Colviv Species in Wasteland Of Ohm | World Anvil


One of the Dreamer Species, the Colviv are beetle-like humanoids who’s existence remains an enigma. However thanks to the all recent encounters with Doctor Shod it has become clear what this species was truly like in life rather than the myths of a time long past. Thanks to rudimentary tools discovered near their remains which contained Ontologite, it can be inferred that they were capable of Electrokinesis.

Basic Information


These people once had a body plan that resembled a large, but stout humanoid with two arms and two legs. The central body was wrapped in a strong carapace exoskeleton with their arms and legs locking into the body like well-made plate armor.  Their shoulders were always broad with females having only slightly enlarged hips, with the arms and of the Colviv being extremely thick for their size with large four-fingered hands and feet that consisted of only a single toe. Fossiles of these people show them to have been intimidating people, keeping their imposing appearance clear to all who see them.    While the special biological qualities of the Colviv are unknown, it can be reasonably guessed that they were sturdy people with extreme durability or strength. This imposing nature makes their faces less comforting, however. They were insectoid in nature with ridged plates lining the backs of their neck and top of their skull their mouth consisted of two upper mandibles and a lower jaw filled with sharp teeth that could open to nearly the width of a melon.   Thanks to the encounter with Doctor Shod it is now known that their eyes were reptilian in nature with a long verticle slit, black sclera, red iris, and glowing orange pupil. The distance between their eyes being nearly double that of the Awoken species.

Genetics and Reproduction

While the nature of their reproductive rituals is lost, dig sites have recovered large eggs and smaller-sized skeletons of their larger counterparts. Suggesting that they gave birth by laying eggs, most likely fertilized when outside the mother. Sadly the nature of their familial bonds is unknown to the Awoken.

Ecology and Habitats

Thanks to tablets found from the Age of Titans, Awoken researchers know that the world of Minerva was radically different from the way it is in the modern world. It was a barren wasteland before the forests regrew, and the world became green again. So through simple deduction, it can be assumed that the Colvivs liked this barren environment. How well they survived in it is unknown.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The mouth of the Colviv did not possess molars or other signs of herbivore behavior. This combined with the weapon-like nature of their tools makes many think they were carnivores as they showed no signs of having farmed or foraged for food.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

This species is the most common species of Dreamer found across the content of Plenumia. Being found in places in the far northern reaches of The Copper Mountains to the warm southern shores of Gold Wheat Fields. Despite this wide reach of their species only ten full skeletons have been recovered.

Average Intelligence

It is hard to tell just how intelligent the Colvivs were. While they are often found with tools made of Ontologite, these tools are often extremely crude. It is as if they understood the process to make Ontologite, but did not understand how to make more refined and proper tools and weapons. With things such as slings using bullets made of Red Ontologite, or daggers carved from toxic Yellow Ontologite.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyes are extra-large, once resting in broad skulls that allowed them to grow to a ridiculous size. The sheer size of these organs makes many scientists believe that the Colvivs were capable of seeing into the ultraviolet band of light.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The only commonality between the fossils that the Awoken do have, would be the unique carvings found in the carapaces of the Colvivs. It is understood that such carvings were a form of individual expression.


While their history is unkown, their impact on the Awoken is. The first skeleton of the Colviv was discovered during the Age of Fables, when the Awoken were first truly exploring Minerva. Found deep in the Amber Broadleaf Thicket, the locals took the fossils they discovered believing them to be the remains of those who defied The Man of Black Fire, and that they should be destroyed. Thankfully this was after they had joined Fields Union and a traveling monk of The Way of the Wood smuggled the bones out of the Thicket and to Gold Wheat Fields where they were furthered studied. Over the years as the Awoken entered the Age of Discovery, nine more sites were discovered across Plenumia, with seven of the sites being in the Classless Badlands where they were raided. The artifacts and fossils were sold to the most wealthy in Junction City, and now lost to history.   However soon a true marvel would happen, a living member of the Colvivs was discovered, Doctor Shod. However he announced his existence by kidnappings serval Mountain Strider women for his sect of Perfect Ones that he had fostered over a twenty year period. He was killed by the Ratnik Chalk, and his body was lost. Much of what is known of Colvivs comes from this encounter.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Only two relationships with the colvivs are known. The first is that of their relationship with the Feldis, as two of the sites found and saved have suggested violent encounters with the feline species. The second is their relationship with the Awoken. The only encounter being that of violence suggesting the Colviv are a violent species that were not able to co-exist with other sentient races.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Fossil records are protected by academic communities.
Average Height
5'6 to 6'5
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution


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