Weapon Catalogue Item in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Weapon Catalogue

Article Contents



Misara is an ancient Silver Age word for Justice. The Iron Age name for the sword was Aciam Fulgriff. In recent times, the sword has been referred to as the "Judgement Sword", the "Sword of Aquarius", the "Sword of the Fifth". It is the most legendary sword in Cassel's history. The blade was lost over a thousand years ago in an event known as the Bear Slaying, instigated by the Fairy Xana

The sword is able to activate a power under the ancient city of Wrethilin. This power has destroyed entire kingdoms in ancient history.

While the sword was lost to time, there is a popular legend surrounding it, that it will be found again by a true son of Nora and that this person will be the rightful ruler of the kingdom, and only they will have the power of Misara.
Aciam Fulgriff.png
Text on the Blade:
Translation: "In the Name of Saint Nora, I am Judgement! Guide my hand with her will!"

Length: 39 in Weight: 24 oz
Materials: Steel (blade), Leather (handle), Gold plated Steel (crossguard, pommel)
Notable Users: Vernador V, Vernador X, Saya Diaz

The Bear Slayer

This sword was created by the Fairy Xana for the 11th king of Cassel after she took his old weapon (The Aciam Fulgriff). This Weapon's magical properties are said to activate in the hands of a Casselian king or queen, and only if they slay a bear with it.   This "Bear Slaying" is actually a test created by Xana, to test a Vernador's knowledge and respect of their nation's past. If they pass the test then the weapon's abilities will be fully unlocked and its power will rival that of the Aciam Fulgriff of legend. If they fail the test, than the sword is just a sword, useful for nothing more than looking pretty and slaying forest creatures.

Length: 50 in Weight: 42 oz
Materials: Steel (blade), Leather (handle), Gold plated Steel (crossguard, pommel)
Notable Users: Eldon Vernador

Meliae's Will

How this weapon get's its magic is unknown, but two possible sources are the blood of Yanneth Elder Goddess of Life, or Flora Goddess of plants and flowers. This sword is seemingly able to command plants in the area, force them to quickly move around, grow and wither, ensnare enemies, and more. The weapon also has the ability to create paralytic toxins when charged with mana.

For most of it's known history it was owned by the Ferretor family. The weapon was then stolen and is being used by the Matriarch of a nature cult, somewhere in the woodlands of Aeris.
Yanneth's Will.png

Length: 42 in Weight: 20 oz
Materials: Green Gemsteel (blade), Ash wood (crossguard and handle)
Notable Users:


A shortsword made from moonstone, which gives it a distinct glow under the light of a full moon. These swords are generally used in the Kingdom of Rinea to celebrate the harvest festival every Fall.

The blade is made of weapon grade steel, so it is also used as a weapon, especially by those with the Moon Trace. Moonstone can greatly power up their magic.

The sword is able to channel any form of magic and the magic takes on a unique glow when channel. Even fire magic will appear an unnatural pale bluish color.

Length: 28 in Weight: 18 oz
Materials: Moonstone Gemsteel (blade), Bronze (crossguard), Leather (handle)
Notable Users: Raini Moontrace

Standard Sword

A tried and true steel broadsword, used in numerous battles. The blade has various dents and scratches on it. The unique aspect of this sword is how plain it is. It isn't made of Gemsteel and there is no Aethercite set in the blade, which makes it completely useless for channeling magic.

This does make it ideal for those wishing to perfect their martial skill as nothing else matters with this weapon but your own speed, agility, and skill with a blade.
Old Sword.png

Length: 42 in Weight: 30 oz
Materials: Steel (blade), Leather (handle)
Notable Users: Renelle Vernador

Rose of Cassel

Also called the "Castle Rose", this single edge backsword was long thought to be a weapon created by the Elves for a sorceress of Mataro Whatever the origin of the weapon it was unused in the royal vaults of Cassel for many centuries until a young princess, wanting a sword of legend for herself, took it out of the vault for herself.   The ruby blade is able to very effectively channel fire magic, and it can also fire beams of energy when saturated with aether. In the right hands this weapon is unmatched on the battlefield.
Rose of Cassel.png

Length: 38 in Weight: 28 oz
Materials: Ruby Gemsteel (blade), Leather (handle)
Notable Users: Renelle Vernador, Aerynn Vernador, Larielle Vernador


The magic circles adorning the blade is a marker that the weapon was truly forged in the Silver Age, as nearly all recent Iron Age weapons will hide the magic circles. This is to prevent giving an enemy combatant any indication of what spell is being cast. It also prevents corrosion in the areas the magic circles appear, though the Silverfish seems to suffer no such issue..

This sword was forged well over fifty thousand years ago by an Olimian man who was obsessed with creating the most powerful weapons of war, to fuel his people's fight against the gods.
Legendary Sword - Silverfish (header).png

Length: 46 in Weight: 42 oz
Materials: Silver (core), Steel (blade), Nickel (plating), Leather (handle)
Notable Users: Lucian Glace, Chryssa Sil

Xiral's Fury

One of the last weapons forged by the Infernas dragons before they went into hiding. This weapon has been recorded on the battlefields of Cassel for many hundreds of years, though it hasn't been used as often lately. This longsword is curently owned by the Baroness of Esurian.

One would assume that a powerful fire sword would need a ruby gemsteel blade, but peridot is literally created by the fires of the planet at the boundary of rock and magma. Within this crystal is the aether of Xiralgus, The Nova an ancient dragon lord, and it is said part of his soul also resides in the blade.

Length: 42 in Weight: 30 oz
Materials: Peridot Gemsteel (blade), Bronze (crossguard and pommel), Leather (handle)
Notable Users: Baroness Locaya XI

Storm Cutter

Katanas are rare weapons in Eastern Vreathe as they originate from the continent of Tensen in the Moya Empire, many thousands of miles to the west. Still, there are a few examples of them, mainly by way of the Horosha Explorer's Guild.

The Storm Cutter is owned by the Guild Master, who brought the sword with him from his homeland. There are no stories about this sword in Cassel, but other native Moya claim the sword can slice a storm in half and bring about a clear day.

Length: 42 in Weight: 40 oz
Materials: Yikonian Gemsteel (blade), leather (handle), silk (tassel)
Notable Users: Kaito

Blade of Ibora

Ibora was the original Goddess of Water. She put out a destructive force known as the All Fire and disappeared from history well over a hundred thousand years ago. Despite being the first goddess to disappear from Vreathe, she is still honored to this day, even as she was replaced with other water gods and even as they passed from memory.

Swords such as the Blade of Ibora are named after her, and similar to the goddess herself, are able to create and manipulate water with ease. The sword is a relic of the Bronze Age and is currently in possession of a young woman known as the Aqua Knight.

Length: 46 in Weight: 42 oz
Materials: Lapis Lazuli Gemsteel (blade), Gold Plated Bronze (crossguard, pommel), Leather (handle)
Notable Users: Cindy



Kren Aurdel

A heavy, unwieldy Bronze dagger, heavier than most swords twice its length. This isn't a weapon for a thief or assassin, but a spellcaster. The material allows the user to effectively channel magic through the blade and it also allows for the absorption of magical attacks with ease. The weapon even features an enchantment that allows most incoming melee attacks to swing towards the dagger by an unseen force, protecting the user.   The Kren Aurdel is a one of a kind dagger on the surface world of Vreathe, but they are quite common in the Realm of Feylisa.
Legendary Dagger - Kren Aurdel (header).png

Length: 16 in Weight: 30 oz
Materials: Bronze (Blade and Handle), Ruby, Sapphire (internal), Emerald (internal)
Notable Users: Ithonida, Renelle Vernador, Saya Diaz


Hammers and Axes

Bronze Axe

While the enchantments in the Kren Aurdel are beyond human and elven skill to create, the same material is still used in the creation of many weapons. Steel actively opposed the flow or mana unless you turn it into Gemsteel, which can be quite expensive. Bronze however has no such limitation and is cheap to produce, allowing for the mass production of cheap magic weapons.

Bronze Axes are popular with mages because the weight and momentum allows them to cast whirlwinds of various elements and send them flying across the battlefield. They are also hefty enough to still deal significant damage even with the lack of magic.
Bronze Axe Header.png

Length: 28 in Weight: 36 oz
Materials: Bronze (Axe Head), Oak (Haft), Cotton Cloth (Wrappings)
Notable Users:

Drake Claw

The preferred weapon of the Lamia. In the not so distant past, these weapons were made from actual claws from very large species of Drake. These were strong enough to pierce copper and thin bronze armor and could channel many forms of magic quite easily.

In more recent times, steel is used instead, usually Sapphire Gemsteel, as it greatly amplifies ice magic, something that many creatures around the volcanic islands the Lamia call home are weak against. The bone on the axe surrounds a steel core that forms the inside of the handle, and doesn't serve a function other than looking distinct.

Length: 30 in Weight: 26 oz
Materials: Sapphire Gemsteel (Blade and Core), Bone (Decoration), Bronze (Decoration), Leather (Wrapping)
Notable Users:

Nivema's Sorrow

A large, heavy hammer. Thanks to the gravity steel, it feels significantly lighter when swinging around, as long as the user is charging the it with mana. Magic circles are often openly displayed on larger hammers as there is little risk of corrosion and that these hammers are more often used as tools instead of weapons.

Some knights have come up with unique uses for these. By channeling Ice magic through the weapon and slamming it into the ground, it is possible to create ice very quickly instead of breaking it, therefore literally spreading "Nivema's Sorrow" across the battlefield.
Translated Text: "Nivema's Sorrow. Glacial Judgement."

Length: 48 in Weight: 184 oz
Materials: Gravity Gemsteel (Hammer), Hickory (Haft)
Notable Users: Lucia



Elf Piercer

A custom bow, made as an award for winning an annual archery competition in the Elf-Kingdom of Lyonne. This competition required that the archer not use any magic and win the competition using their own skill. The elves were not expecting a particularly gifted human to win the most recent competition.

This Bow has an aethercite core of an unknown material that allows the user to magically enhance their natural archery abilities, but since the current user lacks a Mana Lung and can't cast magic normally, he has never activated the bow's magic.

Elf Piercer Header.png

Length: 72 in Weight: 23 oz
Materials: Oak (Bow), Leather (Grip), Aethercite (Core)
Notable Users: Myles Pireson



Saint Nora's Staff

A large staff of unknown origin. It is said to have been carried by Saint Nora herself. This Staff features a very large aethercite crystal on the head, which stores an incredible amount of mana, allowing the user to cast powerful spells of almost any kind. Since this 'weapon' has been in the possession of healers and priests for nearly all of its history, this staff is never used for any actual fighting.

After Nora passed on, she gave the staff to the head priestess of the church. This staff was passed on through the centuries from priest to priest, healer to healer until it came into the hands of one of her descendants.
Staff of Saint Nora.png

Length: 74 in Weight: 36 oz
Materials: Live Oak (Staff), Chalcedony crystal (Staff Head)
Notable Users: Saint Nora, Aerynn Vernador

Magical Girl Staff

This Staff has a built-in enchantment that will replace the user's clothing with more form fitting and 'battle ready' attire. This new clothing is unique for each user. The fabric is made of Silver Silk an elven textile that is stretchy and includes silver threads all throughout the weave. These threads make contact with the body and allow for very quick channeling and casting of magic.

People who use this staff for the first time are often terrified at the sight of their clothes being obliterated and replaced with something significantly... cuter.

Length: 60 in Weight: 30 oz
Materials: Cherrywood (Staff), Ruby Heart (Staff Head), silk (ribbons), Gold (decorations)
Notable Users: Renelle Vernador, Saya Diaz


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Jun 15, 2024 00:08 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

I wanted to read more about Bear slayer! :-) I was thinking how cool it would be if the maul with no mass was only active like that when a "magic current" was passing through it. Then once you have the velocity up and go to actually hit something you stop the magic mid hit and pick up the increased mass at the same velocity resulting in a much increased application of force to the target. Not physical, but - hey - it's magic! And besides "rule of cool"... (pun intended) :-)

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at tlcassis.com to see my latest work!