America we theorize that the rifts used to open up in different locations in the past. When the rifts are opened they stay open for a few days each time. This makes it not so difficult to make sure that we return on time to not be stuck there.
Other Worlds
We did not have a chance to properly study the rifts to other worlds so far. We have confirmed that there are rifts in the pocket that definitely do not lead back to Earth. These rifts are very different from the ones formed when they connect to Earth. They are much shorter, smaller and less stable overall. This is why sending someone through would be a one way trip. We will try to get a drone to fly through one but their range is limited and we only have so many resources. So we don't want to just throw away a drone. But it is something we want and need to explore further in the future.
Exploring the pocket dimension has been difficult. Access to the dimension is determined only by the appearance of the rifts. They don't appear perfectly so we sometimes just wait a few days with everything ready and then have to rush to the place where the rifts opened. The second issue is that the rifts are always in the sky and just appear somewhere in the air of the sphere inside. So planes are really the only way to get in there. Technically a helicopter could work too, but its risky with the difficult weather situation inside of the pocket. Luckily we had no major accidents yet. The biggest problem however is that we can't actually land on the mountain. We have deployed a bunch of rovers and have managed to retrieve some samples with drones, but for the most part we just rely on aerial photos and other measurements from the plane to conduct our research.
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Thunderbird are go!!!!!