wow that's a lot of stars
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wow that's a lot of stars

Novels & Series

When I read novels, I'm typically studying them to learn how to be a better writer. However, when running games, I need to think less like a writer and more like a director. As a writer, I control every detail and every character. I can plant seeds that only blossom how and when I want. As GM, I want to relinquish some of that control and give it to my players. I need to be intentional about what ideas I bring in from novels and what form they take in my games.  
by Kim Stanley Robinson
An imagining of a distant future in which we can visit other planets in our solar system. More worldbuilding than plot, what's primarily stuck with me is all the silly little things humans did with the technology they created.
by Nnedi Okorafor
So much of this trilogy has stuck with me. From Binti's determination despite her family's reservations, to the isolation of being different from everyone around you, to coping with changes you didn't expect.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
by Douglas Adams
The satire, the imagination, and just how human everything is will never stop being inspirational. For tabletop, the radio show is particularly great to learn how to convey info in an audio-only format.

RPG Guides

I mentioned James D'Amato under Imagery and had to recommend his books here. I've read two so far and they've been incredible sources of ideas for how to improve my games. The advice is entirely system- and genre-agnostic, so can be applied to any game. Even if not all the tools work for you, they'll give you plenty to think about.
The Ultimate RPG Game Master's Worldbuilding Guide
Targeted toward GMs building their own settings for their games.
The Ultimate RPG Gameplay Guide
Targeted toward GMs and players alike to make their characters come alive and give the game more personal meaning.