Ystwyth Settlement in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Ystwyth is the largest port in Dyfed, and one of the busiest port cities on the island of Ynys. This is largely driven by the vast amount of wool the kingdom exports, but it is on a major road that connects the west coast of the island with the River Severin. Ystwyth was also the seat of the Clarati sorcerer Clarion, and his experiments into the preservation and stabilization of eidolons resulted in the creation of the Stone Archives, a landmark that remains in the city to this day.


Ysytwyth is almost entirely populated by Ynyswr. Minorities in the city include pockets of Inisir and Albannach residents. Like the rest of Dyfed, the government of Ysytwyth persecutes those who do not conform to their Ynyswr ideal, particularly those who have roots in the Norður Islands, and drives them out.


During the rule of the Clarati, Ystwyth was the personal domain of the sorcerer Clarion. After his death at the hands of Celestina, the city was sacked by the warlord Teithi Hen, who later established the Kingdom of Dyfed and its capital, Caer Eiddyn. The city briefly rebelled against Teithi Hen, but was brutally suppressed. To this day, Ystwyth is treated with a measure of suspicion by the crown, and is watched carefully for any signs of disloyalty.

Points of interest

The main point of interest in the city is the Stone Archives, a relic of Clarion's experiments with ghosts during his rule. The archives a massive collection of standing stones that have been erected on the hills around the city. Hundreds of these massive blocks stand in orderly rows, each one carved with a rudimentary face and a collection of occult symbols, different on each stone. Few understand exactly what Clarion was attempting, but what is known is that each stone contains the memories and identity of a particular person, and that by touching the stone and speaking their name, you can communicate with the ghost contained therein. To the person touching the stone, it seems as though the face suddenly gains detail and depth and comes alive, ready to speak. This effect is not apparent to observers not also touching the stone - to them it looks as though nothing has happened.    The ghosts in the archive can speak on many topics, and seem to be less affected by the distortions of the Egregoric Force than other eidolons. They do show the detached nature of dream-spirits though - they can remember that things once were important to them, but they cannot feel the significance of those things. They do not seem to be in distress, but those who speak to the ghosts are often shaken by the experience and more than one has attempted to topple or smash the stones and free the eidolons within. So far, the stones have resisted all such attempts. The whole archive feels strange to visitors, and those who have been close to lightning strikes liken the sensation of standing amongst the stones to the feeling of an imminent thunderbolt, stretched out indefinitely.
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