Gwynn ap Lludd Character in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Gwynn ap Lludd

The King of the Ellyll, embodied by the island of Ynys itself. He is depicted as a tall, imposing figure with long white hair and a flowing white beard. He wears a crown of antlers and is often accompanied by a pack of hounds. His voice is said to be like thunder, and his presence fills the hearts of his followers with awe and reverence. Gwynn ap Lludd is known throughout Ynys as a mischievous trickster. He is said to take pleasure in pranks and practical jokes, and is often the subject of stories that involve him tricking other gods, spirits, or mortals. He is also the guardian of the Wild Hunt, a spectral procession of hunters and hounds that travels across the island during the winter months.


Despite his reputation as a trickster, Gwynn ap Lludd is also known for his compassion and sense of justice. He is said to take pity on mortals who are wronged or oppressed, and has been known to intervene on their behalf. However, those who cross him or disrespect him are likely to feel the sting of his wrath.



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