the Tomb of Gold Building / Landmark in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil

the Tomb of Gold

The Tomb of Gold is the final resting place for more Slann mummies than any other single spot in Lustria.   The Tomb itself is buried under many tons of volcanic rock, so the site doesn't look special, but any one with even a little bit of sensitivity to magic can sense the power from this site when walking near it, if the Temple Guard let them walk near it that is.   Lizardmen are famous for trotting out Slann mummies as icons, standards, and/or magical batteries but the Slann here are almost never removed once interned. Generally this tomb is only opened to add new fallen Slann, not to remove existing Slann.   There are two main reasons why these Slann relics rarely get to see any sunlight.   First, most of the dead Slann intern here died messy brutal deaths and very few of the mummies aren't missing a fair number of bones.   Second, in head cannon at Slann Lord Mazdamundi is not particularly fond of putting dead Slann on display. That's more of an Itza custom.


The Tomb itself is completely sealed off except from powerful magic and either by tradition or Slann fiat, there is no construction above it.   There is construction near it. The area around the tomb is fortified with a large Saurus barracks and several watch towers that also double as landing pads for Terradon riders. Beyond this are several Lizardmen village clusters both for housing Skink patrols and holding various supplies.


The Tomb of Gold has been sealed with magic spells and many tons of volcanic rock. It would take Mazdamundi or three lesser Slann to magically open the tomb by parting the rock.   The tomb is buried deep enough and warded enough that even if every volcano in the Grey Guardians mountain range erupts simulataneously, the Slann mummies would be fine.   Hypothetically, a team of miners with pick axes could dig their way in given enough time, but no one is going to have enough enough time because this area boasts a permanent garrison and of Temple Guard with Skink Skirmishers and Terradons providing tight perimeter control.


The Tomb of Gold was once a very rich gold mine, possibly the richest in all of Lustria, but it was heavily mined by Skinks before the Great Cataclysm. The Skinks got all the easy gold. Enough gold remains that skilled and/or patient miners could probably still find a decent amount of gold...if the mine wasn't sealed up.   After the Great Catacylsm, Mazdamundi orderd this mine be altered and consecrated as a tomb for fallen Slann.


Some Lizardmen go here to honor the dead. Generally from Hexoatl. It is rare for most Lizardmen to go all this way from other Temple cities just to memorialize some dead Slann they never met, but if a foreign Skink is visiting Hexoatl for some other reason, they might swing by the Tomb of Gold to pay thier respects, time permitting.
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Cover image: Modified version of 8th edition army book mini map by 8th edition army book modified by Mr. Crocodile then me


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