Cait Organization in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Welcome to the Kingdom of Cait, a land of rugged coastlines, misty mountains, and fierce warriors known as the Albidosi. Nestled on the northern coast of the island of Ynys, Cait is a land of proud and independent people who have long resisted the rule of outsiders.


The Kingdom of Cait is ruled by a hereditary high queen who is advised by a council of tribal chiefs. The current ruler, Queen Isla, has brought peace and stability to Cait and has made it a major player in the politics of Ynys. The tribal chiefs have a significant say in the governance of the kingdom, but ultimately defer to the authority of the monarch.


The Albidosi people are proud and fiercely independent. They are known throughout Ynys for their fierce fighting spirit and their stoic determination in the face of adversity. The Albidosi place great value on honor, loyalty, and courage, and these qualities are considered essential for any warrior seeking to earn their place in Albidosi society. The Albidosi have a rich oral tradition, with many of their legends and myths passed down through the generations by word of mouth.


The Kingdom of Cait boasts a diverse range of assets. The Albidosi are renowned for their skills as warriors and have a long tradition of fighting in the mountains and forests that dominate their homeland. Cait is also home to several rich mines, which produce iron, silver, and other valuable metals. The kingdom's ports are busy and prosperous, with ships coming from all over Ynys to trade with the Albidosi. Cait's position on the northern coast of Ynys makes it a strategic location for any power seeking to control the seas.


The Kingdom of Cait has a long and storied history. It was one of the many small kingdoms that emerged in the aftermath of the defeat of the Clarati. During the Age of Warlocks, Cait was a frequent site of Clarati duels, as the wizards sought to destroy each other. The Albidosi endured the fallout from these duels, and ultimately ended the Age of Warlocks when they killed the Clarati sorceress called Solis. Castle Ulthor, Solis's seat of power, was abandoned after her death, and is now believed to be both haunted and cursed. Today, the Albidosi people are proud of their history and their culture, and they continue to thrive under the wise and just rule of Queen Isla.

Demography and Population

The Kingdom of Cait has a population of approximately 500,000 people. The majority of the population are Albidosi, but there are also significant populations of other ethnic groups, including Biegens, Eots, and Ðurings. The population is primarily rural, with most people living in small villages and towns scattered throughout the kingdom. The largest city is Aran, which serves as the capital and administrative center of the kingdom.


The Kingdom of Cait is located on the northern coast of the island of Ynys. It has a rugged coastline and is surrounded by misty mountains, making it a difficult place to invade. Cait's borders are marked by natural landmarks such as rivers and mountains, and are heavily guarded by the Albidosi warriors.


The Albidosi warriors are the backbone of the Kingdom of Cait's military. These fierce fighters are known for their bravery and skill in battle, and they have a long history of resisting foreign invaders. The Albidosi are trained from a young age in the art of war, and their warriors are some of the most feared in Ynys. The kingdom also maintains a small navy to protect its coastal waters and engage in maritime trade.


The religion of the Kingdom of Cait centers around a pantheon of gods and spirits, many of whom are closely associated with the natural world. One particularly unique aspect of Cait's religion is the reverence for cats. Cats are seen as symbols of grace, cunning, and independence, traits that are highly valued by the Albidosi people. Many villages and towns throughout Cait have their own patron cat spirit or god, whom they offer gifts and prayers to in the hopes of gaining favor. The most significant of these is Eilidh Oirbheartach, the cat-goddess of Aran and companion to the legendary King Cailtram. An important role within the religion of Cait is that of Mathair Cat - this person is responsible for tending to the wild cat population of a particular area, and interceding for the people with the patron cat spirit of the region.   However, the relationship between the Albidosi and their feline deities is complicated by the legacy of Solis, the former ruler of Castle Ulthor. Solis was a Clarati sorceress who wielded great power over the cat spirits of Cait. Using dark magic, she bound and enslaved many of the cat gods and spirits, forcing them to do her bidding. When Solis was finally defeated, the cat spirits were released from her control, but many still bear the scars of their captivity, including ongoing bindings and residual commands.   Despite the atrocities committed by Solis and her followers, the Albidosi people still hold cats in high regard. They believe that the cat spirits and gods are among the most powerful and wise of all the divine beings, and they honor them accordingly. The cat spirits of Cait are considered to be both wise advisors and fierce protectors, and many Albidosi keep cats as pets or companions. While the cat spirits are a unique and important aspect of Cait's religion, they are not the only divine beings worshipped by the Albidosi. The pantheon of Cait's gods and spirits is vast and varied, with each deity representing different aspects of the natural world or Human experience. Some are benevolent and kind, while others are capricious or even malevolent. Despite their differences, all of Cait's gods and spirits are seen as worthy of respect and devotion.   The religion of Cait plays an important role in shaping the daily lives of the Albidosi people. It informs their beliefs about the natural world, guides their moral compass, and provides a sense of community and belonging. Whether offering prayers to the patron cat spirit of their village or seeking guidance from one of the other gods, the Albidosi are deeply committed to their faith.

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom of Cait has traditionally been isolationist, preferring to maintain its independence and neutrality in foreign affairs. However, in recent years, the kingdom has become more active in diplomacy and trade, seeking to expand its influence and prosperity. The kingdom has friendly relations with the neighboring kingdom of Rheged, and a good working relationship with various Dòbhran clans of the Arcaibh Islands.


The laws of the Kingdom of Cait are based on the traditional Albidosi code of law, which emphasizes fairness, restitution, and community involvement. Crimes against the community, such as theft or assault, are punished through restitution to the victim and the community, rather than through imprisonment or other forms of punishment. The laws also reflect the kingdom's traditional values, such as respect for the land and the environment, and a strong emphasis on personal responsibility and honor. The kingdom also has laws regulating trade and commerce, designed to protect local businesses and promote fair competition.

Agriculture & Industry

The Kingdom of Cait is primarily an agricultural society, with a focus on sheep and cattle farming. The Albidosi people are skilled herders and have developed unique breeds of livestock that are well-suited to the harsh climate of the northern coast. In addition to farming, Cait has a small but thriving mining industry, with deposits of iron, tin, copper, and silver being extracted from the mountains. The kingdom also has a small but growing textile industry, producing woolen garments that are highly prized throughout Ynys.

Trade & Transport

Cait's main port is located in the town of Dunfirth, where merchants from across Ynys come to trade in goods such as wool, livestock, and minerals. The kingdom has also developed a small shipbuilding industry, producing sturdy vessels that are ideal for the rough waters around Ynys. Inland transport is primarily done by horse and cart, although there are a few roads that are suitable for larger carriages.


Education in the Kingdom of Cait is a privilege reserved for the wealthy and noble-born. Children of the peasantry may receive limited education at local monasteries, learning basic reading, writing, and arithmetic. However, many never receive formal education beyond what their parents can teach them at home.   In the cities, young men from wealthy families can attend universities or apprentice under skilled tradesmen, such as blacksmiths or merchants. The education at universities focuses on theology, law, and medicine, and is reserved for the upper echelon of society. The apprenticeship system, on the other hand, provides practical skills to the next generation of craftsmen and merchants, helping to ensure that the kingdom's infrastructure and economy continue to grow and prosper.


Infrastructure in the Kingdom of Cait is relatively basic, as the rugged terrain and climate make construction difficult. However, the Albidosi have adapted to their environment, and their architecture is designed to withstand the harsh winters and heavy rains. The kingdom is connected by a network of well-maintained roads and bridges, and there are several ports along the coast that facilitate trade and transport.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology of the Kingdom of Cait is steeped in the history and folklore of the Albidosi people. One of the most well-known myths is the tale of the White Stag, a powerful spirit that is said to inhabit the misty forests of Cait. The White Stag is revered as a symbol of purity and strength, and is said to bring good fortune to those who catch a glimpse of it.


  • Kingdom of Cait
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
The primary exports of the Kingdom of Cait are wool, livestock, and minerals. Cait's woolen garments are highly prized throughout Ynys, and the kingdom's livestock is renowned for its hardiness and quality. The minerals extracted from Cait's mountains are also in high demand, particularly the iron used for weapons and tools.
Major Imports
Cait imports a variety of goods, including spices, silk, and exotic fruits. The kingdom also imports luxury items such as jewelry and fine fabrics, which are often used as gifts for foreign dignitaries.
Legislative Body
The legislative body of the Kingdom of Cait is the Council of Chiefs. The council is composed of the tribal chiefs of the Albidosi clans, and is responsible for making and passing laws for the kingdom, subject to the approval of the monarch. The council meets annually in the capital city of Aran, where they discuss matters of state and make decisions that affect the entire kingdom. Each clan has one vote in the council, and decisions are made by a simple majority. The council also serves as an advisory body to the monarch.
Judicial Body
The judicial system of the Kingdom of Cait is based on the traditional Albidosi system of justice, which emphasizes restitution over punishment. Crimes are tried by a panel of judges, composed of respected members of the community. The judges hear evidence presented by both the accuser and the accused, and then render a decision based on the facts of the case. The punishment for a crime is typically a fine or restitution to the victim, rather than imprisonment or execution.
Executive Body
The executive branch of the Kingdom of Cait is led by the monarch, currently Queen Isla. The monarch is responsible for enforcing the laws passed by the Council of Chiefs, and for leading the military in times of war. The monarch is advised by a council of ministers, composed of leaders from various sectors of the government, including finance, defense, and foreign affairs. The ministers are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of their respective departments, and for making recommendations to the monarch on policy matters.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
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Aug 26, 2023 04:46 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the relationship with cats (in fact, I started reading "Cait" as "cat"

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .
Aug 26, 2023 13:32

Thanks! I’m planning to expand and develop on their relationship with cats as I build out the religion more; I have made a start with that in Queen Isla’s article.