the Reeking Mire Geographic Location in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil

the Reeking Mire

The Reeking Mire is a region famous for it's awful smells (Skinks are not especially creative when they name things).   In addition to the normal unpleasant smells that typically accompany swamps, the Reeking Mire has a lot of geothermal activity in the form of geysers.   If you have ever been near an erupting geyser, the sulfur in the water makes them smell like rotten eggs which doesn't mix well with the various elements that make swampland so pungent on it's own.   There are no hidden caches of Lizardmen gold here and there isn't much in terms of natural resources here that makes the First prone to want to visit this stinky hellhole. What does live here?   Orcs and goblins of course! If anyone is content to live in wet smelly places it is them. The Reeking Mire is the home to the (infamous?) Burn Face Tribe of Savage Orcs who literally worship the mightiest geyser in the region.   In their home territory, the Burn Face tribe is a force to be reckoned with but they don't have the numbers or raw might to threaten any major Lustrian faction. They are generally left alone in their sulphrus mudhole and occasionally swatted by the Lizardmen (or some other Lustrian power) when the burn scarred orcs get too bold.


There is generally plenty of edible flora and fauna in the area and the local orcs and goblins don't mind the sulphrus aftertaste here. Plus keeps away the more dangerous predators letting the orcs and goblins (and their many giant spiders) remain the top of the food chain.

Localized Phenomena

Geysers are common here, and the goblins (and to a lesser extant) the orcs have learned to predict geyser erruptions and they made a sort of pseudo-religion over this, but they also use knowledge of these eruptions to inconvenience or scald enemies.

Natural Resources

There is enough varied materials to let the savage orcs and goblins feed themselves and craft crude but serviceable weapons and tools but no outsider has been tempted by the resources in this area.
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