Duchy of Freed Organization in Toriel | World Anvil

Duchy of Freed

Humans of the north of Siniadòr are often referred too as northlanders. Their homeland scoured by strong winds and powerful waves suffers biting, bone-chilling cold most of the year. In deepest winter, the inlets are choked with ice, and fog lingers late into the day if it breaks at all.


A duchy, also called a dukedom, is a territory, fief, or domain ruled by a duke or duchess, a ruler hierarchically second to the king or queen. The Duchy of Freed is a subordinate districts of Tana's Empire.


Most Northlanders wear furs to keep out the cold, and those going to war supplement their protection with thicker hides, and helms lined with wool or fur. The northlander are often known as barbaric and rude, but they're just as warm and welcoming as they know they need to help each other against the natural hazard of the north.
  Northlander home are sturdy, a protection against the elements. Because the Northlanders are good at fighting and sailing, and perfectly willing to attack ships close to their shores, best to be cautious around any Northlander coasts, especially if you haven't been assured of safe passage, and often even then. Still, they are great sailors, thanks to their reliable and sturdy longships and their navigation techniques. The consensus on Northlanders is that they are violent and rude folks.
  Nortlander locals use Dwarvish runes in their dialect instead of common letters.

Mounts and pets

Dire wolves serve as the mounts of northalnders raiders. Aspiring wolfriders must recognize that the bond with a giant wolf is not one of dominance, but of friendship. By offering nourishment, acts of kindness, and heartfelt gratitude, a profound alliance can be formed with these magnificent creatures. In turn, giant wolves become invaluable and versatile allies to the Northlanders, serving as shock cavalry and dependable mounts. Truly wondrous beings, giant wolves embody the symbiotic relationship shared with the people of the northern lands.


As a duchy of Tana's Empire, the Duchy of Freed follows the empire's lead when it comes to justice. However, due to the tradition of the northlanders, law about piracy tend to not be applied as severely in the duchy of freed.


unlike the rest of the empire, it is common for northlanders to possess a last name. This last name is generally made of their mother or father name followed by -son (for man) or -dottir (for woman).
  Male names: Arne, Birger, Bjørn, Bo, Erik, Frode, Gorm, Halfdan, Harald, Knud, Kåre, Leif, Njal, Roar, Rune, Sten, Skarde, Sune, Svend, Troels, Toke, Torsten, Trygve, Ulf, Ødger, Åge
  Female names: Astrid, Bodil, Frida, Gertrud, Gro, Estrid, Hilda, Gudrun, Gunhild, Helga, Inga, Liv, Randi, Signe, Sigrid, Revna, Sif, Tora, Tove, Thyra, Thurid, Yrsa, Ulfhild, Åse





For the detail of commerce, fiscality, and taxation, as a duchy of Tana's Empire, the Duchy of Freed follow the empire's lead.


Under the rulership of Varian Reiter, the fierce northlanders had to deal with the new law and change brought by the emperor Charle III Tana. But the people of the north are resilient folk who tend to fight change, and so did they as Varian tried to balance the law of his land and the laws of the empire, riots started all over the duchy in 1132 AD. During those riots, Varian's wife, Tiffin Wyrm was unfortunately killed, a rock thrown hitting her.
  This unfortunate incident stopped the riots, the people of the north loved Tiffin, and her death was an incident that calmed them. The duke unable to command his people were mourning his wife, and when it was done he journeyed to Holypertuis to discuss the emperor's command. However, he was abducted during his trip and disappeared for years.
  Laure Reiter was named duchess of freed, but flee from her responsibilities. Pursued by the traitors that abducted her father, Laure awakened power of the white frost and used them to avenge her father's supposed death. Whether it was out of duty or loneliness, Laure gained a reputation by protecting the people of the north she was encountering. And soon, people gathered around her, bringing her back to the role she was running from. Becoming a beacon of hope for her people, and slowly taking in the responsibilities of her role.
  Nowadays the young Laure is leading the duchy, and her father who reappeared is now helping her in this duty, alongside his trusted advisor.


North Siniadòr 
Northlanders' Duchy


Laure Reiter
Majority of Human
Main pantheon
Human Pantheon


Founding Date
0 AD
Geopolitical, Duchy
Parent Organization

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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