Occupational March: A Contest All About Jobs

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. – Steve Jobs
Jobs, some of us love them, most of us just hate them, but we need them, all the same, to keep us busy or to help us keep our lives comfortable. While many often dedicate themselves to a single profession, some will often do anything to put food on the table. Since the dawn of civilization that has been this way and will continue to do so to maintain a functioning society as even the smallest parts are needed to keep machines moving or they will cease to function. Though some will become outdated due to advancement and be replaced with new ones over time, most will remain and will just change in name and be slightly different with the advancement and technology given to them. There will be always a job for someone to do in society no matter what it may be whether they like it or not all in the name of remaining the machine.   Your job in this contest, my fellow writers, is to write about a job or a position with one to explore how it works in your world and if it has any value or is just something that needs to be done. Considering that thousands of different forms of jobs exist in this one and most of you have your jobs in the real world you can have a good understanding of what I mean from personal experience. Is it a sought-after position or is it one that only the desperate are willing to take, what are the benefits and the wages that everyone gets? Maybe the job can only be inherited by a select few people by bloodline or even gender. All I know is that as long as I don't end up dealing with a worker's strike or layoffs I will be fine with it since nobody like getting taken advantage of when they trying to make a living. So fill out those job applications and see if the people of your world are qualified to earn their position, tick tock people the rent is due.    

A Holiday Bonus

  Everyone who participates in the challenge will receive a badge from me at the end of the challenge as a bonus for all your hard work at the company. Consider this a payment for all of your hard work for world-building for the beginning of the year. Just don't let the stress get to you, and ensure that your job space is a safe and friendly environment for all of your co-workers. Maintain proper company policy and ethics, as seen below.  
  • Articles must be dated during the challenge!
  • The article must be public and published. Only one can be done per person!
  • Use the Title or Profession article.
  • English is preferred; it can be translated if written in another language.
  • No minimum, no maximum! ( Just don't let it drag on for too long).
  • There will be nothing racial or bigotry, but mark your work as NSFW or give a warning if using dark tones and themes.
  • Place your article in the comments and the challenge article in your article to spread the word.
  • Must be sent by March 31st before Midnight and no asking for an extended deadline!

Welcome Aboard

    Another successful contest, and thank you for submitting the wonderful jobs in your world. It is nice to be back in business once more, and to all participants, here is your badge for a job well done. Seeing how many responses there are, I have decided to make a more unorthodox response to my challenges, seeing how popular it has become. A secret motive to all participants of this challenge was to constantly remind them of the need to have a job in real life and fiction, as we all might as well take our frustration out on fictional characters to make ourselves feel better. Face it, we all have trouble with our day-to-day jobs, both good and bad. Most of us get to pay the bills and buy stuff to make life more tolerable. There are a few of you who have discovered your dream job and never worked a day in your life, as it has become a driving passion that will let you soar to new heights; so good for you guys.   Now, on to the workaholic of life; this is just some advice to take a break from your job and live a little as life is, but in the blink of an eye. Sure, it is often your only livelihood to make ends meet, but a job is only part of what is required of society; it does not define who you are or how you should live your life. It is only then that you find the time to build yourself up as a person and enjoy being with friends and loved ones while you can because they will never be around forever, nor will you, for that matter. Break away from the chains that bind you down and fly like all those who know the way; all you have to do is take a leap of faith, spread those wings, and take flight like any old bird. I would, however, make sure you have a parachute with you just in case you don't have the hang of it yet; that's a possibility that you should never take lightly. Until next time, my dear readers, now I must go; my people need me.
by Jester%


Profession | Mar 10, 2024
Traveling Tradesmen
Profession | Apr 8, 2024
Profession | Mar 13, 2024

Mages who specialize in recalling memories to soothe the pain of loss in those left behind

Hex Mage
Profession | Apr 23, 2024
Profession | Mar 29, 2024
Prime Merlinean
Rank/Title | May 18, 2024
Baven Maker
Profession | Mar 24, 2024
Rank/Title | May 19, 2024
Druids & Shamans
Profession | May 31, 2024
Ki'nashor - Mages of the Black stone
Profession | Jun 10, 2024

Keepers of an ancient crafting technique, these mages produce one of the rarest materials of Aran’sha...

Death Walkers
Profession | Mar 31, 2024
Belluaire | Beastmastery
Profession | Apr 7, 2024


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Mar 13, 2024 05:09 by Jacqueline Yang

The Traveling Tradesmen   I hope you enjoy!

Mar 13, 2024 18:23

Profession | Mar 13, 2024

Mages who specialize in recalling memories to soothe the pain of loss in those left behind

Got inspired to write this short little article for this bittersweet occupation when I saw this contest. Keep on keeping on!

The Eternal Hymn sounds into perpetuity on Nascindor
Mar 16, 2024 04:44

Here's a fantasy profession revolving around the placement and removal of curses for fun and profit. Plus, it comes complete with playable stats in two separate RPG systems!

Hex Mage
Profession | Apr 23, 2024

Mar 19, 2024 04:04 by Benard Calvin "Hunter" Hendrick VIII
Mar 24, 2024 10:46 by James Woodwright

Please enjoy my profession -

Baven Maker
Profession | Mar 24, 2024

Mar 30, 2024 16:45

Thanks for this Challenge. Here is my entry:  

Druids & Shamans
Profession | May 31, 2024

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Mar 30, 2024 20:17

Keepers of an ancient crafting technique, these mages produce one of the rarest materials of Aran’sha:  

Ki'nashor - Mages of the Black stone
Profession | Jun 10, 2024

Keepers of an ancient crafting technique, these mages produce one of the rarest materials of Aran’sha...

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Mar 31, 2024 03:07 by Lauren

Thanks for an interesting challenge! It was a lot of fun linking this article to the Crafting Creature's challenge. :D   TW: Deadly profession involving harvesting flowers and honey in a noxious environment

Death Walkers
Profession | Mar 31, 2024

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket
Mar 31, 2024 20:29 by Zannazook læ Gnom

Hi ! Here is my last minute entry ^^ This was fun !   Belluaire | Beastmastery