IMPORTANT NOTE! - Character articles are currently undergoing a major rewrite. Expect information in these article to be inconsistent for a few months. Expected time of completion is July.

Saya Diaz

Article Contents

Saya - Small.png
"...We need to get out of this country as soon as possible. I hate it here."
Saya Diaz, also known as Vyerin Vernador, is a wandering princess of Verdina, the Kingdom of North Cassel. She was to be the next monarch of the North, until she ran away from home the night her parents were killed. Ever since that day, she has resisted going back to her home country until circumstances forced her to travel through there. She is travelling with friends, Chryssa, Raini, and Myles, but she has been in a dark place over the last six months especially, and her guilt over what she did is driving her deeper into depression. Saya is the undisputed Ruler of North Cassel. She has at least three different ways to prove her power and birthright, but she wants nothing to do with it.


Saya has always been somewhat of a carefree and careless person. Her uncaring attitude and actions towards many things brought no end of amusement to her father, but also no end of headaches for her mother, who wanted Saya to behave and act like a proper heir to the throne of the North.

After her parents died, Saya's personality changed, depending on who she is at the time. When she is in her Thomas form, she is every bit the carefree person she was when she was younger. When she is in her Vyerin form, she acts very noble and protective of her friends, and there are hints of Vyerin being a competent future ruler of Cassel. But, six months ago, when Saya got to Cassel, she's been stoic and gloomy, and very little has been able to lighten her mood.

Saya sometimes has panic attacks after a nightmare involving her parents or sometimes just randomly. These have occured rarely for years after their deaths, but have increased in frequency over the last few months.

Physical description

Saya is of pretty average height for a Casselian girl and looks rather ordinary. Her faded blue eyes won't be piercing any souls like her older siblings, but there is still an ethereal quality about them. One look at Saya's pale face will tell anyone that she has an unseen contempt for herself, but it does not detract from her natural beauty.

Saya always wears about the same clothing no matter which form she takes. This clothing is somewhat dull and for traveling, which includes a flowy cotton shirt, a leather vest with chainmail sewn on the inside, pants, boots, and a water-proof blue cloak. She also normally wears leather gloves. Very rarely is Saya seen wearing more feminine clothing despite Chryssa's many attempts.
Saya's current appearance.
Full name: Vyerin vernador
Nickname: Saya Diaz
Race: Iron Human
Ethnicity: Casselian
Age: 18
Birthday: May 8th
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Female

  • Prince of Verdina
  • Rightful? Monarch of Verdina
  • Squire of the Order of the Abyss
  • Children


    Saya was blessed by a fairy named Xana when she was 8 years old. After she ran away from home, she started to disassociate herself from her bloodline and name, and regularly uses powerful magic to turn into different people. Usually she turns back into her base form after waking up the next morning so she has to reapply the transformation. Her most well known forms are below:

    Saya Diaz (Current)

    This is literally just a female version of Vyerin in appearance. She has taken this form many times in the past, but roughly six months ago, Saya figured out a way to take this form full time. She took this form roughly a year ago and hasn't changed forms again since.

    Since then, Saya has identified as female and will not respond to Vyerin. She's been stoic, gloomy, and depressed most of the time.


    Thomas Estman

    Saya used this male form when she was 12 to 14 in the country of Ordland, and agian briefly when she was 16 in the country of Galleska. she was able to successfully fool her older sister Isabel into thinking she wasn't Vyerin, but she wasn't able to fool Renelle and Arden, who noticed the unmistakable ring she was wearing.

    In this form, Saya was way more carefree, aloof, and very much like she was when she was younger.

    Vyerin (Base Form)

    Saya did in fact spend the majority of time in her male base form, at least until she got back into Cassel. Now she refuses to associate with Vyerin at all.

    In this form Vyerin is somewhat protective of Chryssa, and is noble almost to a fault. Physically, Vyerin's base form is his strongest, and since he doesn't have to use mana to maintain a different form, he is at his most powerful magically as well.'s his actual form, his actual appearance, with his actual name. He hates this form and can't stand to see his face...

    Other forms

    Xana - Since Saya made a bloodpact to get Xana's blessing, she can technically turn into her fairy form. Saya claims to have never done so.
    Parda - Saya used this female form in the country of Faeon when she was 11. Knights of the Order of the Leviathan were looking for Vyerin at the time.
    Sayd - When Saya was 15, she copied the appearance of an ancient male hero to fool an Elf who thought her human love was somehow still alive.
    Marion - Saya used this form in the nation of Rinea and the Elf-Country of Lyonne when she was 17, pretending to be a young lord from Marsan (even though she actually is...)
    Melisandra - Saya took this female elven form when she was 17 to attempt to gain an audience with Queen Eryka, who saw through the transformation and immediately knew who it was. Eryka was less than please to see her.

    Saya Diaz (Current)

    This is literally just a female version of Vyerin in appearance. She has taken this form many times in the past, but roughly six months ago, Saya figured out a way to take this form full time. She took this form roughly a year ago and hasn't changed forms again since.

    Since then, Saya has identified as female and will not respond to Vyerin. She's been stoic, gloomy, and depressed most of the time.

    Thomas Estman

    Saya used this male form when she was 12 to 14 in the country of Ordland, and agian briefly when she was 16 in the country of Galleska. she was able to successfully fool her older sister Isabel into thinking she wasn't Vyerin, but she wasn't able to fool Renelle and Arden, who noticed the unmistakable ring she was wearing.
    In this form, Saya was way more carefree, aloof, and very much like she was when she was younger.

    Vyerin Vernador (Base)

    Saya did in fact spend the majority of time in her male base form, at least until she got back into Cassel. Now she refuses to associate with Vyerin at all.

    In this form Vyerin is somewhat protective of Chryssa, and is noble almost to a fault. Physically, Vyerin's base form is his strongest, and since he doesn't have to use mana to maintain a different form, he is at his most powerful magically as well.'s his actual form, his actual appearance, with his actual name. He hates this form and can't stand to see his face...

    Other Forms

    Xana - Since Saya made a bloodpact to get Xana's blessing, she can technically turn into her fairy form. Saya claims to have never done so.
    Parda - Saya used this female form in the country of Faeon when she was 11. Knights of the Order of the Leviathan were looking for Vyerin at the time.
    Sayd - When Saya was 15, she copied the appearance of an ancient male hero to fool an Elf who thought her human love was somehow still alive.
    Marion - Saya used this form in the nation of Rinea and the Elf-Country of Lyonne when she was 17, pretending to be a young lord from Marsan (even though she actually is...)
    Melisandra - Saya took this female elven form when she was 17 to attempt to gain an audience with Queen Eryka, who saw through the transformation and immediately knew who it was. Eryka was less than please to see her.



    The Misara is a weapon forged from the remains of a Dragon Lord. This Sword seemingly has a mind of its own, choosing who to cut and when to activate its abilities. This weapon is an ancient sword, used by the fifth king of Cassel, until it was later lost by the tenth king. The sword is usually locked in its sheath by ancient magic, but Saya has no problem drawing it. It is said that whoever can draw this sword is said to be the rightful ruler of Cassel.

    Aciam Fulgriff.png

    Kren Aurdel
    Legendary Dagger - Kren Aurdel (header).png
    This heavy bronze dagger is rare on the surface of Vreathe, but quite common in the underworld of Feylisa. The dagger has several enchantments that draw melee and ranged weapong to the blade, deflecting all but the most powerful blows. Ren gave this dagger to Saya several years ago.
    Fruela's Self-Updating Map
    Saya took this magically enchanted map when she ran away. This map is able to track the locations of everyone who has blood on the enchantment. She took it so no one else would be able to find her location. Saya doesn't actually know how to activate the map's enchantments herself, so for her it's just a plain, normal looking map.

    The Ring of the North

    This ring signifies the wearer as the rightful ruler of North Cassel. Saya has made many attempts to get rid of this ring, but it is enchanted to always return to the owner. Set within this silver ring are two gems, an amethyst called Xonde, and the other is a sapphire called the Star of Ibora. Each of these two gems are enchanted with various different magic abilities.

    "Yeah, I have not just one, but two items I can't get rid of that say I'm the rightful King of Cassel...Queen, whatever. Then there's the Hall of Kings....That doesn't mean I have to take the crown. I'm just glad most people don't have any idea what these items are!"

    Silex Model 7

    A flintlock rifle of human make with an external flint and flashpan. Human rifles are mechanically simpler than intricatly made Elven guns, taking longer to reload but are more reliable and forgiving with maintenance. Saya mainly uses it for hunting as the reload times are just too long to be practical in a fight where slinging magic is often quicker and deadlier.

    Saya's Flintlock.png


    Aciam Fulgriff.png
    The Misara is a weapon forged from the remains of a Dragon Lord. This Sword seemingly has a mind of its own, choosing who to cut and when to activate its abilities. This weapon is an ancient sword, used by the fifth king of Cassel, until it was later lost by the tenth king. The sword is usually locked in its sheath by ancient magic, but Saya has no problem drawing it. It is said that whoever can draw this sword is said to be the rightful ruler of Cassel.

    Kren Aurdel

    Legendary Dagger - Kren Aurdel (header).png
    This heavy bronze dagger is rare on the surface of Vreathe, but quite common in the underworld of Feylisa. The dagger has several enchantments that draw melee and ranged weapong to the blade, deflecting all but the most powerful blows. Ren gave this dagger to Saya several years ago.

    Fruela's Self-Updating Map

    Saya took this magically enchanted map when she ran away. This map is able to track the locations of everyone who has blood on the enchantment. She took it so no one else would be able to find her location. Saya doesn't actually know how to activate the map's enchantments herself, so for her it's just a plain, normal looking map.

    The Ring of the North

    This ring signifies the wearer as the rightful ruler of North Cassel. Saya has made many attempts to get rid of this ring, but it is enchanted to always return to the owner. Set within this silver ring are two gems, an amethyst called Xonde, and the other is a sapphire called the Star of Ibora. Each of these two gems are enchanted with various different magic abilities.

    "Yeah, I have not just one, but two items I can't get rid of that say I'm the rightful King of Cassel...Queen, whatever. Then there's the Hall of Kings....That doesn't mean I have to take the crown. I'm just glad most people don't have any idea what these items are!"

    Silex Model 7

    Saya's Flintlock.png
    A flintlock rifle of human make with an external flint and flashpan. Human rifles are mechanically simpler than intricatly made Elven guns, taking longer to reload but are more reliable and forgiving with maintenance. Saya mainly uses it for hunting as the reload times are just too long to be practical in a fight where slinging magic is often quicker and deadlier.


    ((Note: May not work on all browsers. If this section does not work on full screen, reduce the browser window size for a different view.))

    Brenon Vernador

    Deceased King of Verdina and Saya's father. He taught Saya how to shoot a rifle and a good many other things. Brenon, having never wanted to be king himself, taught Vyerin that leaders become leaders out of necessity, not birthright. The day Brenon died, he gave Saya his ring, making her the rightful ruler of Verdina, but Saya wants nothing to do with this.

    "Brenon Vernador was a popular general in Cassel's northern army before he became king, and as king he was still well-liked. Was he a good father? How am I supposed to know that?"
    - Saya


    Queen Consort of Verdina and Saya's mother. She was always annoyed with Vyerin's reluctance to be a proper heir to the throne. She was especially furious about the time the kid made a bloodpact with a demon...that turned out to be something much worse, a 'harmless' fairy.

    "Maria was a noble lady from Galleska, I think from house Kriegerblume, which, I think means flower warrior or something. I'm not sure why Brenon married her after he ended the marriage with the elf Eryka. Probably political convenience. Was she a good mother? Yes--I mean, why the hell are you asking me?"
    - Saya

    Marla Vernador

    Saya's little sister. The last time Saya saw Marla was eight years ago. When the assassins attacked, Saya used her magic to shield her, but then Saya ran away when the dust cleared and their parents were dead. With Saya missing, Marla had to become Queen of Cassel in her absence. She ruled for about three years until King Eldon of the South invaded and had Marla executed.

    "...Fine, you win. I'll be Vyerin... On that night... Marla had arrows in her too and I thought she was gone, so when I ran away, I didn't check to see if she was still alive or not. That's all! How was I supposed to know that she survived, became queen for several years, and then was killed by that bastard Eldon?"
    - Vyerin

    Arden Vernador

    Saya's older brother. Saya didn't know Arden much growing up as Arden was almost always away in the kingdom of Galleska. When Saya ended up in that kingdom herself for a time, Arden made Saya a squire of the Void Knights to keep an eye on her. He taught Saya various things about earth magic as well as how to create mana shields.

    "I actually have a Loralkas Lore Crystal from my time in Galleska. If I returned to Abgrund to the Abyss Knights, they probably would have made me a suit of Void Armor and I would be a fully fledged knight right now! But then Arden mentioned me returning to Cassel and reclaiming the North after... I took my chance to run away again instead..."
    - Vyerin


    One of Saya's older sisters. After Brenon was assassinated, Saya ran away and it took Ren several months to find her, and she tracks Saya down every year or so to check on her. Ren believes that Saya is the only one who can rule Verdina after their parent's deaths, even if Saya wants nothing to do with it. While Ren knows of Saya's whereabouts, she refuses to tell other family members.

    "I wish I could be more like Ren! She travels the world, does her thing as a mercenary knight, and she doesn't give a damn about the Vernadors or what happens in Cassel! That would be nice, but instead I keep getting told what I'm supposed to be doing, even by her."
    - Vyerin


    Saya's other older sister. Isabel was the only one of Saya's older siblings that regularly visited Verdina, so the two are somewhat close. She taught Saya how to use various water spells. Isabel had it in her head for a long time that she could somehow fix Saya's negative perceptions about everything that's happened, but none of it ever stuck.

    "As descendants of Saint Nora, we Vernadors have the ability to enter the afterlife through Meliheal the wellspring and channel souls through our bodies. Basically, we can speak to the dead. Isabel knowing this has tried numerous times to get me to talk to Dad, to set the record straight. Heh... God no that isn't ever happening!"
    - Vyerin

    Eldon Vernador

    King of Alluviane, and Saya's Uncle. Everywhere Saya goes she hears stories of Eldon being a Tyrant King that killed the Queens of the North and West, and he needs to be dealt with. When events like these happen, the people bring up stories of the fabled Misara bringing justice down on Cassel's enemies. Saya has this sword of legend but isn't sure she should be the one to stop him.

    "King Eldon of all Cassel... I've been told to use my birthright, raise an army, and overthrow him far too many times over the last few years. Even as Saya, I can't seem to escape people finding out who I am... No, I am not Vyerin Vernador and it not my job to do anything about the Tyrant King of Cassel. Someone else deal with it..."
    - Saya

    Larielle Vernador

    Former Queen of Baileon, and Saya's Aunt. Saya was closest to Laura out of anyone else in her extended family. Laura was the only adult that didn't lose her mind when Saya made the bloodpact with a fairy. She would be quite the hypocrite otherwise as she made one with a different being when she was around the same age.

    "Auntie Laura... I could really use your advice right now... Why'd you give up your kingdom and disappear?"
    - Saya


    Saya's Cousin. They share the same birthday. Aerynn made the same bloodpact with the fairy Xana as Vyerin did and the three share a link with each other. They can tell when the other is casting magic and when they are lying. When they were younger Aerynn hated Vyerin and always tattled on her. She has yet to run into Saya again after 8 years.

    "Aerynn is the last person I want to face on Vreathe! We can sometimes feel each other's pain, both physical and emotional, thanks to that link with Xana. It's hard to explain. She's had to feel all the pain I've went through for the last eight years and I got sick from her maybe once or twice. She probably really hates me now!"
    - Saya

    Brenon Vernador

    Deceased King of Verdina and Saya's father. He taught Saya how to shoot a rifle and a good many other things. Brenon, having never wanted to be king himself, taught Vyerin that leaders become leaders out of necessity, not birthright. The day Brenon died, he gave Saya his ring, making her the rightful ruler of Verdina, but Saya wants nothing to do with this.

    "Brenon Vernador was a popular general in Cassel's northern army before he became king, and as king he was still well-liked. Was he a good father? How am I supposed to know that?"
    - Saya


    Queen Consort of Verdina and Saya's mother. She was always annoyed with Vyerin's reluctance to be a proper heir to the throne. She was especially furious about the time the kid made a bloodpact with a demon...that turned out to be something much worse, a 'harmless' fairy.

    "Maria was a noble lady from Galleska, I think from house Kriegerblume, which, I think means flower warrior or something. I'm not sure why Brenon married her after he ended the marriage with the elf Eryka. Probably political convenience. Was she a good mother? Yeah--I mean, why the hell are you asking me?"
    - Saya

    Marla Vernador

    Saya's little sister. The last time Saya saw Marla was eight years ago. When the assassins attacked, Saya used her magic to shield her, but then Saya ran away when the dust cleared and their parents were dead. With Saya missing, Marla had to become Queen of Cassel in her absence. She ruled for about three years until King Eldon of the South invaded and had Marla executed.

    "...Fine, you win. I'll be Vyerin... On that night... Marla had arrows in her too and I thought she was gone, so when I ran away, I didn't check to see if she was still alive or not. That's all! How was I supposed to know that she survived, became queen for several years, and then was killed by that bastard Eldon?"
    - Vyerin

    Arden Vernador

    Saya's older brother. Saya didn't know Arden much growing up as Arden was almost always away in the kingdom of Galleska. When Saya ended up in that kingdom herself for a time, Arden made Saya a squire of the Void Knights to keep an eye on her. He taught Saya various things about earth magic as well as how to create mana shields.

    "I actually have a Loralkas Lore Crystal from my time in Galleska. If I returned to Abgrund to the Abyss Knights, they probably would have made me a suit of Void Armor and I would be a fully fledged knight right now! But then Arden mentioned me returning to Cassel and reclaiming the North after... I took my chance to run away again instead..."
    - Vyerin

    Renelle Vernador

    One of Saya's older sisters. After Brenon was assassinated, Saya ran away and it took Ren several months to find her, and she tracks Saya down every year or so to check on her. Ren believes that Saya is the only one who can rule Verdina after their parent's deaths, even if Saya wants nothing to do with it. While Ren knows of Saya's whereabouts, she refuses to tell other family members.

    "I wish I could be more like Ren! She travels the world, does her thing as a mercenary knight, and she doesn't give a damn about the Vernadors or what happens in Cassel! That would be nice, but instead I keep getting told what I'm supposed to be doing, even by her."
    - Vyerin

    Isabel Vernador

    Saya's other older sister. Isabel was the only one of Saya's older siblings that regularly visited Verdina, so the two are somewhat close. She taught Saya how to use various water spells. Isabel had it in her head for a long time that she could somehow fix Saya's negative perceptions about everything that's happened, but none of it ever stuck.

    "As descendants of Saint Nora, we Vernadors have the ability to enter the afterlife through Meliheal the wellspring and channel souls through our bodies. Basically, we can speak to the dead. Isabel knowing this has tried numerous times to get me to talk to Dad, to set the record straight. Heh... God no that isn't ever happening!"
    - Vyerin

    Eldon Vernador

    King of Alluviane, and Saya's Uncle. Everywhere Saya goes she hears stories of Eldon being a Tyrant King that killed the Queens of the North and West, and he needs to be dealt with. When events like these happen, the people bring up stories of the fabled Misara bringing justice down on Cassel's enemies. Saya has this sword of legend but isn't sure she should be the one to stop him.

    "King Eldon of all Cassel... I've been told to use my birthright, raise an army, and overthrow him far too many times over the last few years. Even as Saya, I can't seem to escape people finding out who I am... No, I am not Vyerin Vernador and it not my job to do anything about the Tyrant King of Cassel. Someone else deal with it..."
    - Saya

    Larielle Vernador (Laura)

    Missing Queen of West Cassel, and Saya's Aunt. Saya was closest to Laura out of anyone else in her extended family. Laura was the only adult that didn't lose her mind when Saya made the bloodpact with a fairy. She would be quite the hypocrite otherwise as she made one with a different being when she was around the same age.

    "Auntie Laura... I could really use your advice right now... Why'd you give up your kingdom and disappear?"
    - Saya

    Aerynn Vernador

    Saya's Cousin. They share the same birthday. Aerynn made the same bloodpact with the fairy Xana as Vyerin did and the three share a link with each other. They can tell when the other is casting magic and when they are lying. When they were younger Aerynn hated Vyerin and always tattled on her. She has yet to run into Saya again after 8 years.

    "Aerynn is the last person I want to face on Vreathe! We can sometimes feel each other's pain, both physical and emotional, thanks to that link with Xana. It's hard to explain. She's had to feel all the pain I've went through for the last eight years and I got sick from her maybe once or twice. She probably really hates me now!"
    - Saya



    Chryssa Sil

    Saya met Chryssa seven years ago, then the two ran into each other again several years later in the Elf-Kingdom of Lyonne. Saya then recieved a vision from Saint Nora, telling her to bring Chryssa to the holy city of Semmitra, but Saya ignored it. That aside, Chryssa and Saya have been romantically involved for the last year or so, and Chryssa loves her no matter what form she takes.

    "16 times... That's how many times Chryssa got me to wear a dress this year. She keeps pushing me to express a side of myself that... Uhm, look, my relationship with her is complicated, more than anyone else we've spoken about! I just have a fear that if I go too far as Saya then Chryssa won't anymore see me as Vyer-- Hah... Heh. I'm Saya! Right..."
    - Saya

    Myles Pireson

    Saya and Myles have known each other for over ten years, ever since Myles originally came to Cassel from Yurrimkil. The two got into all sorts of trouble growing up. Myles helped Saya run away from Cassel eight years ago, getting her on a ship to another part of the country. Wherever Saya ends up Myles travels with her and the two have depended on each other this whole time.

    "Ah Myles... Always have been a good friend, pretty much no matter what happens! Though, he has been getting annoying lately, at least more than usual. He never stopped calling me Vyerin and I can't tell if he's being hateful or if he does care."
    - Saya

    Raini Moontrace

    Seven years ago, Raini escaped from an Alluthian Bride Ship and met up with Saya, Chryssa, and Myles. They hid her from the authorities that were searching for her at the time. Even though she was eventually found and taken back, she never forgot their kindness. They ran into each other again recently and this time they successfully helped Raini escape.

    "Raini had a messed up time growing up, being groomed to be a perfect wife for some elven lord to take advantage of her Moon Trace. I could probably do something about that if I-- nevermind! I'll say it one more time. I am not a Vernador anymore!"
    - Saya


    Xana is a known ancient and super powerful Fairy. Every few centuries she chooses a favored human or two to share her power with. Everyone thinks that Xana is manipulating Vyerin for some unknown purpose. This annoys Xana, who claims to generally care for Saya and her wellbeing! Saya can summon her at any time, but has refused to for many years now.

    "Look, kid, I don't care if you want to be Vyerin, Saya, a dog, or a purple elephant. You're still a Vernador and still a descendant of Saint Nora. You still have a responsibility to the world and you need to start acting like it! Look, I can't really say why yet, but you need to get it together soon, or things in the world are going to get really, really bad!"
    - Xana

    Chryssa Sil

    Saya met Chryssa seven years ago, then the two ran into each other again several years later in the Elf-Kingdom of Lyonne. Saya then recieved a vision from Saint Nora, telling her to bring Chryssa to the holy city of Semmitra, but Saya ignored it. That aside, Chryssa and Saya have been romantically involved for the last year or so, and Chryssa loves her no matter what form she takes.

    "16 times... That's how many times Chryssa got me to wear a dress this year. She keeps pushing me to express a side of myself that... Uhm, look, my relationship with her is complicated, more than anyone else we've spoken about! I just have a fear that if I go too far as Saya then Chryssa won't anymore see me as Vyer-- Hah... Heh. I'm Saya! Right..."
    - Saya

    Myles Pireson

    Saya and Myles have known each other for over ten years, ever since Myles originally came to Cassel from Yurrimkil. The two got into all sorts of trouble growing up. Myles helped Saya run away from Cassel eight years ago, getting her on a ship to another part of the country. Wherever Saya ends up Myles travels with her and the two have depended on each other this whole time.

    "Ah Myles... Always have been a good friend, pretty much no matter what happens! Though, he has been getting annoying lately, at least more than usual. He never stopped calling me Vyerin and I can't tell if he's being hateful or if he does care."
    - Saya

    Raini Moontrace

    Seven years ago, Raini escaped from an Alluthian Bride Ship and met up with Saya, Chryssa, and Myles. They hid her from the authorities that were searching for her at the time. Even though she was eventually found and taken back, she never forgot their kindness. They ran into each other again recently and this time they successfully helped Raini escape.

    "Raini had a messed up time growing up, being groomed to be a perfect wife for some elven lord to take advantage of her Moon Trace. I could probably do something about that if I-- nevermind! I'll say it one more time. I am not a Vernador anymore!"
    - Saya


    Xana is a known ancient and super powerful fairy. Every few centuries she chooses a favored human or two to share her power with. Everyone thinks that Xana is manipulating Vyerin for some unknown purpose. This annoys Xana, who claims to generally care for Saya and her wellbeing! Saya can summon her at any time, but has refused to for many years now.

    "Look, kid, I don't care if you want to be Vyerin, Saya, a dog, or a purple elephant. You're still a Vernador and still a descendant of Saint Nora. You still have a responsibility to the world and you need to start acting like it! Look, I can't really say why yet, but you need to get it together soon, or things in the world are going to get really, really bad!"
    - Xana


    Author's Notes

  • The relatives/friends sections in desktop mode are based off of Stormbril's Spoiler Button Tabs.
  • 6/18/2024 Update: Updated CSS. Rewrote and reformatted article. There is now a different layout depending on if you are in desktop mode or mobile mode, this way the article stays clean and readable. The clickable tabs might not work on all browsers (Safari mainly), but reducing the size of the window should at least make the article readable.

  • 1/29/2024 Update: Edited for consistency across the rest of this world's articles. Changed css to give article a more unique appearance. Updated caracter portrait. Still shameless AI and that is unlikely to change until I decide to monetize my work (which is still years away)
  • 2023 notes
    Writing this character has been a struggle...

    Saya isn't strictly a transgender character but her dissociation over her identity and entire being does play a large part in the story (...if I ever write the story...). Her increasing depression and sorrow and increasing frequency of panic attacks despite her friends' efforts to help her is also a big part of the story, so there's that.

    While I have yet to describe it, Saya is minimally responsible for her parents' deaths, her need to act out when she was younger is partially the reason. Assassins were going to kill the King and Queen that night one way or another and they had the will and tools to do it, but Saya does not see it that way...That's all I'm writing on this for now.

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jan 2, 2024 20:25 by Lady Arsenik

    Not only is this article beautiful, but it's about an amazingly in-depth character! I love the self-updating map (like a video game, kinda) and all the pictures depicting the relationships with other characters. I also have a soft spot for shapeshifters. I definitely want to find out more about Saya and her companions.

    Jan 3, 2024 01:27

    Thankyou for reading and leaving this comment! Writing more about my major characters is a focus for this year so you will definitely be seeing more of Saya.