Kingdom of Raoulin

The Country founded by the High Lamia, forerunner of Zheng-Kitaran culture


Sitting atop the government of Raoulin is the God-Queen Kyra Aenai, though not in the way many might think - though she once held absolute control over all aspects of the country's government, after the purges that cleansed the country's nobility around the year 3600 ASK she has since retreated from the public eye to her massive, sprawling Palace in the capital city. She has since relinquished much of the control she once had, and championed the creation of The Iris Council which rules in her stead - and unlike many other nations with absolute rulers who form such councils yet retain control for themselves, Kyra Aenai has all but fully relinquished her power to this Council(Better known by its unofficial title The Circle of Six though even against her own wishes she retains overwhelming influence in Raoulish politics due to her overwhelmingly beloved status in the public eye and her own people who value her own input so highly that even unofficially, a suggestion from the God-Queen is treated as a borderline command - yet, it is worth noting that this influences comes mostly against her own wishes and is a result of her people's undying affection for her. In modern times, she rarely leaves her palace - only emerging for official holidays and for other important events.   The nobility of Raoulin, though it has waned in recent years, still holds formidable power after the God-Queen Kyra Aenai has retreated from the public eye and ceded her broad powers to The Iris Council - a move which has ironically only intensified the high-handed political backdealing that was once so pervasing throughout Raoulish Society, as nobles scheme and battle in quiet corners to earn more influence with both The Council and their precious God-Queen, all in the hopes of earning a much-coveted Writ of Royal Entry that allows they who bear it entry into Kyra Aenai's secluded and typically off-limits Palace.  

Classes of Raoulish Nobility

  • Nobility of the Blade - Those who fall under this category are typically those who are nobles either hereditarily or are those who achieved their station by swearing oaths of fealty and performing military service for the God-Queen.
  • Nobility of the Robe - Those who fall under this category are those who were made nobles by way of holding certain official stations or charges, like treasurers, court viziers, or the like.
  Additionally, nobles are generally distinguished by another category - the age of their status and how far back their nobility can be traced. For the common populace and even general law, this distinction is mostly meaningless - but among the ranks of Raoulish Nobility they mean everything.  
  • Old Nobility - These nobles were the ones whose lines can be traced back before the year 3600, before the system of nobility was cleaned, reworked, and overhauled by the government. These lines are the best of the best, and survived the purge of the nobility in 3600 ASK - to hold the status of "Old Nobility" is an honor beyond compare that gives one overwhelming influence in Raoulish Politics.
  • Nobility through Invitation - This refers to all whose nobility starts at or after the year 3600, after the Letters of Invitiation were coined by the government to help keep the ranks of the nobility select and worthy. This is the larger and most commonplace rank of nobility, and is where most of the nobility in the common day comes from.

Titles and Ranks

  There are two kinds of titles used by Raoulish nobles - personal ranks, and titles of station linked to their owned lands. These are used to provide an organized hierarchy, but are not the sole deciding factor - for the Raoulish nobles, seniority, alliances, offices held as well as their illustrations(record of deeds and achievements) all play a critical role in determining hierarchy. However, to the uninitiated, these provide a basis for the hierarchy.   Additionally, there is a notion of "The Great Officers" - these are the highest ranks of Raoulish society who typically serve on The Iris Council which runs the countr with the authority once vested in the God-Queen. Also known as some of the most powerful individuals in the country. They are all considered part of the "High Nobility"(See Below).   Titles:  
  • God-Queen - The rank held by Kyra Aenai alone. Though she once run the country personally in times long past, she has since retired from public office and has relinquished most of her governing rights to the Circle of Six, maintaining a great deal of unofficial sway in the country's politics through the High Master but otherwise remaining in her enormous, sprawling Palace most of the time emerging only on important holidays or public events.
  • Duke - The rank held by those in charge of one of the 5 major cities in the Kingdom as well as all its surrounding lands(Referred to as a Duchy). There are only ever 5 at any given time, one for each city including the capital. They are recognized by the God-Queen and recieve actual, legal power from her.
  • Count - The rank held by those in charge of a section of land for their ruling Marquis. Typically rules several villages and a town or city.
  • Marquis - The rank held by those in charge of a town or city and the surrounding lands(Referred to as a Marquisate, or Border Territory), ruling under one of the Dukes. In practice, they are somewhat of similar station to a Viscount in terms of land owned but are held in a regard similar to a Count due to the dangers of running a Border Territory.
  • Viscount - The rank held by those in charge of a section of land for their ruling Count. Typically rules several villages and/or a small town.
  • Baron - The rank held by those in charge of a section of land for their ruling Viscount. They typically rule one village from a nearby castle.
  • High Master/Mistress - Head of the God-Queen's Estate and her personal steward. Holds absolute and unchallenged authority unofficially due to their status as the direct "Voice" of the God-Queen, who typically does not make public appearances anymore - officially, they serve as a sit-in on the Circle of Six to officiate the topics of each meeting, the discussions, and serving as an all-important tiebreaker in case the Circle is divided. Unlike the Circle of Six's members, the High Master's identity is not hidden from the general public - making them a notable, extremely influential figure in the public eye.
  • The Iris Council - Also known as the "Circle of Six", they are the collective rulers of the Kingdom who make most of the policies and day-to-day decisions of the kingdom. They are appointed by the God-Queen via the High Master, and rule as the country's official governing body - each of the six holding absolute sway over a different aspect of the kingdom(Military, Esoterica, Economy, Infrastructure, Public Relations, and Art). Each of the six hold the rank of "Great Officer" and bear a unique title(Such as the Lord Director, Master of Raoulish Art and Culture). In addition, each of the members of the circle have an extremely coveted "Writ of Royal Entry" that allows the one who bears it to call upon the High Master to earn passage into the Palace of the God-Queen for whatever reason they so choose. Their identities are not released to the general public to prevent retaliation and to preserve the status of the God-Queen as the "Face" of the country - a choice of the Circle's making long ago in the interest of national security.
  • Lord Chancellor - The unofficial Seventh member of the Iris Council, who occupies a unique position on the council - they are charged with attending each meeting of the Council to help guide discussion on topics pertaining to law and are responsible for overseeing all matters of Raoulish Law and wield total control of the Judicial System. They effectively serve as a "translator" for what the Council wishes to accomplish to help them best translate any directive or desire into a proper legal matter. They are legally one of the "Great Officers" and are thus believed to be aware of the council's identities, but do not have their identity hidden to help their role as "Go-between" for the Council and all the country below them - thus meaning they have the best protection afforded to any noble in Raoulin. Unlike the other Great Officers, their position is entirely voluntary and does not afford them a "Writ of Royal Passage" - though they are often summoned to the Palace by the High Master for various legal discussions, and hold the High Master's ear more closely than others of the Council.
  • Peer - A unique rank used by the Raoulish Nobility, given exclusively to the oldest and most powerful noble families, direct descendants of the God-Queen, and to those who perform exemplary service to Raoulin. One of the greatest badges of honor that can be awarded in Raoulin, these individuals are entitled to a seat in the meetings of the Circle of Six(Though even they are not privvy to the circle's identities) to offer their opinions on the various topics of the day and weigh in on matters of state. Most notably, they are also the only beings outside of the Circle of Six given the "Writ of Royal Entry" that allows them to call upon the High Master and request entry into the Palace of the God-Queen. For this reason alone, the rank is highly coveted and intensely fought over.
  • Marshall - The rank officially below the Great Officers that serve upon the Iris Council - relatively few in number, the Marshalls serve as the sub-commanders for the various disciplines of Raoulish Society governed by the Great Officers; each of the six governmental branches typically have their own unique name for this role, but the idea remains the same - in the military the Marshalls each control a Grand Batallion of the Raoulish Military, in the Economic Branch they manage the finances of entire swathes of the country, and so on.
  • Chevalier - A rank for an otherwise untitled nobleman or noblewoman who belongs to an Order of Chivalry or Trade Union. Slightly above the Knight, as they have undergone a "Dubbing Ceremony" where they are touched on the head and shoulders and thus given their title by the God-Queen(Or more commonly, the High Master). Highly respected, they are best described to those unfamiliar with Raoulish Culture as "Legendary Figures who embody an aspect of society", not simply military ones; Chevaliers of Public Infrastructure may be a notable engineer, A Chevalier of Law a legendary Inquisitor or Lawman, and so on. They are often sent along on diplomatic missions of all sorts or in any situation where showcasing the "best of raoulish society" is something that is needed. They are beloved paragons of Raoulish Society, and bear a unique feather-adornment in their hair or on their person alongside a unique rapier as proof of their station.
  • Knight - A rank for an otherwise untitled nobleman or noblewoman who belongs to an Order of Chivalry or Trade Union. Unlike the higher-ranking Chevalier, they have not undergone the Dubbing Ceremony. Like the higher-ranking Chevalier however, they are not limited to merely the military - a Knight may serve under any of the six branches of Raoulish Government from military to art, and simply denotes excellence in their field rather than strictly military excellence.
  • Lord - The lowest rank in the nobility, which the vast majority of untitled nobles were given. Could be bestowed for owning a property that confers a noble rank, by entering basic knighthood/military service to become a squire beneath a knight, etc. Once referred to military exclusively, but has come to be synonymous with "Nobleman" or "Gentleman". Like all titles above it, confers the honorific of "Ser" or "Sir" for males and "Dame" or "Lady" for females.

Raoulish Societal Ranks

  To summarize all above information, below is a list of the broad categories of Raoulish Society, to categorize the above information.  
  • High Nobility - Refers to the High Master/Mistress, Great Officers, the Marshalls, the Lord Chancellor, Peers, and the Dukes. While not entirely above reproach, they do enjoy significant protections and easements under Raoulish law. The mere act of accusing one for a crime is a serious, national offense that can earn jail time if done wantonly and without proof.
  • Nobility - Refers to the rest of the Titled Nobles, Chevaliers, Knights, and Lords. They are afforded special privileges under Raoulish Law and are somewhat exempt from taxes, fees, punishments, and the like to a certain degree.
  • Peasantry - Refers to the vast majority of Raoulish citizens, who lack a title or rank. They are afforded full citizenship and thus full rights under Raoulish law.
  • Déchet(Day-shet) - The lowest rung of Raoulish society, who are afforded few rights. While not strictly slaves(As Raoulin does not condone slavery), it is a place where all prisoners and offenders of the law are relegated, and during wartime, where prisoners of war are put in society. They are not allowed to exist outside of "ownership"(Though the term confers improper meaning) - some full citizen of Raoulin must take "ownership" of them, and thus responsibility for their actions; rarely are those of this rank truly "Owned" so much as they are "managed" by one who bears responsibility for them, more akin to Indentured Servitude than actual slavery. They are afforded few rights beyond the most basic of decent and dignify rights(Such as to food, water, and a healthy life), and are typically put to work in mines or on other labor projects for the empire, loaned out en masse to farmers and the working class, or given to the Nobility as in-house workers or servants. The title is not transferred to children - children born to one are made Peasants under Raoulish law. Finally, it is more a punishment than a symbol of slavery or mark of death- one can, if one works hard and dutifully, work off their debt or punishment and be allowed back to society.


The culture of Raoulin is one of deep appreciation for fine food and drink and all the Culinary arts - as one of the most cultured nations in the world when it comes to food culture, Raoulish are very picky and knowledgable about such things. They are also deeply appreciative and knowledge about clothing and fashion, as both are big parts of their everyday lives - fashion, fancy dress, food, drink, and how one carries themselves are all crucial parts of Raoulish culture and society, from the lowest peasant to the highest noble.   They are also a bit xenophobic, but only minorly - they simply have deep ingrained pride in their way of life, their food, clothing, and culture, and dislike outsiders coming in and besmirching it with ignorant attempts to make it their own.   For more information on their culture, see the page for the Raoulish ethnicity.


Born out of the chaos of the Age of Apostasy, the Kingdom of Raoulin was formed after the God Queen of the High Lamia, Kyra Aenai, had a change of heart and saw the ways of the spirit kings - converted to the ways of Zheng-Kitar, she went on a crusade to rid the land of her corrupt sisters who refused to convert with her, cleansing the land of their presence until only those who had remained true to her and her newly found peaceful ways remained.   Now free of her old ways of slaughter and genocide, Kyra Aenai soon formed the Kingdom of Raoulin out of the renmants of the enclaves she conquered of her kin - a kingdom dedicated to giving her people a safe and peaceful place to settle down and start a new life, free from the genocidal shackles of her people's past. Ever since, it has stood as a bastion to those who would seek to escape the shackles of their past and live a normal life - even the occasional Orc comes to Raoulin to live a normal life, burdened by their Blood-Curse as they might be.

Demography and Population

Most of the population of Raoulin is made up of Lamia and High Lamia, with other monstrous races like Bomujeo and Guīmogoa, being somewhat common as well. Humanoid races like Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and more common races are the least common here, for the simple fact that few can stand to live alongside monsters, though more have begun immigrating in recent years.   Most notably, Orcs are extremely common in Raoulin - and are thus perhaps the second or third most populous race in the country as the nation has famously positioned itself as a haven for Orcs of all tribes to come and find peaceful lives.


Raoulin's military is formidable but as not as extensive as some of its neighbors - they maintain a healthy amount of chilvalric orders(Professional Soldiers), and unlike most all other countries on Zheng-Kitar, their military is 100% professional and based solely in the Knight and Chivalric Orders that dot their country. This makes their military small in number, but extremely formidable in terms of power - though many would assume the strength of their military would lie in the fact the mighty High Lamia serve as the country's main defense force, this is actually untrue; the High Lamia tend to hold the more pacifistic views of their God-Queen Kyra Aenai at heart and thus serve mostly in The Dawnwatch, the Royal Guard that guards the Palace of the God-Queen against intruders.   A more in-depth of the country's military is listed below.  
  • The Dawnwatch: The Elite Fighting force of Raoulin, and Royal Guard that personally serves at the behest of Kyra Aenai - notably, they do not take orders from or recognize the authority of The Iris Council. Once a point of contention, the organization which pre-dates the forming of Raoulin itself(And is said to have roots in the Aenorian Royal Guard which once guarded the High Lamia Goddess herself long ago) has settled into its current role of guarding the God-Queen's palace. Formal and Professional, they rigorously guard the titanic Palace Complex in which Kyra Aenai spends much of her eternal life - which is notably considered sovereign, independent territory by Raoulin which the Dawnwatch are fully vested and authorized to defend with deadly force if any, even citizens of Raoulin, intrude upon without proper authorization. Though one of the greatest and most elite Superheavy Infantry units on all of Zheng-Kitar, they rarely enter active combat.
  • The Suncrushers: The most legendary and famous of all the military units in Raoulin, heroes one and all who are beloved the nation over for their deeds and storied history stretching back to near the country's founding. An all-Orc military unit, the Suncrushers are a mixed squadron of Orcs of all tribal heritages that places emphasis on excellence, professionalism, and absolute unflinching loyalty to not only Raoulin, but to Kyra Aenai who they view as their savior, beloved queen, or even mother for her role in championing the various "Orc Refuge Laws" that allowed their species such generous protections under the law and allowances for their curse. They serve as a flexible Shocktrooper Unit that roams to various battlefields or theaters of war where the fighting is thickest - throwing themselves into the most brutal and bloody melees to prove their valor time and again. They very proudly feature rainbow and sun designs on their armor and heraldry to honor Kyra Aenai and the country which gave them a home.
  • The Orders: The various chivalric orders of the land which many of the land's professional soldiers bear markings of - each their own expansive martial academy and live-in soldiering school run by a noble family or powerful Chevalier of the Crown, the Orders do much to maintain Raoulin's professional soldier culture; accepting children of nobility at young ages and those with no where else to go and putting them to use in the defense of Crown and Country with rigorous training standards that turn even the lowliest rube into a hardened warrior. Each tends to have its own fighting style or signature weapon.
  • The Watch: The simply-named yet hyper-dangerous organization which serves as the Raoulish Civil Defence Force and Town Guard, staffed almost exclusively by High Lamia who serve as a quite pacifistic guard force - using their incredible racial power to gulp down offenders into sprawling Extraplanar Stomachs where entire prison complexes lay built, keeping offenders off the streets until sentences are served, whereupon they are regurgitated back onto the streets a bit traumatized, but no worse for wear. They are one of the largest contributing factors to Raoulin's low crime rate, and their powerful military - because the homefront is so well defended, the professional soldiers of the land can give their all to defending its borders against invaders. Famously, they have a fairly strict code of ethics that prevents them from striking first in any conflict, as well as from taking a life no matter how serious the circumstances.
  Other military forces exist, and are not mentioned here - they are simply too numerous to list solely within this report and are thus omitted for brevity.


Freedom of Religion is one of the rights exercised by all citizens of Raoulin - there is no central state religion, though the most powerful and plentiful ones are the churches of the twin elemental lords of light, Amnasol, The Lambent Overlord and Vidixath, Lady of Luminescence - the faith of the Spirit King of Light Guanyong is popular in Raoulin as a whole, and the followings of the two Elemental Lords of Light and their Saints are the two biggest faiths in the country, as the people of Raoulin consider the God-Queen Kyra Aenai to be a divinely chosen monarch, and direct emissary of Guanyong. The sun, therefore, is a very popular symbol used on Raoulish architecture and garments.

Foreign Relations

Raoulin, as a peaceful nation not predisposed to violence, only reacts to violence when it is done upon them. They have neutral relations with all of their neighbors aside from The Danzou Theocracy, who they are on terrible terms with in a near-eternal Cold War.

Agriculture & Industry

Raoulin's agriculture is enough to sustain itself and then some - it produces a great surplus of crops from its yearly output that allows them to export it for a profit.   Additionally, its textile and clothing industry is absolute booming and is by and large its biggest industry aside from its food and drink - the textile mills of Raoulin is where the world's softest and finest cloths are made, and the sheer volume that the country can produce leads some to believe that the way they do so is utterly supernatural. Regardless of the mysterious means, their textile industry is their greatest asset, followed only closely by their fine food and drink, whose ingredients and even full dishes are exported to other countries by far off nobles and kings and queens.

Trade & Transport

The roads of Raoulin are top-notch well-laid cobblestone, which allows for goods and people to move around quickly inside its borders.


Education is a standard to nobles in Raoulin, but a certain degree of education is given to even the peasantry, especially the homeless and destitute - many reducation programs targeted towards the homeless and destitute are aimed to get them productive again and contributing to society.

Born anew, as one.

Founding Date
3118 ASK
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Land of Monsters
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
The official currency of Raoulin is the Saltsheet, coined by the The Gāngtao Migrant Fleet. As one of the only central continent nations with ready access to a river that reaches the ocean, they officially adopted the Saltsheet as their official currency in an alliance with the fleet.
Major Exports
Cloth, Textiles, Food and Drink, Qiweave, Marble, Stone
Major Imports
Metal, Exotic Foods, Specialty Metals and Materials
Legislative Body
The Iris Council maintains the right to write the rules and laws of the Kingdom of Raoulin.
Judicial Body
Absolute Judicial Power rests with the Lord Marshall - once of the Great Officers who holds command over the entire Raoulish Judicial System. In a broader sense, the High Court of Raoulin is the ultimate judicial body in the country.
Executive Body
The Iris Council is granted the right to enforce the laws that they pass into motion.
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

A nation of monsters

Despite its high standard of living and cutting-edge cuisine, architecture, and clothing, Raoulin stands as a nation few can stand to live in because of its unusual denizens and strange customs - as a nation founded by the High Lamia many centuries ago, it has become home for them and their lesser descendants, the Lamia, ever since its inception long ago. And though these enormous snake-women are not the country's only residents, they are the most numerous - meaning that though they have for the most part found a place as a relatively nonviolent people, their reputation and monstrous appearance means that their nation has mostly attracted the attention of other monstrous people who wish to live a similarly nonviolent life, far away from the bigots who would kill them for their mere nature.   So, with a majority of the population made up of all manner of monsters, it is little wonder that relatively few more normal humanoid races can be found here living on a permanent basis - the notion of living beside monsters beneath the rule of the country's eternal ruler, the High Lamia God Queen, means most come here as tourists to sample the wonderful cuisine and try out the beautiful clothes. However, for those who can stomach settling down beside monsters, one will find it a fairly wonderful place to live where relative peace and safety is assured - so long as one follows the relatively strict rules and abide the close watch of the God-Queen in one's life at all times. Otherwise, one might spend time in the rather unique jail system of Raoulin - a place none desire to be for long.

Close Allies

Perhaps expectedly, the two countries on Zheng-Kitar run by divine beings have become extremely close to one another as time has gone on - Kyra Aenai and Amenmeses Ra-sen Shakanasa I have gotten along splendidly ever since the first of Tarthus-Tetsu's extraordinarily lavish treasure fleets arrived in Raoulin's ports, offering extremely generous gifts in exchange for comparatively humble and reasonable trade deals and offers of alliance.   Though initially welcomed with suspicion, Tarthus-Tetsu's envoys and their Pharaoh who led them met with the God-Queen of Raoulin and quickly hit it off as none had quite done before with her, who made their first and ONLY alliance in their nation's entire history with the formal ratification of the two nations' alliance into treaty form. Ever since, the two have become incredibly close, and supported each other economically, socially, and militarily - making them a Power Duo that none have dared to attack for fear of provoking the two mightiest nations on the planet. Though unconfirmed, it is also believed that the two rules support each other personally as well - acting as very close friends as otherwise lonely beings isolated by their own immense power and semi-divinity.


The two countries of the Coalition and Raoulin have been neutral since almost day one - neither side is the type to provoke, so they have sat side by side as nonhostile trading partners and amicable enough allies for decades and even centuries.

Peaceful and Friendly

Though they do not quite share a border, the barbarians of Kassau have formed a tense bond with the lands of Raoulin - the two lands quickly bonded over their female-centric societies(Though Raoulin is much less so), and thanks to Raoulin's progressive culture and dislike for imperialism and expansion, the two powers agreed to non-interference and made a peace agreement that has lasted ever since it was forged a century ago.   Additionally, though unconfirmed, it is believed that since both countries hold an immense dislike for the Danzou Theocracy, there have been talks of an alliance to crush them, but nothing has been finalized yet.

Tense but Nonaggressive

Though the Theocracy took the city of Valennin some centuries prior in an Offensive which resulted in the death of Kyra Aenai's only daughter at the time, the two countries have not devolved into open warfare for mostly one simple reason - after the offensive, neither side wished to pay the toll it would take in lives to finish the fight.   So, they now sit in a cold war of sorts, trying to scheme and goad the other side into starting the war anew so they can use it as a Casus Belli to launch a pre-emptive strike that will hopefully claim victory in the war.


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