
To unravel the mysteries of the world, I must address one of the largest. Our ability to manipulate electrical current. While many Awoken consider it magic due to a lack of understanding, some like myself have spent time studying the subject. It is something that develops in everyone around the age of fourteen to sixteen and it grows stronger with age and experience. Its best described as a feeling of vibration or pressure within your chest and palms. These feelings are able to be called upon like how one controls a muscle, except with a sense that you can push it too far. If you are calling upon vibration, touching an object that is electrically conductive will result in an active current. If calling upon pressure, you will take electrical current into yourself. An individual can train this skill, and be able to do things such as call upon these feelings individually in different limbs, and on different parts of their body as well. Examples of those highly trained in electrokinesis are people who can call upon the feeling of pressure in one hand, vibration in the other, and neither in their chest. This is done to transfer the potential energy in something like a battery to a flashlight.


Though I describe it above as pressure, and vibration, that is a rather simplified way of explaining it. From my understanding, vibration is a positive electric charge, and pressure is a negative electric charge. With the feeling within our chest being a signifier if we are projecting, absorbing, or simply acting as a conduit for electrical current. Generally, the better one is at electrokinesis the more spectacular the display. However for most, it has no visual display, current doesn't carry well in the air after all. However the most useful aspect to all of this, is the ability to activate Ontologite.

Side/Secondary Effects

Though the concepts of electrokinesis are simple enough that many children grasp it before they enter puberty, there are other effects that apply to our gift.
  • We are immune to current we create, however, we are not immune to the effects it might have on the environment around.
  • We can absorb electrical energy, when we do we can project more electricity equal to what was absorbed. I don't have numbers for it, but I believe we can absorb about half of what we can naturally produce before we hurt ourselves.
  • We can lose our electrokinesis for a time from overexertion of it. The feeling of this is a sharp pain in one's chest. In rare cases some Awoken have lost the gift permanently by attempting to absorb too much electricity. This loss is often followed by death several weeks afterward. I would record how that feels but I've been lucky enough to never have lost someone because of this.


There is no visualization of electrokinesis's use, however, there is a dull smell of ozone when one is using it. However as one becomes more skilled with this ability the more brilliant the display, at least from what I've heard. Supposedly it's like that weird glass static ball that shoots electricity to your fingers when you touch it. Except its a lot louder and you can do it to things other than a stupid trinket I was obsessed with as a kid.


The real big question, as no one knows. We know its possibly related to the heart but that's about it. Its something I hope to uncover. As of right now, there are a couple of theories from different sources.
  • We of the Sand: They say that it is a gift that belongs to them but was stolen by the ancestors of the other factions. I think this explanation is, as my dad says, total bullshit.
  • Copper Mount Militia: Generally its the same belief as myself, which is that it is some form of natural function. For some reason, our bodies have this ability, most likely due to its aid in survival.
Hopefully one day I can uncover this mystery, as it would be the biggest discovery in Awoken history, and cement my place as an archaeologist.


Being a natural gift, we all have played with it as teenagers zapping each other, but its first mention in history is the Great Awakening. Which says that it was given to us by the Silverbark. However, I am dubious of that as the explanation of us coming from trees seems unlikely.
Related Element
Effect Duration
Varies based on the Awoken
Effect Casting Time
Instantaneous, as it is controlled entirely with ones mind.
The power can only effect things within arms reach. Those who are VERY skilled can cover a several foot distance.
Every Awoken has this ability, some are more trained in it then others.
Applied Restriction
There seem to be certain shapes of metal, specifically nets made of chainlink that can stop the current from electrokinesis. Along with some forgotten era boxes that have been found. More research is needed before I can really understand why this effect occurs.

This article has no secrets.


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