The Thousand Rocks Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

The Thousand Rocks

Anaros Island forms a long, narrow wall that protects this rocky archipelago from the worst of the storms from the Caerulean Ocean, allowing its inhabitants to wrest a living from the sea and their islands’ rocky soil. Most inhabitants of the The Thousand Rocks are Anari, though some Xha’en have migrated here to try their luck. Most fail, leaving the isles to their original inhabitants.   There may well be a thousand or more rocks in the Sheltered Sea, especially if one counts the uninhabitable spurs of rock that rise from the waves all across the region. Larger rocks, marginally more hospitable, harbor the region’s humans, who live in small villages or hamlets, fishing or farming during the few pleasant months of the spring and summer. Some of these hamlets are tiny, with only a dozen or so inhabitants, and a few harbor solitary dwellings where individual families live in utter isolation. Lone hermits also live here in huts that cling to the coldest and loneliest of rocks.   Like the Anari of the main island, Thousand Rock folk are a stoic and self-reliant lot, dedicated to a life of labor and deprivation, assured of nothing save reincarnation to still more toil. A few seek spiritual enlightenment as monks or take the path of the warrior, but most remain here for their entire lives, rarely seeing anything beyond their home islands.


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