The Pikoli House In Sedibeng Ethnicity in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

The Pikoli House In Sedibeng

The Pikoli House is one of the only three pure blood houses of The Chui Yetsimbi race.

  They’re also a bloodline allowed to marry into the royal line. Those of other houses can but only pure Chui children can be royal, the rest are considered, blood exiles, or bastards. Though no one would be crazy to say it as an insult.

The Pikoli House is relatively new to Sedibeng, that ‘relativity’ is marked hundreds, even thousands of years, the Chui memory being long. Their people spread throughout as merchants, selling what wares they could for decades upon decades before making a major investment upon the land.

  The house brand is that of The Golden Eagles. A race is known for their loyalty, along with that of the Bokoni Bo pa people, mostly the Black Air Raiders who keep one partner until death.

Despite this ritual, it's common for houses such as theirs to have concubines and adopt children into the family. Though those will not have the same honour. They have many cultures means to bypass dishonour, like only calls the main wife, the wife and the rest must be a mistress and all children are the first wife's children.


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