Jungles of Thallox Geographic Location in Tarien | World Anvil

Jungles of Thallox

Beyond the Carboth Desert and far from all civilization lays the vast expanse of biting insects, unbearable humidity, and sun-blotting canopy of the Jungles of Thallox. With its perpetually warm weather and nearly daily rains that feed the massive kapok and angelim trees that climb taller that the greatest cliffs of Phelandria, the jungles are as vertical world as one that spreads across the ground. Indeed the floor of Thallox is a dark and strangely open place, as little light reaches it. As one gains altitude amongst the trees, new creatures and vegetation appear and then vanish, with each story a new ecosystem.
It is here, among the great diversity of life, from which the first people of Tarien came. The Kari-Zaro had built homes among the trees for millennia before their northern cousins appeared. And it is here, with Shar’iish’ta's blessings, that they still make their home.
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