Lizardmen Species in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil


Lizardmen refers to the entire army/faction including Slann, Sauri, Kroxigor and Skinks. "Lizardmen" is a term outsiders gave to them, their self referential term is "First Children of the Old Ones" or simply, "the First".   While many beasts such as Stegadons and Carnosaurs are iconic to the Lizardmen, they are no more apart for the Lizardmen than horses are citizens in the Empire of Man.   All Lizardmen were artificially evolved from existing beasts at the hands of the Old Ones. Slann are loosely based on frogs, Kroxigor and Sauri are loosely based on crocodilians and Skinks are loosely based on...skinks.   All Lizardmen reproduce assexually. They emerge from sacred spawning pools with adult bodies and effectively adolescent minds. Lizardmen learn their new skills and purpose very quickly within a few years or evena few days of being spawned.   The Slann (apparenly) could only spawn with the direct intervention of the Old Ones and only five spawnings of Slann were known, and it does not appear their will ever be a sixth spawning.   Spawnings of Kroxigors, Skinks, and Sauri happen relatively routinely. Each spawnig pool may produce a new spawning once a decade or less, but there are hundreds of spawning pools scattered throughout Lustria. Some spawnings are foretold long in advance prophesized on sacred plaques and other spawnings are complete surprises but the First   The spawning pools are resilient but not indestructible, so most spawning pools have Temple Cities or Kahoun built around them and they are guarded fiercely by the Lizardmen both to protect unborn future generations and simply out of sheer devotion. In a way, one of the First defending a spawning pool is like protecting a human protecting his mother, home, and gods all at once.
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution


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