River Severin Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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River Severin

The River Severin is the largest river on the island of Ynys. It is the busiest waterway on the island, and nearly all the traffic going north or south on Ynys will spend some time on the river. The river has dozens of towns and villages along its length to support the constant flow of trade - some of the most significant are Lifworðig in Creoda, Caer Rheged in Rheged, and Aberinwyr in Dyfed.

Notable Spirits

While many stretches of the river have their own local spirits and gods, the most signifcant god of the river is Llif. He is the second greatest of all the Ellyll on Ynys, and is the leader of all the Ellyll of the island's rivers and lakes. He is most associated with the deep, slow-moving parts of the river, where the water is dark and mysterious. Llif is rarely seen, but his presence can be felt throughout the river, and his power is respected by all who live near its banks. When he does choose to manifest, it is often to provide prophecy - most recently, he delivered a prophecy to one of his priests in Lifworðig which seems likely to shape the fate of all Ynys for the next generation.


The River Severin runs the entire length of Ynys, from its source in the mountains of eastern Deira to its mouth in the kingdom of Creoda. The river spans nearly six hundred miles and flows from north to south, dividing the island in half. As the river winds its way south, it becomes increasingly difficult to bridge, with wide, deep channels and strong currents that make navigation treacherous. The Severin is subject to periodic flooding, which has led to the development of floodplains and meandering channels that also create challenging conditions for building bridges. Because of this, the Aurelian Bridge in Lifworðig is the only major bridge for nearly a hundred miles.


The ecosystem of the River Severin is rich and varied, with numerous species of plants and animals living in and around the river. The river provides important habitats for aquatic creatures such as fish, turtles, and otters, while its banks are home to a variety of birds and mammals. Along its banks, you can find towering trees such as oak and ash, as well as smaller shrubs and bushes. The river is particularly known for the giant pike which can be found in multiple locations along its length - these enormous fish are said to be the servants of Llif, and he will send them to deal with anyone who offends him. These fish are much larger than the common pike, and can sometimes exceed ten feet.
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