IMPORTANT NOTE! - Character articles are currently undergoing a major rewrite. Expect information in these article to be inconsistent for a few months. Expected time of completion is July.

Chryssa Sil

Article Contents

Cida - Small.png
"Cheer up! I know the whole world is falling apart around us, but, it isn't all bad! We still have each other!"
Chryssa Sil is a girl from the Mountains of Sil in central Vreathe. She used to live among the Olimian Trolls until they were all slain by the Inakans, looking for her, the last golden human. If Chryssa is captured, it will fulfill an ancient prophecy about ending the last golden human and summoning the dark god Tazil.

Chryssa managed to escape and was taken in by the Elves of Lyonne, where she was kept safe and secret for several years. Unfortunately, the Inakans have counquered all lands and are now at the borders of Cassel. To keep Chryssa safe, she was sent away with Saya. They are supposed to be going to the Holy City of Semmitra where Chryssa will be kept safe, but they have been ignoring that for now. Chryssa has been traveling with Saya, Myles, and Raini for the last year or so, and she has been pretty sucessful at evading capture, though as the Inakans press on in their efforts to conquer all human lands, her options for escape are rapidly shrinking.


Chryssa has always been cheery and optimistic, and very little has been able to change that. She has every right to be a hateful person and lose all hope, seeing as she is the last of her kind, almost everyone she knows is dead, and when she was younger she watched her mother give up on this world and fade into another plane of existence before her eyes. The sadness of these events have all been temporary though, and she remains optimistic that everything will turn out alright in the end.


Physical description

Even though she is from an entirely different race of humans, Chryssa doesn't look very different from ethnic Yurrians with her golden hair and green eyes, which is part of the reason she has been able to evade capture for so long. Where she differs is that her skin can't burn or tan even under the most intense sunlight. Her hair will gradually darken over time the less she is in the sun as if it requires light to keep its brilliance. Like many powerful spellcasters on Vreathe, her hair and eyes will glow when she uses magic.

Chryssa usually has her hair in a loose braid. She always wears light clothing and doesn't have a need for armor. When traveling she wears more fuctional clothes like boots, gloves, and pants, but when in town, she is always seen wearing a light dress of some kind and is often barefoot, even in the winter, as cold icy weather has about as little of an effect on her as intense summer heat does.
Full name: Chryssa Astraea Sil
Nickname: Cida
Race: Golden Human
Ethnicity: Unknown
Age: 18
Birthday: September 6th
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Female

  • Apprentice Apothecary (Ordland)
  • Master Apothecary (Lyonne, Galleska)
  • Children


    Silverfish, The Sword of Lunian Glace
    Legendary Sword - Silverfish.png
    Chryssa found this edgeless longsword in the Tomb of Lunian Glace. It is a Silver Age relic, the result of countless hours of magical research. The weapon has several enchantments that amplifies her already powerful magic. The actual name of the sword is lost to time, and was named the Silverfish due to a bet she made. There is one issue with the sword though, it drains mana rather quickly when used.

    Chryssa has collected many books about magic, spellcraft, and alchemy, from the Book of the Infernas, to Nivema's Tragedy, to the Little Book of Life. Chryssa's spellcrafting ability is mostly self taught from books like these. Her knowledge is still quite lacking in certain areas, but thanks to her much larger than normal Mana capacity and ability to create Aether, her power over magic is possibly greater than anyone else on Vreathe aside from Fairies, dragonfolk, and gods. Power isn't everything when it comes to magic. Precision is also important, and in that respect, Chryssa is rather terrible at that.
    Apothecary tools
    Includes a mortar & pestle, a scale and various weights, and various glass vials holding basic ingredients. When Chryssa was young, she was taught the basics of creating healing salves and magic potions. In the years since she very quickly mastered the craft, impressing even the Elven masters of Delphia. Even after Chryssa left the elves she kept these tools with her.
    Glace Stones
    Chryssa found these Aethercite crystals in the Tomb of Lunian Glace. Created from the result of thousands of years of magical research, each of these crystals are enchanted with strange types of aether and each seems to produce a different effect depending on the type of mana the user charges them with. Chryssa has experimented with a few in the past, but there are so many combinations to go through, many of them dangerous, that she doesn't know every possible effect.

    Fireshot Pistol
    Fireshot muskets are a pretty common item on Vreathe seen alongside flintlock and wheellock muskets, but they use an aethercite crystal to fire. While the mechanism is technically magical, these guns are otherwise handled, cleaned, and loaded like other muzzle loading muskets. Chryssa often uses this as a last resort for when she starts running out of mana.

    Silverfish, The Sword of Lunian Glace

    Legendary Sword - Silverfish.png
    Chryssa found this edgeless longsword in the Tomb of Lunian Glace. It is a Silver Age relic, the result of countless hours of magical research. The weapon has several enchantments that amplifies her already powerful magic. The actual name of the sword is lost to time, and was named the Silverfish due to a bet she made. There is one issue with the sword though, it drains mana rather quickly when used.

    Apothecary tools

    Includes a mortar & pestle, a scale and various weights, and various glass vials holding basic ingredients. When Chryssa was young, she was taught the basics of creating healing salves and magic potions. In the years since she very quickly mastered the craft, impressing even the Elven masters of Delphia. Even after Chryssa left the elves she kept these tools with her.


    Chryssa has collected many books about magic, spellcraft, and alchemy, from the Book of the Infernas, to Nivema's Tragedy, to the Little Book of Life. Chryssa's spellcrafting ability is mostly self taught from books like these. Her knowledge is still quite lacking in certain areas, but thanks to her much larger than normal Mana capacity and ability to create Aether, her power over magic is possibly greater than anyone else on Vreathe aside from Fairies, dragonfolk, and gods. Power isn't everything when it comes to magic. Precision is also important, and in that respect, Chryssa is rather terrible at that.

    Glace Stones

    Chryssa found these Aethercite crystals in the Tomb of Lunian Glace. Created from the result of thousands of years of magical research, each of these crystals are enchanted with strange types of aether and each seems to produce a different effect depending on the type of mana the user charges them with. Chryssa has experimented with a few in the past, but there are so many combinations to go through, many of them dangerous, that she doesn't know every possible effect.

    Fireshot Pistol

    Fireshot muskets are a pretty common item on Vreathe seen alongside flintlock and wheellock muskets, but they use an aethercite crystal to fire. While the mechanism is technically magical, these guns are otherwise handled, cleaned, and loaded like other muzzle loading muskets. Chryssa often uses this as a last resort for when she starts running out of mana.


    ((Note: May not work on all browsers. If this section does not work on full screen, reduce the browser window size for a different view.))


    Chryssa's Mother. Golden humans on Vreathe are immortal and to leave this plane of existence, they just simply have to will it. Aspasia did this when Chryssa was just three years old. Because of this, Chryssa doesn't remember her very well and isn't sure what she used to look like. She remembers her 'sky colored' hair and not much else.

    "I know so little about you... Minu told me you had the gift of foresight, granted to you by Saint Nora. But you saw something that made you give up on Vreathe and leave me behind! I hope you're happy in whatever that paradise is out there..."
    - Chryssa


    Chryssa's Father. Just like Aspasia, Kostis left the world willingly, doing so just before Chryssa was born. Chryssa heard stories about him from the Olimian Trolls, how Kostis was alive countless years ago in the Golden Age of Vreathe, and would have personally known each of the Elder Gods. Kostis was said to have endured numerous sorrows before he finally gave up.

    "According to Minu, you were one of the greatest human warriors that ever lived, but something made even you give up on Vreathe, before I was even born! Just what did you two see that made you prefer the destruction of everything over your own child!"
    - Chryssa


    An Olimian Troll, and the only family Chryssa had for a long time. Minu was from one of the few tribes of Trolls that tolerated humans, and was friends with Aspasia and Kostis. After the two left Vreathe, Minu raised Chryssa as her own for a time. Minu later died as a result of hunters, who were looking for Feral Trolls but saw Minu as an easy target. Minu died when Chryssa was ten years old.

    "... Thanks for everything"
    - Chryssa


    A Midnight Elf of Lyonne, who took Chryssa in after Minu's death. Kayorise is a Midnight Elf, a descendant of Laza, Goddess of Twilight. Other elves generally avoided midnight elves, which made her perfect for keeping Chryssa safe. Chryssa lived with her on the outskirts of Delphia for a little over seven years and she considers Kayari to be her mother as much as Minu or Aspasia.

    "I heard the Midnight Elves all disappeared from Lyonne a few months ago. For what reason I don't know, and once again, I lost my mother and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye... You better not be dead, I do want to see you again!"
    - Chryssa


    An Elf of Lyonne, and Kayari's husband. Rengael was always distrustful of humans, even the supposed holy golden ones, so he avoided Chryssa whenever he was home. This worked perfectly for him anways, as he is a Warden of the Order of Lions. Wardens are an Elven equivalent to Knights and their duties often taken them away for months or even years at a time.

    "Technically this man should be my adoptive elven father, but I spent so little time with him, I don't even know how pronounce his name properly."
    - Chryssa


    Chryssa's Mother. Golden humans on Vreathe are immortal and to leave this plane of existence, they just simply have to will it. Aspasia did this when Chryssa was just three years old. Because of this, Chryssa doesn't remember her very well and isn't sure what she used to look like. She remembers her 'sky colored' hair and not much else.

    "I know so little about you... Minu told me you had the gift of foresight, granted to you by Saint Nora. But you saw something that made you give up on Vreathe and leave me behind! I hope you're happy in whatever that paradise is out there..."
    - Chryssa


    Chryssa's Father. Just like Aspasia, Kostis left the world willingly, doing so just before Chryssa was born. Chryssa heard stories about him from the Olimian Trolls, how Kostis was alive countless years ago in the Golden Age of Vreathe, and would have personally known each of the Elder Gods. Kostis was said to have endured numerous sorrows before he finally gave up.

    "According to Minu, you were one of the greatest human warriors that ever lived, but something made even you give up on Vreathe, before I was even born! Just what did you two see that made you prefer the destruction of everything over your own child!"
    - Chryssa


    An Olimian Troll, and the only family Chryssa had for a long time. Minu was from one of the few tribes of Trolls that tolerated humans, and was friends with Aspasia and Kostis. After the two left Vreathe, Minu raised Chryssa as her own for a time. Minu later died as a result of hunters, who were looking for Feral Trolls but saw Minu as an easy target. Minu died when Chryssa was ten years old.

    "... Thanks for everything"
    - Chryssa


    A Midnight Elf of Lyonne, who took Chryssa in after Minu's death. Kayorise is a Midnight Elf, a descendant of Laza, Goddess of Twilight. Other elves generally avoided midnight elves, which made her perfect for keeping Chryssa safe. Chryssa lived with her on the outskirts of Delphia for a little over seven years and she considers Kayari to be her mother as much as Minu or Aspasia.

    "I heard the Midnight Elves all disappeared from Lyonne a few months ago. For what reason I don't know, and once again, I lost my mother and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye... You better not be dead, I do want to see you again!"
    - Chryssa


    An Elf of Lyonne, and Kayari's husband. Rengael was always distrustful of humans, even the supposed holy golden ones, so he avoided Chryssa whenever he was home. This worked perfectly for him anways, as he is a Warden of the Order of Lions. Wardens are an Elven equivalent to Knights and their duties often taken them away for months or even years at a time.

    "Technically this man should be my adoptive elven father, but I spent so little time with him, I don't even know how pronounce his name properly."
    - Chryssa




    Saya met Chryssa seven years ago, then the two ran into each other again several years later in the Elf-Kingdom of Lyonne. When the Inakans arrived at the borders of Lyonne, Chryssa fled the country with Saya, and they have been traveling together for the last year or so across Northern Cassel. Chryssa is one of the few people that has been able to improve Saya's sour attitude.

    "Don't let Saya's moodiness get to you, she's actually really sweet and kind and chivalrous and a wonderful person! And, well, I'm not sure I would still be on Vreathe if not for her. How do I put this... Vyerin, er, Saya... I love her, alright!"
    - Chryssa


    Myles is a regular Iron Human with no magical ability at all. He and Chryssa have had many arguments over the years about magic and its usefulness. Chryssa considers Myles to be charming and a good friend, but she considers his realist points of views annoying at best.

    "Myles has such a poor understanding of magic that... he just really ticks me off sometimes! Want an example? He bought what he described as 'totally amazing Mana Seeking Arrows' that would help us fight magic creatures and mages! Forgetting that I'm a mage, he shoots one of the arrows while I'm casting magic and I got hit instead! But don't worry, I got my Revenge!"
    - Chryssa


    Raini and Chryssa were able to relate to each other in many ways since the two are from lands completely foreign to eastern countries like Ordland and Cassel. Raini was never allowed to cast magic growing up where she did, so Chryssa spent a lot of her spare time teaching her. Despite knowing less, Raini's magic is much more precise than Chryssa's ever was.

    "I'm not sure how much of her magic ability is from her Moon Trace or if I am really that great of a teacher, but Raini is amazing at casting magic. If the situation with her kind in the Alluthian nations wasn't so awful, I'm sure she would have been a great sorceress of some kind!"
    - Chryssa


    One of Chryssa's friends from Delphia. Jin was a Squire of the Order of Lions. Once he became a full fledged Warden, he was deployed to the Elf-Kingdom of Faeon for an unknown purpose and has been there for the last five years. Growing up, Jin intervened in numerous fights to protect Chryssa, who was looked down on by virtually all of the Elves.

    "Jin is stoic andt moody and always seems depressed, but he's a great person once you get to know him! He was actually the first person I fell in love with.. Hmmm, they're kind of similar, I wonder if Saya and Jin would get along..."
    - Chryssa


    Another of Chryssa's friends from Delphia. Iris was an apprentice apothecary, learning the craft from her mother. Chryssa was also an apprentice under Iris's mother, and she spent the night at her home a lot growing up. The two were pretty much inseparable, until they were 16, when Iris moved to the Barony of Mataro to finish her training. Chryssa had to stay in Lyonne though...

    "If we ever pass through the Shining City of Tesiadem, we are definitely going to pay Iris a visit before we leave! I have so much I want to tell her about the last three years!"
    - Chryssa

    Saya - Portrait.png


    Saya met Chryssa seven years ago, then the two ran into each other again several years later in the Elf-Kingdom of Lyonne. When the Inakans arrived at the borders of Lyonne, Chryssa fled the country with Saya, and they have been traveling together for the last year or so across Northern Cassel. Chryssa is one of the few people that has been able to improve Saya's sour attitude.

    "Don't let Saya's moodiness get to you, she's actually really sweet and kind and chivalrous and a wonderful person! And, well, I'm not sure I would still be on Vreathe if not for her. How do I put this... Vyerin, er, Saya... I love her, alright!"
    - Chryssa

    Thames - Portrait.png


    Myles is a regular Iron Human with no magical ability at all. He and Chryssa have had many arguments over the years about magic and its usefulness. Chryssa considers Myles to be charming and a good friend, but she considers his realist points of views annoying at best.

    "Myles has such a poor understanding of magic that... he just really ticks me off sometimes! Want an example? He bought what he described as 'totally amazing Mana Seeking Arrows' that would help us fight magic creatures and mages! Forgetting that I'm a mage, he shoots one of the arrows while I'm casting magic and I got hit instead! But don't worry, I got my Revenge!"
    - Chryssa

    Sera - Portrait.png


    Raini and Chryssa were able to relate to each other in many ways since the two are from lands completely foreign to eastern countries like Ordland and Cassel. Raini was never allowed to cast magic growing up where she did, so Chryssa spent a lot of her spare time teaching her. Despite knowing less, Raini's magic is much more precise than Chryssa's ever was.

    "I'm not sure how much of her magic ability is from her Moon Trace or if I am really that great of a teacher, but Raini is amazing at casting magic. If the situation with her kind in the Alluthian nations wasn't so awful, I'm sure she would have been a great sorceress of some kind!"
    - Chryssa


    One of Chryssa's friends from Delphia. Jin was a Squire of the Order of Lions. Once he became a full fledged Warden, he was deployed to the Elf-Kingdom of Faeon for an unknown purpose and has been there for the last five years. Growing up, Jin intervened in numerous fights to protect Chryssa, who was looked down on by virtually all of the Elves.

    "Jin is stoic andt moody and always seems depressed, but he's a great person once you get to know him! He was actually the first person I fell in love with.. Hmmm, they're kind of similar, I wonder if Saya and Jin would get along..."
    - Chryssa


    Another of Chryssa's friends from Delphia. Iris was an apprentice apothecary, learning the craft from her mother. Chryssa was also an apprentice under Iris's mother, and she spent the night at her home a lot growing up. The two were pretty much inseparable, until they were 16, when Iris moved to the Barony of Mataro to finish her training. Chryssa had to stay in Lyonne though...
    "If we ever pass through the Shining City of Tesiadem, we are definitely going to pay Iris a visit before we leave! I have so much I want to tell her about the last three years!"
    - Chryssa


    Author's Notes

  • 1/24/2024 Updates:
  • changed around some css to give the article its own look (will do this for all major characters).
  • Removed almost all instances of Chryssa's old name (Cida).
  • Re-edited a few sections for consistency with the rest of the world.
  • Changed Chryssa's portrait. It's still AI generated and I will make no secret of that. I suck way too much at drawing people and for as long as my world is free, I am not going to commission artwork of the dozens of characters I have. (It's an issue for future me when I decide to publish a story or make some other use of this world!)
  • 2023 notes
    When I was building these characters (Cida, Saya, Raini, Myles) way back in 2005 or so, I hadn't thought of their proper names yet, but in the last few months I started thinking about it much more...   For Cida, I never had a proper name for and always used Cida as an alternate spelling of "Kida". I started going through many different possible names in the last few days, even though years ago I had the perfect name for her already: Chryssa, or "Gold". It's also short for Chrysanthe, or "Golden Flower". I've just been reluctant to change it until now.

    Her last name Sil just describes from where she is from, the Mountains of Sil. Her middle name Astraea is a reference to Greek/Roman Mythology, as the last immortal to leave Earth during the Iron Age. Which might be a little on the nose, but you know where the story is possibly going (If I ever write it...). I'm going to eventually remove Cida from existence and only use Chryssa for her name, but I don't know when that changeover will happen.   Also, writing a character with a similar name to mine just feels weird...

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    Jun 24, 2023 13:31 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

    ...I just went through a linguistics crisis last week. I decided I did, in fact, need at least one ancient language, something akin to how modern US English uses Latin or Greek for a lot of its roots. This led me down a linguistics rabbit hole of epic proportions.   The problem I encountered is that all of my world-building is based on the setting for my novel, which has a main character. So once I added in this language, Siobhan, my MC with the VERY OBVIOUSLY Gaelic spelling (it's the proper spelling of the American name Chevonne or Shevonne, in case you've never encountered it in writing)...couldn't be named that anymore! Because those phenomes didn't exist in this new language.   Fortunately, I was able to fiddle with a couple of word definitions and came up with a very satisfactory solution which appeased both my head ('she simply cannot have a Gaelic name, now') and my heart ('but THAT IS HER NAME!'), so she is now Shiv, and alllll the voices are at peace.   About that.   This is all my long-winded way of saying that I completely understand allllll of the complicated feelings that go along with the delicate balance of character Name. <3

    Haly, the Moonlight Bard

    Summer Camp in Avalon

    Rhapsody in Realms FREE on Substack!

    Jul 13, 2023 00:50

    Thanks for the insight and thanks for reading! I haven't tried inventing a whole language for this world yet. I mostly just been using Latin to sort of represent the ancient language. I've been kind of butchering the more recent ones as sort of Spanish and sort of French and so on, but yeah, its gonna be a struggle if and when I do.

    Jul 13, 2023 19:54 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

    When I explored the language template, I found a link there for, which is a linguistics-based language generator. You can just click a button and get a 400 word fantasy language and it's even really easy to import the whole thing into WA. IF you want to get fancy with it, you can even go in and really edit and fidgit with alllllllll the settings. But you don't NEED to know ANYTHING about linguistics to get a good, solid language. (I was so impressed, that I went ahead and shelled out the like...I think $20....for a lifetime subscription. But, that's what worked and was convenient for me, your results and needs may vary!)

    Haly, the Moonlight Bard

    Summer Camp in Avalon

    Rhapsody in Realms FREE on Substack!