IMPORTANT NOTE! - Character articles are currently undergoing a major rewrite. Expect information in these article to be inconsistent for a few months. Expected time of completion is July.

Aerynn Vernador

Article Contents

Aerynn - Small.png
"You all are wrong about King Eldon! Father's the only reason this country hasn't fallen apart yet! You won't realize your mistake until it's far too late!"

Aerynn Vernador is a princess from Cassel and is the future queen of the nation. She is a Priestess of Saint Nora and also gained the title of the Phoenix Priestess five years ago after an event nearly took her life. Aerynn is considered to be one of the most powerful mages in Cassel but she strictly uses healing and defensive magics, preferring not to fight if she doesn't need to, and if she does, she knows her way with a sword.


When Aerynn was younger, she was spoiled, manipulative, and mean to everyone, hating most people except for her parents. These days she always appears kind and caring to a fault. She seems cheery and always looking at the bright side of things as very little can sour her mood.

Aerynn is not a fool. She is not a very trusting person. She grew up in the Mesa City of Wrethilin where half the nobles in Cassel live, who are almost all cruel, conniving, greedy, and only out for themselves. Aerynn learned long ago about the pitfalls of dealing with them. Aerynn keeps a happy appearance in almost all situations so no one can tell if she's being serious or not. Those that know her well can easily tell if she's lying.

Physical Description

Aerynn is of average height for a Casselian girl. Unlike most females of the country, she prefers her hair shorter as its easier to manage. Her eyes are bright and are a deep blue, characteristic of almost any Vernador. Her face is warm and almost always makeup free. Very few people see anything other than a kind and caring smile when they see her.

When Aerynn is performing her official duties as a priestess of Saint Nora, she is wearing a white robe made of plain cotton, embroidered with gold thread. As a Princess, Aerynn has a vast wardrobe of elaborate and delicate dresses made of almost every material imaginable, and has to wear them all the time at official political events. Every other time, she is usually seen wearing a loose shirt, pants, leather boots, and a violet cape. She has a love for sapphires and always wears sapphire earrings and often is wearing other sapphire jewelry.
Full name: Renelle Vernador

Race: Iron Human
Ethnicity: Casselian
Age: 18
Birthday: May 8th
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Female

  • Princess of South Cassel
  • Duchess of Ethilon
  • Priestess of Saint Nora
  • Phoenix Priestess of Wrethilin
  • Children


    The Rose of Cassel

    Rose of Cassel.png
    Also called the Castle Rose. This backsword used to belong to Aerynn's cousin Renelle Vernador, but she ended up becoming the owner of the sword. The weapon is set with several rubies and has a silver core, which allows Aerynn to easily channel mana through the blade and cast powerful magic. She practices combat with the sword all the time, but despite it being her most powerful weapon, she isn't often seen with it outside of sword practice.

    The Staff of Saint Nora

    Staff of Saint Nora.png
    A legendary relic of Saint Nora that greatly enhances the ability to cast any type of magic. The Handle is made of enchanted sturdy Live Oak from a distant land, able to impossibly block heavy blows from metal weapons. The large chalcedony crystal in the center of the staff head stores large amounts of both mana and aether, drawing magical energy from the surrounding environment. In her official duties as a priestess of Saint Nora, Aerynn almost always has this staff with her.


    Eldon Vernador

    Almost everyone thinks Eldon is a cowardly tyrant king that ordered the murder of his brother, and killed his sister and niece. Aerynn however has unconditional trust in her father and thinks the situation is much more complicated than anyone knows. Her father is many things, but a murderer, she cannot comprehend.
    King Eldon Portrait.png


    Aerynn's mother. Sandrea was a noblewoman from Irrelith before she was placed in an arranged marriage with Eldon. She has very little care for the Kingdom of Cassel, and spends much of her time traveling to Irrelith, acting as an envoy between the two nations, but she's often not there for Aerynn.

    Isabel Vernador

    Isabel is the Queen of Ordland far to the North. Her political ambitions means she has very little use for most of her family, but she stays friendly with her cousin Aerynn who is the future Queen of South Cassel. She frequently offers advice on navigating the dangerous minefield that is politics.

    Arden Vernador

    Aerynn's cousin. After an incident five years ago nearly took Aerynn's life, Arden saw to it that Aerynn could protect herself. He taught her how to use a sword and how to use defensive enchantments. Aerynn took these lessons to heart, practicing every day she can.

    Renelle Vernador

    Aerynn does not blame her cousin Renelle for what she did five years ago. She was doing what she thought was right and Aerynn did what she thought was right. Aerynn has no idea where Ren ran to after that happened, but she wants to track her down and let her know all was forgiven long ago.

    Saya (Vyerin Vernador)

    Aerynn's 'twin' cousin. They share the same birthday. Aerynn also made the same bloodpact with Xana as Vyerin did and the three share a link with each other's magic. The two hated each other when they were younger, but Aerynn's attitude has mellowed over the years. She is unsure if Vyerin is the same.
    Saya - Portrait.png



    Traditionally, there is always an elf of Ledo that guards the heir to the throne of Cassel, and in this case that elf is Adán. There have been rumors for a few months now that Aerynn and Adán were an item. The two do not see each other that way but they agreed to perpetuate that rumor as it gets a good many suitors out of Aerynn's hair.


    Unlike her cousin Vyerin, Aerynn regularly summons Xana for advice or help, and also a tip or two on casting magic. Xana refers to Aerynn as her favorite pact holder and if there was a single being in all of Vreathe that Xana would genuinely care for it would probably be Aerynn, maybe. Xana's too unpredictable to tell...
    Xana - Small.png


    Jenny is cold and calculating, and very skilled with a short spear. She was at first quite ticked off that she was assigned to guard Aerynn because that meant her promotions would disappear for a decade or two in Cassel's army. Aerynn's warm personality started to make cracks in Jenny's and the two became friends, eventually.
    Jenny - Portrait.png
    "There's a million nobles across Cassel that I could be "friends" with, but they always want something like a favor or for me to make some official statement that I support them. Or they just want me to marry them... Ugh, don't get me started on the Ferretors! Those aren't friends!"

    "Jenny and Adán, my guards, are more my friends than any high ranking noble ever will be!"


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    Dec 2, 2023 06:43

    Great article, you learn a lot about the character and her relationships. Quick question though, "after an even nearly took her life", (3rd line) unfortunately, I'm not super familiar with your world so I'm just curious if an "even" is a thing, or if it's just a mistake. Everything else was great though, loved reading it!

    Feel free to check out my world Astraesto!
    Dec 2, 2023 11:08

    Thanks for pointing that out! I meant to write 'event'. I was so quick to hit that publish button I forgot to run the article through a spell check. Now that I did...oh man, there was like five other mistakes too! It's all fixed now.

    Dec 2, 2023 12:21

    Haha all good, I've probably done the same thing a thousand times. Enjoy WorldEmber!

    Feel free to check out my world Astraesto!
    Jan 26, 2024 15:46

    Great job on the article! Aside from Aerynn's story, which is already amazing on its own, I've got to say that this article has some really fun formatting. The portraits in the relationships section make it easy to visualize each character and Xana's unique appearance among others makes me want to read about her even more. The blue bubbles filled with Aerynn's thoughts related to each section are also great and flesh out her character by showing her inner voice. And the other images that break the longer text make the whole thing really pleasant to read, at least to me.   Keep up the good work and may there be a ton of inspiration and motivation in your future!

    Jan 26, 2024 21:40

    It's a wonderful article with so many great details. I love the layout and that even the equipment is described with pictures. The different portraits make it even easier to understand the different relationships. The speech bubbles with Aerynn's thoughts make the article even more worth reading.