War on Magic Military Conflict in Tarantellia | World Anvil

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War on Magic

Magical forces began attacking Orie Country along its southern Shacan border in 1155 CD. With no clear end to these attacks insight, Bemere Tramaer declared a War on Magic with Craei Grecofoxas by his side.   For the last 100 years, new rulers have come and gone. New Grecodars have been appointed. The war, however, has maintained its intensity.   New monsters have been documented in the last 100 years, many of them with claws of some sort. From the position of Orie Country, the magical forces could only be malformed beasts magicked by mages in the Claw Continent.   The Claw Continent has all but forgotten about Orie Country's existence. Because of the no-trade agreement in the Orie-Claw Treaty, there has not been any real communication between the Ories and the Claw Nations for the last century.   Show Spoiler
The true origins of these attacks have not been uncovered, so I won't go into that here. What I will highlight: Craei Grecofoxas and his namesake position, the Grecodar had a lot to gain by the War on Magic.
  Multiple militant forces are fighting for Orie Country. The standard militia fights in rotations and combats the lower level monsters. The Shacan Elite Fighters' Unit is called upon at a moment's notice when stronger beasts arrive on the field. The Shaca Investigative Force handles internal magic claims quietly.

The Conflict


In 1151 CD, Bemere Tremaer, the Orie's ruler, signed a treaty to end the Orie-Claw war put forward by the nations of the Claw Continent. Things stabilized for a while. However, Craei Grecofoxas began to whisper into Tremaer's ear about new attacks threatening the borders. The closer Grecofoxas became to Tremaer, the further Tremaer pushed away from the other advisors. Soon, only Grecofoxas stood at Tremaer's side.   Then, the magical attacks began. In 1155 CD, Tremaer declared the War on Magic had begun.


Most of the battles occur on the border of Orie Country in the southern region of Shaca.  Interestingly, the attacks do not take place on the Cliffpass like the war with the Claw Continent.  The Ories believe the Claw Continent changed tactics, while the Claw Continent knows nothing about the war.
Conflict Type
Start Date
1155 CD
Tarantellia by Biome
Created by Lauren Nelson (self) on OtherWorldMapper and originally posted on her DeviantArt page.
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For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.

Cover image: Golden Clouds, speckled by Lauren Nelson


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