Anari Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The The Thousand Rocks and Anaros Island are home to the Anari, a hardy and skilled people known for their martial expertise and artisanship. According to their legends, the Anari once lived on the continent to the east and fled to their current island homelands to escape a terrible war and an army of demons led by evil gods and powerful sorcerers. The Anari themselves date their arrival on the islands to 1313 XC (or 11 I.R.), which has led some scholars to speculate that the Hundaei may have been the proximate cause of the Anari’s flight.   The Anari appear to be related to the Xha’en people, though they tend to be a bit shorter on the average than their continental cousins. Much like the Xha’en, Anari typically have dark hair, usually brown or black though red hair is not uncommon, and tawny skin tones. Their eyes tend to be black, brown, or dark green, with some epicanthic folding being common.   Culturally, Anari are part of a feudal society where duty to a lord is considered a paramount virtue. However, nobles are expected to share hardship with their people. In times of crisis, food, water, shelter, and other necessities are shared among all Anari regardless of their social status. Monastic study and skill at arms are also highly prized by the Anari, whose monks and warriors are among the finest in the world.   The Anari speak their own language, also known as Anari, and use a syllabic alphabetic writing system derived from that in use in Xha’en.


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