World Codex


Articles related to the third age

Abyssal Storms
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 13, 2024

Incredibly intense storms fuelled by the energy of the abyss and the plane of air.

Ancient Kingdom of the Forest
Organization | Feb 25, 2023

A nation of elves which has existed for over 4 millennia

Ancient Lizards
Generic article | Aug 7, 2021
Character | Dec 12, 2019
Prose | Dec 18, 2022
Assistants to the Elevation
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

A cult dedicated to the original deity of death

Settlement | May 7, 2023

A fortress that was regrown to account for the more regular flooding of the Renaduin

Berbridge Manor
Building / Landmark | Oct 24, 2022

A manor that was inexplicably abandoned

Black Scythe
Organization | Jul 10, 2022

A mercenary group known for their brutal effectiveness

Book of the Chosen
Item | Feb 15, 2024

A book that grants knowledge and power

Carver of the Ducks
Character | Feb 11, 2024

The protector of ducks, and champion of the mysterious Quack.

Children of the Mind
Organization | Oct 26, 2022
Children of the Mind Letters
Document | Sep 3, 2022
Settlement | Apr 12, 2024
Church of Drack
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

Church of the deity of Law, Order, and Crafting

Church of Merial
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Church of Moradin
Organization | May 12, 2023

A dwarven organisation dedicated to keeping Moradin’s people true to his ideals

Church of Nycan
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Church of Seyr
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

Churchof the deity of the Sun, one of the most popularin the world

Church of Tarin
Organization | Jan 28, 2024
Church of the Starbrow
Organization | Aug 5, 2022
Circle of Truth
Organization | Jul 3, 2021
Clan Magrannor
Organization | Nov 19, 2022

The dwarves of the Magrannor Halls

Combat Sign
Language | Jul 22, 2023

A sign language used for giving silent orders.

Commander's final missive
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Crowning Achievement
Plot | Jul 1, 2024
Cult of Baphomet
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Cult of Glasya
Organization | May 7, 2023
Desmond's Notes on airship development
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Organization | May 7, 2023

A group which protects the Forest Kingdom through covert means

Diseases in storage
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Documents from Bolin Prison
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Duck Call
Item | Feb 5, 2024

A whistle that makes a sound only ducks can hear

Dwarven Army
Military Formation | May 7, 2023

The main armed force that serves Clan Magrannor

Settlement | Jun 15, 2023

A merfolk settlement beneath the Irikant Sea.

Eden McDougan
Generic article | Oct 18, 2023

A dwarven smith whose obsession lingers in his old forge

Eternal Flower Ceremony
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 18, 2022

An elven ceremony for honouring the brave and skilled

Explorer's Journal
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Fading parchment from below Deadwatch
Document | Aug 7, 2021
First Servant
Rank/Title | Nov 18, 2022

Leader of the Servants of the state

Fragments of a journal
Document | Aug 18, 2023
Friends of the Household
Organization | May 7, 2023

Iinformation gatherers who serve the kingdom of the forest

Character | Jul 10, 2022
Settlement | Dec 24, 2022

Capital of the Mktulax domains

Garb of the Protector
Item | Feb 13, 2024

A set of clothes covered in duck feathers

Generic article | Jan 2, 2023
Hands of the wind
Organization | Aug 5, 2022

A group which obey the instructions of a voice on the wind

Organization | May 7, 2023

A group of soldiers within the regular military recognised for their commitment to Clan Magrannor.

Ilma Olie
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

The Elven Pantheon

Imbaril's Wanderers
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Invisibility Gone Wrong
Generic article | Oct 18, 2023

An invisibility spell causes a careless mage to fade from this plane

Jaad'Kart Family
Organization | Nov 19, 2022

A noble dwarven family that has fallen on hard times

Journal found beneath Serrice
Document | May 8, 2023

The remains of a journal found in the ruins beneath Serrice

Journal recovered in Nacht
Document | Dec 31, 2023
Jun Masterson
Character | Nov 28, 2023

Also known as the stitcher, Jun was a brilliant researcher who specialised in alteration magic.

Lavender Tealeaf
Character | Jul 10, 2022
Letter's recovered from Nacht
Document | Dec 31, 2023
Letters found in Serrice
Generic article | Dec 13, 2021
Lunar Owls
Organization | Jul 23, 2024
Organization | May 3, 2023

A group that protect civilisation from Lycanthropes

Magnificent Mystic Brotherhood
Organization | Apr 29, 2024

A collective of battle obsessed mages who compete in deadly duels to improve their skills

Magrannor Halls
Settlement | May 7, 2023
Miluril Starbrow
Character | May 7, 2023

Head of the College of Necromancy and leader of the elven faction during the War of Ascension

Organization | Nov 18, 2022

An elite band of elven warriors and spellcasters. The members are descendents of the original 7 Moonguard, and each wields a hereditary blade

Character | Dec 10, 2022
Niltun Shelter
Settlement | Jul 26, 2024

A shelter built to allow the people of Chirin to survive the second Years of Darkness

Notes found in Desmond's lab
Generic article | Aug 7, 2021
Notes from a cellar
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Notes from Broken Tower
Document | Dec 29, 2021
Notes from Lower Grild Shelter
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Ochre Carapace
Item | Oct 30, 2022
Old newspaper artcles from Nacht
Document | Dec 31, 2023
Character | Mar 19, 2022

An ancient Lich

On Dragon Slaying
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Order of the Rod
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Pages found in a flame hideout
Document | Feb 28, 2023
Building / Landmark | Dec 30, 2023

A large arena which hosted fights between gladiators and monsters

Planar Sphere
Item | Feb 17, 2024

A complex device which shows when there will be a close interaction between the unified and distinct planes of existence.

Preserver Box
Technology / Science | Jul 26, 2024

A storage box that stops an object from deteriorating.

Prophecy of the twelve
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Organization | Dec 22, 2023

A well known vault making company from Laiqua

Records of Conversations
Document | Aug 5, 2022

Transcripts found in a shelter

Regimental Commander’s Ring
Item | Aug 29, 2021

A ring which protects the wearer from mind reading

Relun University
Organization | Oct 30, 2022
Organization | May 7, 2023

A group of elves who try to keep the old religions alive

Rigel Fearshroud
Character | Oct 31, 2022

An undead warrior served by a coven of hags

Sallin’s Delve
Building / Landmark | Oct 24, 2022

An infamous mine said to be rich in ore and gems but subject to strange occurrences.

Scraps found below Deadwatch Tower
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Scraps from a cleric's journal
Document | Dec 17, 2022
Scraps from Gerdun's Journal
Document | Jan 23, 2024
Scraps of a noble's Journal
Document | Jan 23, 2024
Servants of the state
Organization | Nov 18, 2022

Made up of nobles this group is entrusted with enacting the will of the monarch or the High Council.

Shaman's Notes
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Silver Grove Treaty
Document | Oct 22, 2022

A treaty between the elves and the dwarves

Starbrow's Ascension
Document | Oct 31, 2023

An annoucement made in Laicosto telling the people of a new deity

Organization | Nov 19, 2022

A family of dwarves known for their skill in working stone.

Sun's Shield
Organization | Dec 31, 2023

A militant order linked to the church of Seyr

Tanai Cuinsear
Character | May 28, 2023

A renegade elven mage who has been causing trouble since the first age.

Tarn Amakir
Character | May 10, 2023
Tarn's Jounral
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Tarn's Tower
Building / Landmark | Nov 25, 2023

An abandoned tower in the Bolin mountains

The Awakened
Organization | May 7, 2023

A group which rejects the deities and seeks to remove their influence from the world.

The Collector's Guide to Valuable Artifacts.
Document | Aug 7, 2021
The Empire
Organization | Jul 10, 2022
The Feather
Vehicle | Oct 24, 2022

A prototype flying vessel

The Gatekeepers
Organization | May 29, 2024
The Groodder
Myth | Jul 10, 2022

A malicious spirit that haunts the mines and causes a variety of problems

The Overlooked
Organization | May 3, 2023

A secret society that looks after the interests of little folk

Thrulos Wagon
Vehicle | Oct 31, 2023

A mass produced wagon produced by the Thrulos Group

Varbeck’s Walls
Building / Landmark | Dec 1, 2023

A set of six walls which protect the main entrance to Magrannor Halls

Character | Jul 10, 2022
Wanum’s notes
Document | Apr 21, 2022
Weighted Greatsword
Item | May 2, 2023
Wind Guides
Item | Jul 7, 2022

Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear