wow that's a lot of stars
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18 November 3228

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wow that's a lot of stars


The Laws of wow that's a lot of stars


The key difference between our world and the setting of wow that's a lot of stars is the existence of the metadimension. This higher-order continuum exists alongside our liveable dimension. Energy from the metadimension bleeds into liveable world, and with proper precautions, matter can be sent through metadimensional space.
Space Travel
Metadimensional pathways don't align with real-world distances. They can allow a ship to cross the galaxy in days, but may keep a stellar neighbor impossibly far away.   Pathways are dangerous to uncover and can shift over time. Industries of explorers seek new and better pathways, to the chagrin of mapmakers who'd prefer if things stayed the same.  
Some people develop the ability to channel metadimensional energy through their minds. Initially considered a fatal disease, it can cause brain damage, death, and even worse fates.   If controlled and used carefully, however, it can allow for superhuman feats like reading minds, seeing the future, and flight. Today, this ability is called psionics.  


Principal Geography & Features

Planetary Geography

Most habited planets are alike in their day/night cycles, temperature range, and variety of biomes, but there are exceptions. Xeros is orbitally-locked with its star, and all civilization on it resides on the dark half bathed in perpetual night. Torm has no solid ground above sea level, and cities exist on the backs of massive sea creatures. Talmar is significantly colder than other planets in the sector, and Kuwei's toxic atmosphere necessitates biodomes for habitation.   The sector map displays metadimensional closeness of planets for transit purposes. While maps of actual location do exist, they're rarely used except by those in relevant fields of study.  
Sector Map
The hex map of this galactic sector. Positions of planets indicate access via known metadimensional pathways, not physical proximity.

Initial Active Setting