Nubiar Oversight Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Nubiar Oversight

Nubiar Oversight The Nubiar Oversight is the portion of Nubara not incorporated into the Triple Kingdom of Khemit, but governed by it. The borders of the Nubiar Oversight are somewhat vaguely defined given its remoteness and the relatively thin populations in the region. The northern border, between the Oversight and Upper Khemit, begins somewhere south of Keruma (which is within Upper Khemit), includes the north bank of the Stygian as it heads east (including Nampata, the capital of the Nubiar Oversight), and continues to the east beyond the point where the Stygian turns south around the Mutabar Hills all the way to the shores of the Ruby Sea, including the Geb-el-Mardikh Mountains. The Uashta Hills, east of the Geb-el-Mardikhs, however, are held by Axuum. On the south, the border is generally accepted to be the north bank of the Stygian and its tributaries, the Lapis River and the River Aeth, through the southern end of the Geb-el-Mardikh range.   The area is governed by the prince of the Nubiar Oversight; the position is effectively that of a vizier but is traditionally held by the designated heir to the pharaoh. Currently, this position is held by Prince Tutemheb, oldest child of Pharaoh Tuthmosis IX. The position is not administratively onerous, but the fractious population can make the area difficult to manage. When peaceful, the Nubiar Oversight tends to be prosperous, being a key location for trade into the southern part of central Libynos.


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