Lizardmen village clusters Tradition / Ritual in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil

Lizardmen village clusters

Lizardmen primarily in Temple Cities and Kahoun, but they cannot all stay there.   The First Children of the Old Ones have to hunt and forage, they have to patrol their borders. They have to march out to carry out the Great Plan of the Old Ones.   Skinks, Sauri, and Kroxigor are not afraid of water and call all swim. Skinks and Kroxigor can swim very well. Lizardmen don't have much problem being rained on.   All that said, Lizardmen would prefer to be dry when they sleep. They want to keep their gear and supplies relatively dry if possible. They don't want to lie down for a nap and get washed away 500 yards by a flash flood.   While Lustria is famous for it's large and terrifying predatory beasts but it is the small beasts that cause more problems for the First Children of the Old Ones. No Skink or Saurus wants to lie down for a nap and wake up with a bunch of new parasites or find a small but sharp toothed lizard chewing on his tail.   Lizardmen can pitch tents or improvise crude shelter, but their preferred form of jungle shelter is a thatched hut on stilts. The stilts elevate the hut enough so that flood water passes under it and the elevation keeps most of the smaller predators at bay.   Typically these huts are built in small clusters. Sometimes even built with a fire pit, simple altar to the Old Ones and/or a simple stockade.   These huts are not fortifications, though they have been used as ragtag fortifications in a pinch during small skirmishes as the huts make good platforms for throwing javelins down at enemies slightly below.   Skinks and Kroxigor build jungle huts in any remote location they expect to visit multiple times. Typically a hut is expected to stand for three or four years, but due to dumb luck some huts have managed to last for up to thirty years and some have been knocked out by fluke events in less than three days.   The attitude is, if the temporary structures holds up against the ravages of the jungle for a long time, that's great. If wind, water, beasts, or simple gravity knocks them down, it's not a big lost as a new similar replacement structure can usually be completed in a day or two.


For a long time Skinks and other First on patrols or expeditions in the the Lustrian jungles relied on erecting tents for shelter or just climbing trees.   As Skinks experimented with making crude shelter out of jungle materials, they found that often their paths circle back to where they were before and they could salvage previous shelters at least partially. Overtime, Skinks started improving the temporarily shelters in locations they frequently until jungle village clusters became more or less standardized throughout Lustria.


Most village clusters are two to six huts, built out of lumber and thatch. A few larger camps in high traffic areas may have half a hundred structures.   Most huts can hold roughly twenty Skinks or a lesser number of larger Lizardmen. Note, most of the First Children of the Old Ones aren't big on the notion of personal space, and they tend to sleep in huddles.   Lone huts are sometimes erected in remote places.   Jungle huts are sometimes stocked with simple supplies such as jungle poisons or amunition for Skinks. Huts are not normally kept stocked with food provisions, this will just attract beasts to come in and take it. Which isn't to say empty huts don't commonly attract nesting birds or other critters while the Lizardmen are away.


Generally speaking, huts are built in areas where Skinks traffic heavily, but some Skinks have opted to built huts in remote areas just in case.   If circumstances force Skinks to stay in one isolated spot for longer than they expected, they may make a hut or two just to pass the time.   More than a few huts were built and forgotten about, so First and outside invaders may stumble onto huts, seemingly at random.
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