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Valonia Senate

The Hands of the King/Emperor

There are so many agendas. To serve the people is an honor is an official agenda. To bring Valonian to the greatest is the current one. To protect the wisdom is the root-deep one that for generations, it never runs out of the mind of the senate.
Trobus Sabrius, Supervisor of Defense (73 BVE - 31 BVE)

Valonia Senate is the political institute of Valonia Empire, the prominent legislative and executive body since the age of kingdom. Unlike ordinary senate, it functions as an advisory council to the Valonian monarch and creates laws, decides who govern which provinces, appoints catasturions, collects taxes, and declares war. Despite one of the Royal Institutes, it isn't far from the truth that they are the supreme of them all.

The seat of the Valonia Senate is the House of Wisdom, a luxury building complex located near the South Quarter district of Valone.


The senate has the power to control all royal institutes to ensure the empire can run properly. It consists seven highest-rank officers. They ain't the senators - that's only for the Emperor. The emperor have the absolute power and can pass or veto any decisions, but the desicion can become more effective for their people without advices from the advisers.

The Advisers

The Advisers are the elected citizens. They usually have the specific skills and experiences required for each type of advisers. Once any seat become available with any mean - end of term, deposed, retired, or dead, the election will be held and resulted in a few days. Legally, the advisers can come from any social status, but since the campaigns take funds, candidates are usually backed or organized by wealthy families that could be influential more or less. The advisers must have a Valonian citizenship also.

The advisers have the opportunity to alter the course of country's desicion, but it has to be based on agreement with another prominent role in the system - the Supervisors.

The Supervisors

The Supervisors are the stationary roles who manage the institute. Likewise, they have the specific skill and experience, but they have the power to oversee the adviser's activity to make sure they won't volatile the Valonian laws. When adviser first join, it's their responsible to train them how to operate. Unlike advisers, they are the hereditary rank from the six aristocratic families, who officially own the institutes, and nobody outside their bloodline could grant. The law probidded them to contact the emperor directly - it's also the adviser's duty.

Overall, each institutes have two leaders - one for an internal management and other for an external administration.

List of Valonia Senate Seats

Seats Royal Institute Subjects Headquarter/s
Senetor Rarmon Dynasty Policy, diplomacy Grand Palace
Adviser of Land Development Royal Estate City planning, public service, infrastructure Undefined
Adviser of Defense Royal Military Institute Warfare, security, military management Rondius Fort
Adviser of Health Royal Temple Health, religion, demography, census Temple of Omendeus
Adviser of Wisdom Royal Research Academy Education, research and development Institute of Knowledge
Adviser of Industry Royal Workshop Resources processing, logistic Undefined
Adviser of Commerce Royal Treasury Taxation, trading, treasury Port Val, House of Wisdom

When the emperor call for the meeting. All members gather inside the main chamber in the House of Wisdom to discuss or propose any issues - every two times per month or upon the emperor's calling. They can enact and pass laws as well as appointing officers. Even though the country have no issues to solve, which is impossible, the meeting always happen anyway. The process is called the Bi-Weekly Consultation.

Legislative Actions

Starting from the highest rank in the office, the emperor, they present their own proposal, and the rest each speak and debate. The parameter for each debate depends; Everyone in the room has a chance to present their own proposals, but everything has to be finished before the sunset.

Once all debate has ended, the vote can begin. Likewise, in order of precedence.

  • If the majority is yes, the emperor pass the law and begin the execution.
  • If the majority is no, the proposal is rejected, but can be reproposed in the next meeting, or as an emergency decree.

  • Executive Actions

    Whenever any law approved, the emperor first speak that proposal to selected group of working-class people of Valone within the next following days at the square of House of Wisdom. Once the people has voted positive, it surely mean such law has been ratified and justified. Though people doesn't have opportunity to debate, it's worth enough for the emperor to see their reaction.

    In the capital like Valone, it can be executed easily through supervisors and Royal Enforcement. In non-Valonian provinces however, the Governor, once received the proposal, has to decide with local governments first to see if it fit for their population, but it must be implied eventually. In practice, any law can take up to two weeks to be entirely recognized within the empire, but would take double extra time to put into effect.

    Other Actions

    Military Appointment

    Another duty of the senate is the appointment of Catasturion, the commander of Gunner Legion. Once there are enough people signing up at the Rondius Fort, the Adviser of Defense invites all candidates into the room during the Bi-Weekly Consultation. There, each candidate introduce themselves about past military experiences. If the emperor approve each, the progress is over. The will be inducted to the House of Legion where the emperor, the supreme commander of whole military, delegate orders.

    Governer appointment

    When come to governors, it is either the senate or the emperor who call out for candidates of suitable officers. They can be elected citizen, representative from such province, or Catasturions.


    The senate is operating at House of Wisdom, a political complex with the luxury meeting hall, the imperial harbor, and the foreign hospitalities. They have appointed officers to keep this place cleaned. It also have the Royal Treasury and the Royal Archive, where the laws and historic statements like Val's Manifesto are stored.


    The sanate was based on the early state of the system where Valonian wasn't a thing yet. It was formed in 400 BVE by Valonus Rarmon and his friends with diverse professions to stablize and create laws for their newly found city. With a year of patience, the first code of law was ratified, with Valonus became the first senetor. In first hundred years, the king and the advisers were all their desendants.

    This was until 298 BVE, the senate faced major overhaul after the king Sarton Ikanis was assassinated by his own advisers caused by the envy of the right-born. This led to the political trumoil and his son Ikanos had to fix it. As a result, the royal families other than Rarmon were no longer beside the monarch as the advisers shifted to the elected citizens. Anyone can become the right-hand of king, spawning diverse political shift thoughtout its history. One of them was the addition of Governors as the kingdom expanded.

    The senate survived the War of the Old lord in 30 BVE though lost most of its power. The Krin officers replaced all the governors and advisers, and the Supervisors were reduced to school principals, totally turned it into ana actual advisory council during the single reign of Dominus. The senate went back to former state as The Sacked successfully liberated Valone in 15 BVE. During the War of the Sacked, the supervisors broke the law by becoming the advisers and chose one of them as the Senator - the first of its kind. They controlled the senate until they returned the title to the citizen at the end of the war in 1 VE.

    To serve the people is an honor

    Founding Date
    399 BVE
    Governmental, Senate/Parliament
    Alternative Names
    V.S., R.S.
    Predecessor Organization
    Leader Title
    Parent Organization
    Related Traditions
    Related Ranks & Titles
    Controlled Territories
    Related Ethnicities
    The main chember of the House of Wisdom for the emperor and the senate to consult and write laws. Two Valegions guarding this place is far enough to unhear the speech.

    Wisdom Assembly

    The founders and predecessor of the Senate

    Rondus the Brave
    Sippo the Urb
    Lova the Wise
    Hela the Kind
    Lardi the Carry
    Gasfundes the Rich


    The sanate has one particular rule/belief; Both the emperor and the senate must work together. Otherwise, an imbalance of power might occurs, increasing a risk of overthrowing.

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    Author's Notes

    29/1 - 5/2/2024 - Major revise/update.
    This is by far the biggest update I've ever done. Some content might be unanswered during this update. There's a lot of things I'd like to add, but that's for the future me. :)
    6/2/2024 - minor revise
    8/2/2024 - parent reorganized, icon added
    18/2/2024 - minor edit
    29/2/2024 - minor edit

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    Feb 6, 2024 16:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Really interesting article. I love the diagram of the senate chamber and the note that the guards are stationed far enough away to not be able to hear what's going on.   The table with all the available seats is fascinating too.

    Feb 6, 2024 18:59

    Thank you for the feedback Serukis! I'm glad you liked it:D