Valley of the Gods Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Valley of the Gods

Valley of the Gods The rocky terrain that forms the first cataract of the Stygian continues through the approximately 35 miles to the North Branch of the Astebera River. This area provided plenty of sandstone for the temples in the city of Luqsor, and the stone canyons were also used for other, rock-cut temples and the tombs of the southern pharaohs and other officials. The Valley of the Gods is actually a series of canyons that contain the temples (to the west) and the tombs, which are toward the east. It is watched over by the goddess Meretseger; her primary temple is in the town of Baqi, but she is also represented by one in the valley. The Valley of the Gods has dozens of temples cut directly into the rock to honor even some fairly obscure deities. Some gods have more than one temple, being dedicated to different aspects of the deities’ powers. For example, one temple venerates Neith as a guardian of the dead; another recognizes Chons as god of time; and yet another celebrates Anqet in her aspect of goddess of pleasure and mistress to all the gods.   When the annual inundation of the Stygian begins, the temples of all deities with a fertility aspect (including those in the nearby city of Luqsor) hold a huge festival together, doing their part to ensure the fertility of the rest of Khemit along the entire length of the Stygian.   In the portion of the valley given over to tombs are burials of pharaohs from the 26th, 27th, and 36th dynasties, plus many viziers who were given the rule of Upper Khemit, and some governors of the Nubiar Oversight. The area also includes lesser tombs of court officials, chief artisans, and overseers. Although small, some of the tombs of the artisans are as elaborate as those of the viziers and governors, showing their skill in the carving and decorating of their own eventual resting places.


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