Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

"Sometimes I feel trapped," Aùshe said as she looked at Raga with distressed eyes.   "If it feels wrong don't do it," Raga replayed candidly.   "It's not that simple," Aùshe replied with a small laugh.   "It's as simple as walking out of that door and never looking back," Raga replied as he turned to point to the door that lead outside.   "No, its not. I like my new life here," Aùshe said more annoyed.
Aùshe is the pretend little sister of Raga Soyla. They share a special relationship, although they have grown apart after his job with the military became more involved. Aùshe works as a mixologist for Najel Ncasssekwa and is one of the key strategists for the terrorist group, Kezedfrunch.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aùshe is fit and well-endowed wearing her hair up with some bangs. Her body is toned and well taken care of with proper diet and excerise.

Body Features

Aùshe has a small frame that is well-toned but not overall muscular as she doesn't want to bulk up her figure. Underneath her breasts is the scar of where Azrimor Mäpwüsofdt tried to kill her. Since it is close to her breast, the scar is always covered by her clothes.

Special abilities

Physical Abilities

Due to Aùshe's training, she is immune to poison and is resistant to most diseases. In addition to being a good fighter without using a weapon she is good without wearing armor or using a shield. This is because she is fast and hard to hit while fighting using her agility as her shield. As another part of her training, Aùshe can deflect or catch missiles such as arrows and darts instead of being shot. Furthermore, she can take less damage from falling also due to her training.   Aùshe is athletic so if she is stunned in combat she can still move even if she can't move that fast. She can also climb easily and can jump long distances while running. Furthermore, she is very mobile and fast making her exceptionally speedy and agile. Due to this Aùshe can easily run in difficult terrain. In combat, people can't hit her if she runs by because she is so fast.   As a side effect of working in a bar, Aùshe has become a skilled tavern brawler, which has boosted her constitution because she doesn't rely on strength. Furthermore, she can use improvised weapons and her unarmed attacks also become stronger. Aùshe can also grapple an enemy she attacks as long as she is unarmed. Aùshe is also very durable which helps her recover and heal faster. While fighting she makes sure that she is fast and hard to hit. Another of her fighting abilities is that Aùshe is alert and can't be surprised. She is likely to attack first during combat as she is fast. This also makes it hard for people to sneak up on her with her back turned to her opponent.

Magical Abilities

Aùshe is a Monk that follows the path of the Shifter Dragon which allows her to use the energy of a Dragon and she can choose to any of their breath weapons of sodium which will be a line or necrotic which will be a cone. Aùshe can do this six times a day. She can tap into the Dragon's power creating an aura around her for about a minute. While in the aura she can choose to have a frightful presence which makes her foes afraid of her or an aura of resistance that protects her from a type of damage. Another gift she got from Jangsung Myong is Telekinetic Reprisal.   Although Aùshe has a minor form of the Ungifted condition she can use some magic such as the spell Wind Step which allows her to disngage or dash away from an assailant. Sometimes when she uses Wind Step she can unfurl spectral draconic wings that allow her to fly briefly once a day. Also once a day Aùshe can use her stillness of mind to resist being charmed or frightened.

Apparel & Accessories

Aùshe wears a light blue shirt that is off one of her shoulders showing the strap of her sports bra which she uses to minimize the size of her chest. She wears a black mini-skirt with capri leggings and red athletic shoes. While working she will wear an apron with pockets so she can take orders at tables when she is not at the bar.   When not wearing this outfit she wears traveler's clothes that are durable which is usually her normal outfit with a jacket.

Specialized Equipment

Aùshe was given her Feather Knuckles from Jangsung Myong her mentor which she uses as her primary weapon to deliver unarmed strikes. She doesn't wear her gloves when working or cooking so they can remain clean.   She can use short swords and other simple weapons if she wants. When not attacking with her fist she will attack with a dagger usually as a last resort when violence is the only option. The dagger that she has was given to her by Nyesi as just another precaution. Aùshe has a collection of small darts that she uses as throwing weapons.   When traveling Aùshe will use a backpack to carry her stuff since she can't use the Book Spell to hold her stuff. She attaches a bedroll to the backpack so she can sleep. She prefers to carry a Mess Kit which she uses to eat and cook some food. Furthermore, she carries a matchbox to start fires to cook with. Another tool that she likes to keep on hand is a rope just in case. She also carries a small pouch which she uses to carry her few valauble.   Aùshe is proficient with several tools. She can use an Alchemy Kit and can make various potions even with limited magical abilities due to her condition. As a Mixologist Aùshe can use Brewer's Supplies to make various nonmagical drinks furthermore she can use Cooking Utensils as an expert cook.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aùshe was born at Tichenfdt Ronnts a small trade center next to The Waves she grew up around Jiebo Meelacha and helped at a local bar. Her mother died when she was young and for not having fully believed her parents' faith she honestly believed that she would never see her mother again. Raga saved her when she went on a hike to the mountains claiming to be hearing her mother's voice and that she was going to her. She spent time with Raga when he was home on leave and made him promise to save her if she ever needed to be saved.   As much as Raga did like it he introduced Aùshe to Jangsung Myong a Monk master to teach Aùshe how to protect herself hoping that discipline would keep her from wandering off. The introduction was not direct as Raga was busy with his job. Aùshe accepted learning from the Myel Shifter Dragon and traveled with him to Akkyong where she became a member of Kwo Chon Matan Mya.   She later served as a guide through the Waves and was one of the guides that led Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser to the Konn Prünnzu Tradtar that is in the Waves. She saw Sürl Dussch and was the only civilian survivor of it. Kao Venkaprja hid her from Azrimor Mäpwüsofdt who was in Dragon Rage at the time and wanted to kill her after he killed her father.   Aùshe however was greatly injured and was bleeding out where Azrimor struck her. Jangsung found her and called a helicopter to take her to Yutvæ a town in Schnuch with a well-known doctor. He operated on Aùshe all night and saved her life. He had to do this because Aùshe is minorly Ungifted and thus can't be healed with magic alone. She did wake up and the team of nurses helped rehabilitate her. By working in the community and with the help of Jangsung Aùshe was able to pay for the surgery.   Curiosity did overcome Aùshe and she moved to Nyiltokti the capital of Bridt Sche. She was not sure about the move all she wanted was to start over like everyone else who left town long ago. She got a room at Kitit Glentheinglego and started to work for Nyesi Ncasssekwa at Quim Brear as a Mixologist. While living there she joined Kezedfrunch and became one of the main strategists for her cell.


Aùshe is heterosexual and is engaged to Nyesi Ncasssekwa with plans to marry him soon. He wants to save the planet first so Aùshe has been tired of waiting for him to be ready.


Aùshe received her primary education from a local school in her hometown where she got secondary and primary education. When she worked at the Jiebo Meelacha ranch and at a local tavern. At those jobs, she has learned how to deal with difficult customers, how to take care of Jiebo Meelacha, and mix drinks.   Her other form of education was at a monastery with Jangsung Myong being her master in Kwo Chon Matan Mya the discipline that she learned. While studying there she learned how to fight with her fists primarily with daggers and darts. She also learned how to use some spells proving that she had a minor form of being Ungifted.


Aùshe has worked at the tavern in her hometown as a Mixologist and a guide for the Jiebo Meelacha ranch through The Waves. Although the bar where she learned her trade is gone it means a lot to her and is still an important place to her.    When the town was destroyed she moved to Nyiltokti and started to work for Nyesi Ncasssekwa at Quim Brear as a mixologist.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jangsung Myong believed that Aùshe was one of his most promising students and offered to teach her more advanced techniques if she agreed to stay at the monastery. Aùshe thought about it but turned him down wanting to pursue her trades of cooking and mixology.

Mental Trauma

Being the only civilian survivor of Sürl Dussch Aùshe saw her father murdered by Azrimor and the destruction of her town. She gets nightmares of the event and has struggled to come to terms with the deaths of her friends and family. In the aftermath, she remembered that Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser had said that Pfussäwinn Witts was sending them out on that mission. This becomes one of the main reasons she joined Kezedfrunch even though bringing the company down won't bring back her loved ones Aùshe hopes that it will help bring some closure.

Intellectual Characteristics

Since Aùshe was taught by a Dragon her magical abilities are partly gifted to her by her mentor. These gifts make her a bit more intelligent and wise.

Morality & Philosophy

She is a pacifist and doesn't like violence however she is willing to defend herself although she rather exhausts all other avenues before resorting to a fight. In dangerous situations, she focuses on saving bystanders even if they are unarmed enemies to make sure that no one gets hurt that doesn't want to be in the fight.


She doesn't like talking about violence or violent things like torture and whenever her cell does do violent things she does her best to either justify or find a way to minimize damage.

Personality Characteristics


Aùshe wants to get revenge on Pfussäwinn Witts because they ordered Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser to The Waves which result in the incident that killed her friends and family and also burned her hometown to the ground. She doesn't want to get revenge violently but after working Nyesi and his Kezedfrunch cell she is willing to seek more violent methods. She doesn't want to destroy the company but wants to put them out of business instead.   Aùshe also wants to pick up the pieces of her life and start over. She is doing this with Nyesi who is engaged and helping out with Pōyâ his daughter. Aùshe is looking forward to having a family with him and sharing the business of running Quim Brear.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aùshe is the chef and mixologist of Quim Brear the best bar in Schlullk De. She is a master at using Cooking Utensils and can prepare a variety of different dishes and drinks. While traveling she can prepare quick snacks that make people feel better after they eat. During camp, she can cook full meals that make people feel rested that is still fresh enough to be eaten again in the morning. The food is so good that people feel as though they are ready for the day after sleeping.   Aùshe loves cooking for people and groups regardless if they are friends, family, or patrons. She is also a good mixologist and can pair drinks and food together well.

Likes & Dislikes

She doesn't like violence. Aùshe wants to be a better person and create a better life for the people around her.

Virtues & Personality perks

As a peacekeeper Aùshe does her best to make sure there is peace in the group. Her reason for bringing peace to the people is because she believes that is it everyone's duty to strengthen the community. Aùshe believes that helping people will strengthen the bonds and security of communities.   Aùshe believes that anything worth doing is worth doing right and well due to this she can come off as a perfectionist.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aùshe's perfectionism she wants to make sure that everything is done perfectly and struggles to maintain control of her work and her body.   Aùshe is quick to assume the worst in people because of Sürl Dussch when Azrimor Mäpwüsofdt the well-known hero killed everyone she knew. In that same vein, she is suspicious of people and believes that they may try to cheat her or take advangte of her.


Contacts & Relations

Aùshe is engaged to Nyesi Ncasssekwa and wants to have a life with him. She has a good relationship with him and is in love with him wanting to have a stable normal life with him. She has a good relationship with his daughter Pōyâ who she babysits for free. Pōyâ is aware that her father loves Aùshe and is looking forward to when she can call Aùshe, mom.    Aùshe is friends with everyone in her Kezedfrunch cell as she does her best to make sure that there is peace within the group and does this by making sure their meetings are orderly with few in fighting. She has talked with Stala about the guys in their lives and other topics. Aùshe has told Stala that she would love to go to Schproülaudt Schtrücker and see on the stage. She also gets along well with Fansed and Scruyo who worked at Quim Brear before Aùshe started. They got a long well and Aùshe admired that they were willing to help people.

Family Ties

  After the death of both her parents Aùshe doesn't have any family left on Miyla which is one of the reasons why she wants to start her family with Nyesi. She still has Raga Soyla who she pretended to be her big brother growing up and who was always there for her when she was a child.

Religious Views

Aùshe is not that religious but has come back to Christianity the faith of her parents in hopes that she will see her parents again in the afterlife.

Social Aptitude

She is quiet and confident keeping most of her feelings and thoughts to her self preferring not to start conversations with people that she doesn't know. Aùshe opens up and talks very easily to people that she knows and is friends with.

Hobbies & Pets

Aùshe had a Carbuncle growing up that ran away and disappeared during Sürl Dussch.


Aùshe's speech is often kind, caring, and well meaning.


Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Crush (Trivial)

Towards Wichdt




Enemy (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met on the support pillar in De but have not had a chance to talk to each other. Aùshe doesn't care that much for Wichdt because he works for Pfussäwinn Witts and she does not like the company. Wichdt thinks that Aùshe is attractive and is willing to disobey some orders to ensure her safety.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Nach Fodt



Nach Fodt

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




The two do not know each other that well as Nach has recently been visiting Quim Brear where Aùshe works. She doesn't like that much since he never orders anything and makes a habit of annoying or making rather strange small talk with the other customers. Nach thinks that Aùshe is amusing.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Babysitter (Vital)

Towards Pōyâ Ncasssekwa



Pōyâ Ncasssekwa

Friend (Vital)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




Aùshe babysits Pōyâ for Najel when he cannot watch her and when the children's center is closed. They two are very close and trust each other and met when Aùshe interviewed for her job at Quim Brear.


Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng



Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Siúlís




They meet during the story.

Tiutme Soyla

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng



Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Tiutme Soyla




Aùshe worked for Tiutme at her tavern in the evenings. Tiutme taught Aùshe lots of elven mixology techniques that helped Aùshe get a job later at Quim Brear which is a bar at Schlullk De in Nyiltokti. They got along very well and Aùshe enjoyed working for Tiutme when she did. Aùshe was very sad when Tiutme died and was heartbroken when she told Soül Soyla that she died.


Sponsor (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng



Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Candidate (Trivial)

Towards Chiaria




They don't know each other that well but Chiaria is Aùshe's sponsor in Gumhi Liceort's bridal audition which Aùshe used to get closer to him. Other than that they get along well.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Piang




Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They meet in the story when Aùshe goes to Gumhi Liceort's bridal pageant. Piang tried to tell her to leave but she went through with it.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Bloim




Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




Aùshe gets along well enough with Bloim when he is sober but when he is drunk he does hit on her which she doesn't appreciate.

Doyu Nuktae

Stranger (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng



Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Stranger (Trivial)

Towards Doyu Nuktae




They met at the plate support pillar over a video chat but they do not care that much for each other because they are on different sides.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Kao Venkaprja



Kao Venkaprja

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met before the Sürl Dussch when Aùshe was a guide for Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser through the Waves to a Konn Prünnzu Reactor that is there. Venkaprja went out of his way to make sure that she felt included with the group.   When Sürl Dussch was going on Venkaprja hid Aùshe from Azrimor when he went into a rage because of a gas that was causing the rage. Venkaprja then ran out of the reactor to go and try to calm Azrimor down from the rage. When Aùshe left the reactor she couldn't find them and just the ruins of her hometown.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Friend (Important)

Towards Stala Frungedgroifaik



Stala Frungedgroifaik

Friend (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




Aùshe and Stata met in De and became fast friends.

Shared Secrets

They both know the other is a member of Kezedfrunch.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Asset (Trivial)

Towards Soül Soyla



Soül Soyla

Owner (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




Aùshe belongs to Soül Soyla because the Portal Master brought her family to Miyla during the Refugee Crisis. Though the two have not formally met Aùshe doesn't like that she basically belongs to him. Soül doesn't really care, but he does think that Aùshe is a good asset.

Legal Status

Under Knochdtün Gussdt Ügng she belongs to him due to a debt that her family owes.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Friend (Important)

Towards Scruyo




Friend (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met in De after Aùshe got a job from Najel at Quim Brear. They became friends since both work with Najel and are members of Kezedfrunch.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Draukdt Guhlennkoüngsdt



Draukdt Guhlennkoüngsdt

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met when Draukdt tried to execute Najel, Raga, and Aùshe. Though they were not formally introduced they both don't like each other.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Sädägier Pfussäwinn



Sädägier Pfussäwinn

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met during the execution of Aùshe, Najel, and Raga but they did not officially meet at Pfussäwinn Witts Lynuaitst when Najel saved Sädägier from falling off the building only to threaten him. The introduction was brief but the two were on bad terms when Sädägier died.

Aligioni Sebla

Friend (Vital)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng



Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Friend (Vital)

Towards Aligioni Sebla




They meet during the story although Aligioni has heard of Aùshe from Raga before they meet.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy shopping on the topside of Nyiltokti and teasing Raga although Aligioni tries to keep it at a minimum.

Shared Secrets

Aligioni knows that Aùshe is a member of a rogue Kezedfrunch cell and that she dating Najel which is something that the couple wants to keep quiet because they don't know how to tell Pōyâ. She also knows that Aùshe is the only survivor of the Sürl Dussch and that fleeing from her home while it was on fire was very hard for her to do.   Aùshe knows that Aligioni has a crush on Raga and encourages the relationship. She also encourages Aligioni to ask Raga out because he will not be making the first move.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Nyesi Ncasssekwa



Nyesi Ncasssekwa

Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met three years ago after Sürl Dussch and at first, the relationship has been employee and employer. As Aùshe has spent more time with Nyesi though she learned that they had more things in common than the cause of Kezedfrunch. Aùshe does not care that much about the cause since people have been hurt and she rather settle things peacefully if possible. Nyesi thinks that some damage is desired because of how rotten Pfussäwinn Witts is but for Aùshe he does his best to keep the damage to a minimum.   Recently the two have been going out and have occasionally talked about tieing the knot. Something that Aùshe is hesitant on doing because Nyesi is very invested in Kezedfrunch's cause and his daughter Pōyâ will need to be told about the relationship. Aùshe and Nyesi both feel that if they do get married that they would need the okays of Pōyâ since Aùshe would be the child's mom once everything is said and done. Another reason why Aùshe does not want to get married is that under Knochdtün Gussdt Ügng she belongs to the Portal Master Soül Soyla because of a debt her family owes to the dragon. Nyesi also wants to see Pfussäwinn Witts dealt with before tieing the knot because he knows how obsessive he has been about bringing the company down. For the time being, they have decided to keep their relationship a secret to the greater public and from Pōyâ until they can figure out how to tell her.

Nicknames & Petnames

Nyesi calls Aùshe Baby Girl somethings.

Relationship Reasoning

The reason for the relationship started that Aùshe needed a job and Nyesi was hiring. As they have worked together however the relationship has changed to mutual respect, trust, and attraction.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both do not like Pfussäwinn Witts and think that company has overstepped its bounds and has caused nothing but trouble and misery for the mortals. They both care for and love Pōyâ and want her to have the best. Quim Brear is very important to both of them as they work and live in the bar. They are both proud of the work that they have put in the bar. Both of them love their community and want to see the town thrive and do what they can to protect and make it a better place to live.

Shared Secrets

They both know that they are in a relationship with each other. They both know that the other is a member of a rogue Kezedfrunch cell that was kicked out of the main organization for being too extreme.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Vubre Sebla



Vubre Sebla

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met during the story.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng


Towards Limir Nuwi


Limir Nuwi


Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng



Aùshe met Limir at Der Roch after the plate fell and he offered a place for her and her friends because she was with Raga. They met again at a gym and worked out together to help Aùshe release some tension.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Conlaed




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met on the plate support pillar and become enemies because their organizations are at odds. Also, Konns' partner Wichdt was shot down by Najel causing Konns to really hate the people associated with him even though his partner survived.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Kaan Pfussäwinn



Kaan Pfussäwinn

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met on top of the Pfussäwinn Witts Lynuaitst building and since Kaan was wanting to stop members of Kezedfrunch from escaping and Aùshe is a member they did not meet on the best of terms. Aùshe also knows Kaan by reputation and doesn't like him. Although Kaan was there to stop an escape he was happy to see the organization because he thought they killed his father which was something he has been trying to do for a very long time.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Henskre Glychau



Henskre Glychau

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




They met in the Pfussäwinn Witts Lynuaitst in Prof. Glychua's lab where she was holding Ala. Since Aùshe was there to save Ala and that was something that Prof. Glychua didn't want they are at odds.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Candidate (Trivial)

Towards Gumhi Liceort



Gumhi Liceort

Owner (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




Aùshe met Gumhi during his bridal audition as one of his candidates. She wanted to meet him because she thought that he was behind some strange activity in De.

Nicknames & Petnames

Gumhi calls all candidates Carbuncle.

Shared Secrets

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Tenet (Important)

Towards Frungedists




Land Lady (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




Aùshe met Frungedists when she rented a room at Kitit Glentheinglego. They got off at a great start and feel as though they are family.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Friend (Important)

Towards Fansed




Friend (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




Aùshe and Fansed met at Quim Brear when Aùshe applied there as a mixologist. She got the job and replaced Fansed but there were no hard feelings between the two since Fansed did not like being a mixologist.    Afterward, when Aùshe joined Kezedfrunch they worked together for the group as well.

Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Azrimor Mäpwüsofdt



Azrimor Mäpwüsofdt

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng




Aùshe and Azrimor met while Aùshe guided him and the rest of Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser through the Waves. Their relationship was decent enough as Azrimor was happy enough to ignore Aùshe during the journey.   When they made it to the Konn Prünnzu Tradtar Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser went inside but Aùshe and her father followed behind them. Aùshe's father found Azrimor in a crazed state. Azrimor ran Aùshe's father through with his blade and walked past Aùshe.   When Aùshe saw Azrimor again at Fufdt De: Schmö she was upset. Azrimor was polite to Aùshe but was distrusting of him.

Alls Uchdt

Client (Important)

Towards Aùshe Sûngâzuōng



Aùshe Sûngâzuōng

Guide (Trivial)

Towards Alls Uchdt




Alls met Aùshe at her hometown where she became the guide to him and the rest of Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser through the Waves to the Konn Prünnzu Tradtar that is there. While traveling Alls would flirt with Aùshe but she didn't give him much attention because she was wanting to spend time with Raga. She would talk to him but didn't take his flirting seriously because he is a dragon.

Wealth & Financial state

Aùshe is in a poorer class living in the Schlullk De slums in a small studio apartment at Kitit Glentheinglego. She owns a punching bag and some other items that she keeps in her room. She earns a modest income at her job and with various other side jobs that she does with Nyesi.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Fremmairnsdtjiebo 14th, 5968
Year of Birth
5968 38 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Kitit Glentheinglego 201
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
No more.... No more killing! I don't want to see anyone else die!
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Plots
Known Languages
  • Jade: fluent
  • Arthurian: fluent
  • Light Elven: understands
  • Black Draconic: fluent
  • Orcish: profiecent
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Character Portrait image: Aushe's ID Photo by Esther Harmon