Udanishanti Temple Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Udanishanti Temple

Standing at the top of a long and winding staircase that rises from the Heavenly Road in the treacherous Tsendarkar Mountains, the Udanishanti Temple has stood here for centuries, a monument to martial excellence and spiritual perfection. Built on five levels, each progressively higher up the mountain than the previous one, the temple is a wonder of aesthetic construction, incorporating dragon symbology throughout.   Founded by the Anari of the The Thousand Rocks soon after the founding of the Xha’en Hegemony, the temple’s doors are open to any who can reach them, though the training regimen within has proven far too challenging for the vast majority of students. Here, principles of martial combat based upon the Anari warrior model are taught, along with other unarmed martial arts, as well as calligraphy, poetry, dance, archery, and meditation. Under the guidance of Headmaster Omronris, the temple has trained warriors from Anaros Island, Gtsang, the Hegemony, and the Utterends, as well as a handful of outsiders from as far away as Castorhage who have made the perilous journey here. Not all students need to be human, either — a good number of elves and dwarves have come to learn the ways of the blade at the temple. It is even said that some kenku and tabaxi from the far south have attended the school, and that they bore the master’s teachings back to their own people.
Temple / Church


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