Nhut Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Nhut sits at the crossroads of two trade routes through the Eastern Desert — one from Nekheb on the river to Ipret-Isus on the Ruby Sea, and the other running south to the city of Baqi and beyond to Keruma at the edge of the Nubiar Oversight. Its location means its people can make some coin serving the needs of the caravans, and also that they often get an early look at what is soon going to be trading in the capital city of Thybos and the great cities of Lower Khemit.   Nhut is known for its magnificent double temple, the only one of its design in the country. The eastern entrance is dedicated to Nefertem, lion-headed lord of the sunrise and god of healing. The western entrance is given to Duamutef, the god of funerary rites, who appears as a tall, hawk-headed man. Each half of the interior of the temple has carvings and decorations appropriate to the applicable deity, with sun motifs and medical instruments on the east side while funeral barges and scenes of mummification are on the west. The entire arrangement of courts, rooms, and pillared halls is symmetrically duplicated, with passageways from one side to the other, and the novelty of it has attracted many worshippers.


Nhut, City of
City Administrator Hakkatan


10,728 (mostly Khemitite)
Owning Organization


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