Dumnoc Settlement in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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The capital of Dumnonia   Has a castle. The city is on the coast, with the castle on a high point looking down over the harbor. The castle at Dumnoc is said to be the most haunted place on Ynys. It’s used as a prison and military base, not as the residence of the King, who is rarely in the city, preferring to be with the Army or at his royal lodge outside the city. Dumnoc itself is a city focused on its military, naval and army. It has three concentric walls, building new ones as the city grew. They are not fully encircling the city (due to the harbor). The mouth of the harbor can be closed by a great chain strung between two towers. Look for descriptions of San Francisco Bay to get that right. There’s an island in the harbor, that has siege engine emplacements that can reach the mouth between the towers; ships at the mouth are vulnerable.
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