Baqi Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Baqi is near the northern border of Upper Khemit, southeast of Elephantine. It sits on the small North Branch of the Astebera River and is a nexus of caravan routes that run on the east side of the upper Stygian River. This convenient location has led to prosperity for Baqi, as it is the main supply point between Keruma and Nhut, a distance of about 400 miles. Although Elephantine could easily supply caravans, the rough terrain between the North Astebera and the Stygian makes traveling through that area difficult.   Between Baqi and the city of Luqsor to its west lies the Valley of the Gods, a deep sandstone canyon several miles long into which are carved massive temples and the tombs of many of the southern pharaohs. In Baqi itself is the high seat of the temple of Meretseger, the cobra-headed goddess who is the special protector of the Valley of the Gods. (See “Valley of the Gods” below for more information.)


Baqi, Town of
Administrator Mudir Avva


9,818 (mostly Khemitite)
Owning Organization


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