Corporal L'huuna "Luna" P'hascarian

Level 1 Mermaid NG Paladin
10 / 12 HP

A guffawing, ex-marine mer-"maid" with a heart of gold and crimson fins. L'huna is the First Mate of the Second Chance, and never misses an opportunity for a joke, a beer and a good time.

Campaign & Party

The Femme Fatales

Mademoiselle L'huuna
Run by Janet
Played by
Janet Forbes

Hi, thanks for stopping by! I'm Janet Forbes. With Dimitris, I founded the World Anvil platform to help others (and myself) write novels, build worlds and run Tabletop Roleplaying Games! I'm also a published fantasy author and the game designer of "The Dark Crystal RPG" (Riverhorse games and Jim Henson Company) and for Kobold Press, Infinite Black and others! <3

Thu 13th Jun 2019 06:09

Session 2

by Corporal L'huuna "Luna" P'hascarian

Missed session 2 live? Check it out here:

Tried to pray and meditate this morning, but just ended up thinking up new words to “What shall we do with the Undead Kraken” instead… I wonder if it gets easier? If I’m even on the right path. Maybe I should have just given up like they said, but… I guess I’ve given up giving up. Besides, she spoke to me. I’m sure of it.
Anyhow, the day’s been quiet for the most part. I helped out Indigo in the infirmary. I don’t know much about human anatomy, but generally when they’re leaking that’s a bad thing. For all I’m terrible at meditating, I can still do that thing with the turquoise glow that fixes people. That’s got to be a good sign, right?
And I like Indigo, it’s fun to talk with her. She’s a weird one, but I like her. Not your typical snoot-in-the-air elf, like the ones who never played with other kids at the embassies. In fact, I don’t think Indigo’s ever been typical in her life. But she’s a good sort. She seems a little sad about the ship, that’s all. But we’ll fix her up somehow. We’ll find the money, and Jagsy’ll find the way.
Well, we’re shooting into Saltmarsh and Victor has us cut the line attaching us to that trumped up human military ship. Looks like we’ll be crawling the rest of the way in. I’ll get the crew ready.
We need to get him a kelp moustache. Or a really big hat. Or something. Victor’s already announced himself to the world, and that means we’re in trouble. How much yet I don’t know.
We limped into dock and no one paid us much mind (that flashy human rig took all the eyes). And that would have been great. Except that Victor has to go and introduce himself to Mad Jim, the dockmaster. And if what Victor told me in those slow days of convalescence is even half true, then he’s not going to be welcomed back. He used to be a very bad person. Before. And they don’t know the new Victor like I do.
Well, Flick shot off AGAIN. I’m starting to think he only exists to cause trouble. He’s not much for helping out the crew. Doesn’t talk to any of us. Doesn’t even join in with karaoke. I’ll have a word with him at some point. It’s not good for morale, a loner like that.
And Indigo disappeared too, but that I can live with. She was chasing the wind or some such. I mean, there was some leafy nonsense going on that didn’t look too natural - but on the land, who knows what's normal? Besides, she’ll be back. She loves the ship too much to be gone for long.
You know, I’m starting to think that Jagsy might be sweet on her. He gave her his food. His actual food. I’ve never seen him pass off vittals unless he’s been at knife point… and then, only by Chef Namey, and that only because Namey’ll make it into something better. I think it’s kind of cute. Of course, their children would be terrifying...
And he’s not the only one. That First Lieutenant Tarquin asked to have his best regards left for her too, before we got rid of him and his crew back to his dad Admiral Tarquin. And earned a tidy 600 gold in the process. It won’t make a dent in Victor’s debt, but it’ll go some way to fixing the ship, for sure.
Any way, Victor’s acting weird. Really weird. Now he’s taking us off to some place called the Empty Net. He mentioned it before, but I’ve not been there. The whole of Saltmarsh looks like it’s got a lick of paint thrown over it. It stinks less than it used to, and there’s less garbage in the streets. But Victor’s wound tight as a bow string, and he won’t even let me talk to him. Barked me off when I tried. I don’t like it. There’s something he’s not told me. How can I have his back if he won’t tell me what we’re up against?
Eighteen thousand. EIGHTEEN. THOUSAND. GOLD. It’s a sum of money that doesn’t even exist - it’s a nonsense amount.
It’s Victor’s debt to Gellen Primewater.
Turns out the son of a goblin shark bought Victor’s debt. Then added a bounty. Then sent out some ships at his own expense to find Victor. The man’s clearly a lunatic to think that made financial sense - even I can see that. But this isn’t about money any more. This must be personal. But I don’t know why.
Kreb and Maureen - they own the Empty Net - are willing to put us up. And if Chef Namey’ll work there, we’ll get a good deal from them. But it feels like Victor’s trying to tie up loose ends. Making his will, so to speak.
But he seems to have forgotten. I’ve given up giving up. And I’m not done fighting yet.


L'huuna's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session 1
    03 Jun 2019 11:21:15
  2. Session 2
    13 Jun 2019 06:09:40

The major events and journals in L'huuna's history, from the beginning to today.

Killed an undead Kraken.!

I killed an undead Kraken. AND I didn't die!

06:26 pm - 27.11.2019

This guy tried to read my fortune today. I'd say he did MEDIUM at best! HAH! :D

06:25 pm - 27.11.2019

I can't believe this thing still floats!

06:24 pm - 27.11.2019

[b]Do infant mer-folk float?[/b][br] Well... my parents had me float behind them with kelp around my ankles being dragged around like a balloon .... It was fun, until they realised the things I could do!

09:11 pm - 22.06.2019

Session 2

[i]Missed session 2 live? Check it out here:[/i] [youtube: ] [hr] [p]Tried to pray and meditate this morning, but just ended up thinking up new words to “What shall we do with the Undead Kraken” instead… I wonder if it gets easier? If I’m even...

12:19 pm - 03.06.2019

Just wrote the journal for session one! Check it out on my journal page, or just click here!

11:39 am - 03.06.2019

*Pokes wounded sailor* Did someone precooked these?

09:23 pm - 01.06.2019

it's raining unicorns and men!

09:21 pm - 01.06.2019

@indigodiomedea just thrown some serious shade at @Jagger-jaw "Shipwright, more like Shipwrong!"

09:11 pm - 01.06.2019

It's late night Karaoke time!

10:31 pm - 25.05.2019

Just rolled a potential ship name from the #GhostsofSaltmarsh book - apparently when I get my own ship I'm gonna call it..... THE MISTY MERMAID! :D *dies laughing* #RiseoftheKraken

12:36 pm - 25.05.2019

And then I said to @VictorSalt "OH MY GOD - THERE'S A LEEK IN THE BOAT!"

11:47 am - 25.05.2019

Hey Captain, why won't you share your grog? is it 'cos you're..... SHELLFISH?!?!?!?!?

05:31 pm - 24.05.2019


05:33 pm - 23.05.2019

Soon I will be less squishy......

08:54 pm - 22.05.2019

My First Journal

Once upon a time there was a little fish-girl called L'huuna... [quote] That's Corporal Fishlegs to you | L'huuna P'hascarian [/quote] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mi tortor, tristique vitae lacus non, consequat ege...

07:38 pm - 22.05.2019

This is totally my theme tune right now.... [youtube:]

07:37 pm - 22.05.2019

Promoted to Corporal

Yup, that's CORPORAL Fishlegs to you ;) OK, so this happened a while ago - a girl's got a right to be proud!

05:28 pm - 22.05.2019

Just stopped in port to get my hair re-done and an artist painted my picture - OMG I totally love it and these pics! You might say I'm...... BUZZED! :D <3 #punlife #GhostsofSaltmarsh #RiseoftheKraken

11:50 am - 22.05.2019

Heroes is sooooooo good on mobile devices! This is going to make tabletop gaming so much quick! #Heroes

08:12 am - 20.05.2019

L'huuna joins the ranks of Heroes!

L'huuna enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

08:16 pm - 16.05.2019
Played by
Janet Forbes

Hi, thanks for stopping by! I'm Janet Forbes. With Dimitris, I founded the World Anvil platform to help others (and myself) write novels, build worlds and run Tabletop Roleplaying Games! I'm also a published fantasy author and the game designer of "The Dark Crystal RPG" (Riverhorse games and Jim Henson Company) and for Kobold Press, Infinite Black and others! <3

Other Characters by Janet