Cailtram Character in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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According to Albidosi lore, King Cailtram predated the arrival of any other inhabitants on the island of Ynys. He is believed to have led the Albidosi people to these lands in an era shrouded in antiquity. King Cailtram's legacy is intertwined with the establishment of the Kingdom of Cait, which the Albidosi claim spanned the entirety of Ynys in his time.   He is described as a giant, towering over others and casting an imposing shadow across the land. Standing more than double the height of any ordinary man, his physical presence alone commanded respect and awe. he possessed immense strength and unparalleled combat prowess. Albidosi folklore tells of his fearless battles against mythical monsters, vengeful gods, and otherworldly creatures that threatened the very fabric of their civilization.   In the sprawling saga of King Cailtram, his exploits are often intertwined with the feats of his legendary companions. These renowned figures, whose names echo through the ages, fought alongside the giant king, lending their skills and courage to his noble cause. Their combined efforts and indomitable spirit turned the tide of countless battles, ensuring the survival and prosperity of the Albidosi people. Each companion possesses their own legends and tales of valor, further enriching the epic narrative of King Cailtram's reign. Some of his best known companions were:
  • Branoc Nûvros, the Shieldbearer: Branoc Nûvros was a warrior of unmatched bravery and unwavering loyalty. Clad in gleaming armor, Branoc wielded a massive shield, protecting his King from harm on the battlefield. He was renowned for his strategic prowess and unyielding courage, a stalwart companion who stands beside King Cailtram in the face of any adversity.
  • Lirael Gwyddas, the Seeress: Lirael Gwyddas was a venerable seeress whose wisdom and foresight guideed King Cailtram and his companions. She had a remarkable ability to perceive the threads of fate and unravel the mysteries of the world. Lirael is often depicted with a staff adorned with intricate carvings, representing her mastery over divination and her role as a trusted advisor to the King.
  • Corin Araith, the Swift: Corin Araith was a master of speed and agility. With unparalleled speed, he navigated the treacherous terrains of Ynys, scouting ahead and ensuring the safety of King Cailtram's forces. Corin's dexterity and lightning-fast reflexes made him a formidable warrior in combat, capable of evading even the most skilled adversaries. His unwavering loyalty and ability to swiftly strike down enemies earned him a place of honor among the Albidosi.
  • Eilidh Oirbheartach: Eilidh Oirbheartach was a mystical feline companion who shared an extraordinary bond with King Cailtram. This enigmatic cat possessed an innate connection to the spirits of Ynys, serving as a conduit between the mortal realm and the spiritual. With fur as dark as the night sky and eyes that held stars, Eilidh was believed to carry the echoes of the island's spirits within her essence. Through her presence, King Cailtram gained access to the knowledge and guidance of the Ellyll.
One fateful day, a mighty wyrm, a creature of immense power and venom, launched a treacherous assault on the kingdom. With its poisonous fangs, the wyrm struck Cailtram, delivering a lethal dose of its venom. The king, weakened and on the brink of death, fell to the ground, his colossal form succumbing to the venom's deadly grip.   Witnessing his imminent demise, the Ellyl intervened in this dire moment. They decided to preserve him for a time when his strength would be needed once more. The Ellyl infused the fallen king with their divine power, casting him into an enchanted slumber that would endure until the stars came right again. Placing him deep within the mountains near his capital city of Aran, they ensured his safety and safeguarded his essence, allowing him to rest and regain his strength until the time was right for his return.   In his slumer King Cailtram gained a new title: the King of Sleep, or the King of Dreams. Though Cailtram's physical form lies dormant, his spirit has not waned. Instead, he has become renowned for his ability to manifest in the dreams of the Albidosi, offering enigmatic messages and guidance to those who are receptive to his otherworldly presence. It is through the veil of slumber that the Albidosi have the opportunity to commune with their legendary king and receive his wisdom. In these nocturnal encounters, King Cailtram imparts strange messages, speaking in riddles and metaphors that require deciphering. His words carry the weight of ancient wisdom and prophetic insight, often alluding to the future and the destiny of the Albidosi people. While the true meaning of his messages may remain veiled, the Albidosi interpret his words with reverence, seeking to unravel the cryptic prophecies embedded within. King Cailtram's appearances in the dreamscape are elusive and sporadic, leaving the Albidosi yearning for more encounters with their slumbering king. The mysterious nature of his communication only adds to the allure and reverence with which his messages are held. They are shared among the Albidosi, whispered in hushed tones, and carefully preserved as invaluable fragments of their history and destiny.   After his descent into sleep, Cailtram's cat, Eilidh Oirbheartach, was elevated to become one of the Ellyll and charged with the protection of Cailtram and the Albidosi people. It is in her honor that the Kingdom of Cait is named, and that the Albidosi honor and cherish cats to this day. However, during the reign of the Clarati sorceress Solis, a time of darkness and oppression for the Albidosi people, Eilidh Oirbheartach was entrapped by the sorceress's powerful magic. Solis, recognizing the immense power and significance of the cat god, sought to neutralize her power to protect the Albidosi. Through her enchantments, Solis confined Eilidh Oirbheartach's spirit within the ancient city of Aran, binding the cat god to the very heart of the Albidosi capital.   Under Solis' rule, the city of Aran remained untouched, as if trapped in a timeless realm. The enchantments cast upon it not only restricted access but also caused the city and its surroundings to take on an eerie and mystical aura. The Albidosi, yearning for their sacred capital, returned to the preserved city after Solis's demise. They found it strangely intact despite the passage of time. Within these ancient walls they encountered Eilidh Oirbheartach, transformed by her prolonged entrapment into a wild and weird entity.   Undeterred by the strange changes that had befallen their revered feline deity, the Albidosi decided to reestablish Aran as their capital, honoring Eilidh Oirbheartach's connection to the city and embracing its uncanny nature. Aran, known as a place where the boundaries between the mortal and spiritual realms blur, became a symbol of the Albidosi's resilience and their unyielding commitment to their heritage.   To this day, the city of Aran stands as a testament to the Albidosi's enduring spirit, the strange and unpredictable energies that permeate its streets, and the presence of Eilidh Oirbheartach, the once-bound cat god. The Albidosi people honor their enigmatic capital and the extraordinary being it harbors, weaving their lives around the mystique of Aran and the mystical connection between Eilidh Oirbheartach and their destiny.
Arms of King Cailtram
Current Location
Founded Settlements

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