The Broxceous Species in World of Arsteria | World Anvil

The Broxceous

Strange, misshapened humanoids with fanged mouths and a single horn protruding from their forehead. They have a strong appreciation and devotion amongst their eldest to the arts of "Divination".

Basic Information


Two arms, Two legs, Four eyes, and increased strength of both form and skeletal structure.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction with compatiblity to other humanoid species.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Their society places a heavy emphasis on the preservation of Knowledge, though that does not occupy the majority of their time. The local enviornment causes an extreme need for the defensive and warrior specialities amongst them. They follow a single Goddess and have documentation in variations of their language dating back to nearly the dawn of time.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Due to their origins, the species stay typically in the desert as their body is more acclimitized to the dangers and extremes of the enviornment.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch, Smell, Magical connection, acclimation to the desert and its myriad dangers & extremes.
Average Height
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