Articles relating to the First Age

Abyssal Storms
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 13, 2024

Incredibly intense storms fuelled by the energy of the abyss and the plane of air.

Aki, the Savage Priestess
Prose | Dec 8, 2022

A sidestory from the First Age of the World, featuring the barbarian Aki

Ancient Kingdom of the Forest
Organization | Feb 25, 2023

A nation of elves which has existed for over 4 millennia

Character | Dec 12, 2019
Settlement | Apr 18, 2021
Ashrim Demands Tristrum's Arrest
Generic article | Jan 2, 2023

Correspondance relating to a disaster in Shaon

Ashrim LeFaye
Character | Jan 2, 2023
Ashrim’s Bracer of Daggers
Item | Jan 2, 2023

A leather bracer capable of creating daggers made of shadows

Assistants to the Elevation
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

A cult dedicated to the original deity of death

Organization | May 7, 2023
Battle Golems
Item | Jan 22, 2024

A mass produced golem created by the kingdom of Balri

Book of the Chosen
Item | Feb 15, 2024

A book that grants knowledge and power

Settlement | Jul 8, 2019
Church of Merial
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Church of Moradin
Organization | May 12, 2023

A dwarven organisation dedicated to keeping Moradin’s people true to his ideals

Church of Nycan
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Church of Seyr
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

Churchof the deity of the Sun, one of the most popularin the world

Church of Tarin
Organization | Jan 28, 2024
Clan Magrannor
Organization | Nov 19, 2022

The dwarves of the Magrannor Halls

Combat Sign
Language | Jul 22, 2023

A sign language used for giving silent orders.

Commitments for the defence of the North
Document | Oct 31, 2019
Crinthal Medelosis
Character | May 7, 2023

The first vampire. His death led to the destruction of all vampires.

Cult of Baphomet
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Declaration of War
Document | Jul 22, 2023
Dhurilar Shimmerbrook
Character | Oct 30, 2022

A cult leader and wielder of Eternity

Drelkyte Bastion
Building / Landmark | May 7, 2023

A dwarven settlement that was overrun by undead

Dwarven Army
Military Formation | May 7, 2023

The main armed force that serves Clan Magrannor

Settlement | Jun 15, 2023

A merfolk settlement beneath the Irikant Sea.

Empire of Trem
Organization | May 7, 2023
Enlien Wressam
Character | Jan 2, 2023

A human noble credited as the founder of the Order of the Shield.

Eternal Flower Ceremony
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 18, 2022

An elven ceremony for honouring the brave and skilled

Fire Muffler
Technology / Science | Jul 20, 2024

A device which helps suppress fires on ships

First Servant
Rank/Title | Nov 18, 2022

Leader of the Servants of the state

Free Cities
Organization | Jul 5, 2022
Friends of the Household
Organization | May 7, 2023

Iinformation gatherers who serve the kingdom of the forest

Item | May 24, 2023

A kite shield made from icesteel

Greenskin Invasion
Military Conflict | Jul 28, 2022

A massive invasion by goblins and orcs that nearly destroyed Caresnas.

Helin Silma
Character | Nov 18, 2022

The ruler of the Kingdom of the Forest during the greenskin invasion

Holy Kingdom of Caresnas
Organization | Jan 2, 2023
Ilma Olie
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

The Elven Pantheon

Imbaril's Wanderers
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Immaculate Throne
Item | May 2, 2023

The throne of Filishar in the first and second ages

Settlement | Oct 31, 2023

A northern town that was raided numerous times by goblins and orcs

Character | Jul 30, 2023

A telepathic creature that gained control of the Empire of Trem

Jend Hallin’s Mace
Item | Jan 2, 2023
Jethyn’s Crown
Item | Jun 10, 2024
Jonathon Ulec
Character | Jul 22, 2023

A cleric of Seyr who lead the restoration of the church after it’s corruption

Kenuij Silverpetal
Character | Jan 2, 2023
Kingdom of Filishar
Organization | May 8, 2023
Letter to Ashrim LeFaye
Document | Jul 10, 2022
Letter to High Druid of Caresnas
Document | Jul 22, 2023
Letter to Ixalsthic
Document | Oct 31, 2023

A secret deal to help unify the forces standing against the greenskin invasion

Settlement | May 6, 2021
Lithegach Herder
Profession | Dec 1, 2023

Those that looked after the lithegach before they went extinct

Generic article | Apr 13, 2024
Vehicle | Jul 15, 2024

The first true war ship

Magrannor Halls
Settlement | May 7, 2023
Necromancer War
Military Conflict | Oct 10, 2020
Character | Dec 10, 2022
Notice of Intervention
Document | Jul 13, 2024

A letter demanding the rulers of countries in Kaara cooperate to end the necromancer war

Character | Mar 19, 2022

An ancient Lich

Order of the Rod
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Peaceful Night
Organization | Jul 30, 2023

A group that kept Ixalsthic’s presence a secret

Report on Destruction of Shaon
Document | Jan 2, 2023

A report on a disaster in Shaon caused by Tristum Morningstar

Request for Aid
Document | Jan 2, 2023

A letter requesting assistance in defending the northern passes.

Rigel Fearshroud
Character | Oct 31, 2022

An undead warrior served by a coven of hags

Character | Jan 4, 2021
Item | May 11, 2024
Sunshield Agreement
Document | May 20, 2022

A secret agreement which helped secure information vital to the defeat of the Lich Anson's undead armies

Tanai Cuinsear
Character | May 28, 2023

A renegade elven mage who has been causing trouble since the first age.

The Cauldron
Building / Landmark | Dec 29, 2020
The Corpse Harvest
Military Conflict | Jul 5, 2022

A rebellion in Balri which was ruthlessly put down.

The Dual Invasion
Military Conflict | May 6, 2023

An attack on the Magrannor halls by the humans and orcs

The Groodder
Myth | Jul 10, 2022

A malicious spirit that haunts the mines and causes a variety of problems

Thunder King's Eye
Item | May 2, 2023
Translated Prophecies
Document | Aug 7, 2021
Ethnicity | Jul 27, 2023

The dominant group in the Empire of Trem.

Tristrum Morningstar
Character | May 19, 2023
Vault of the Successor
Building / Landmark | Jun 24, 2024

A storehouse for dangerous magical items

Ventis Papers
Document | Dec 24, 2022

The collected remains of several journals suppoedly written by the vampire Ventis.

Wars of Unification
Military Conflict | Jul 10, 2022

Cover image: Caravan Raid by Tanai Cuinsear