Ellyll Organization in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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The Ellyll are the family of spirits and gods associated with the Dhewen Peoples. They are closely related to the Fae of Oileán Fiáin, which were made from them. Most Ellyll are native to the Ynys Archipelago. Their natures and temperaments can span a wide range - some Ellyll are gentle and benevolent, while others are fierce and wrathful.

The Ellyll come in many different shapes and sizes, from tiny sprites and fairies to enormous giants and dragons. While there are a few great Ellyll, the majority are small gods, associated with a specific physical feature of the island. These smallfolk among the Ellyll are an integral part of the world, as they are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the natural world around them.

Like most gods and spirits, the Ellyll are embodied by features of the physical realm, such as trees, rocks, and locations. They usually care for the health and growth of the physical features they are associated with, and are believed to have the power to bless or curse those who interact with their domain.

The Ellyll are worshipped primarily by the Dhewen Peoples of Ynys, but the history of that island has resulted in a melting pot of cultures that extends to the spiritual population. Alongisde the Ellyll are found the Vættir and the Godcrafted, who compete with the Ellyll for the attention and beliefs of the people. As a consequence, the Ellyll are more motivated than gods of other regions to encourage belief in them, and are more likely to grant magical abilities to their priests and bestow miracles upon their followers.

While the Ellyll are powerful beings, they are not invulnerable. They can be influenced and even harmed by the thoughts and actions of mortals, and many of the Ellyll were bound into service or imprisoned by the Clarati sorcerers during their rule over the island of Ynys. Many of the old Ellyll faded entirely from memory during this time, and they are mourned by those who remain.

The most sacred place to the Ellyll is Mynydd Ellyll, on the island Ynys Dywyll. It was from this location that the bound and surviving Ellyll were freed from the spells of the Clarati to reinhabit the land. The entire island of Ynys Dywyll is dedicated to the worship of the Ellyll, and is considered sacrosanct by the Dhewen Peoples.

Gwynn ap Lludd is the most powerful and revered of all the Ellyll, and reigns over them as their king. He holds his court within the great stone circle atop Mynydd Ellyll, and many legends speak of him wandering the island in disguise to bless or punish as he sees fit.

Another of the great Ellyll is Llif, the god of the River Severin. He is a being of immense power, and known for his ability to see into the future. He recently granted a prophecy to one of his priests that looks likely to shape the future of Ynys.

While the great Ellyll are powerful and awe-inspiring, it is the smallfolk Ellyll who are most closely connected to the everyday life of the people of Ynys. They are the guardians of the natural world, and their influence can be felt in every tree, rock, and stream on the island. For example, there is a small Ellyll known as Nudd the Guardian, who is associated with a particular tree on the island, and blesses or punishes people based on how they treat that tree.

Another small Ellyll is called the Carreg Mam, who is associated with a large rock formation in southwestern Ynys. The Carreg Mam is believed to have the power to heal and protect those who seek her aid, and many pilgrims make the journey to her rock to pray for her help.

Most of the Ellyll are the small spirits that can be found in the wild places. Brownies are common in the lands of the Albannach, while grimalkins haunt that shadows of Cait. Most people will leave an offering out for them, and many benefit from small favors performed by the little gods of the world.


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