Mirkireth Geographic Location in Tal'rond | World Anvil
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"Of all the places I have seen, none have had quite the impact that Mirkireth did. I saw sights, great and terrible, the likes of which no-one would ever believe. Deep, dark swamps, dense jungles, strange beasts straight out of dreams, and nightmares. Nowhere I have ever been, has been as terrifying, and as wonderful, as Mirkireth."
- Ceáron Vranlyn, explorer, 3A. 629.  

Towns, Cities and Places of Interest



The two halves of Mirkireth are separated by two mountain ranges, the Mane and the Dólfulgrúd ranges, both of which run northwest to southeast. The Mane mountain range is located in the northeasternmost part of Mirkireth, while the Dólfulgrúd range starts roughly in the centre of the region. The larger half of the region is covered with dense tropical jungle, twisting river deltas, a number of lakes and large areas of thick, impenetrable swamps. This half of the region is known as the Asiksh wetlands. The other, smaller half of Mirkireth is just as thickly covered with dangerous jungles and swamps, and is known as the Úwgladn wetlands. The Úwgladn wetlands are also separated by a gargantuan fissure splitting the earth, hundreds of miles long and over 6 miles at its widest, with depths estimated to reach almost 1000 metres. The main part of the fissure runs south to north, beginning north of the centre of the Dólfulgrúd mountain range. It extends until a small chunk of land separates it from the second section of the fissure, which curves round to meet the Mane mountain range. The coastline of Mirkireth is dotted with several large islands, and an enormous bay in the northwest.

Fauna & Flora

The region of Mirkireth is famed for having perhaps the most complex ecosystem in all of Tal'rond, with a massive variety of flora and fauna. Many of the species which inhabit the jungles and swamps are unique to this region, and are the most numerous and varied of any location in the known world. The swamps and jungles of Mirkireth have been studied extensively by scholars of all kinds, naturalists, mages (particularly healers and alchemists), explorers and hunters, for over 3000 years. Still new species are being discovered with regularity, and many difficult and dangerous regions are, as of yet, unexplored. The full list of species in the region can be viewed below.  


Hydra Deathroot
Lumina Flower
Segora Tree
Haxan Mushroom
Bracken Wheat


Radag Beast
Rithvek Lemur
Telvek Piranha
Segora Beetle
Zenith Fish
Mirkireth Hyena

Natural Resources

Plants - Many rare and prized herbs and fungi used in medicine, magic, and alchemy can be found. Additionally, some plants are prized by food connoisseurs, many of the species in the region being considered delicacies.   Animals - Many magical creatures can be found in Mirkireth, and are of particular interest to mages, one of the reasons the magic capital of the known world, Magnus Baneth, is in the northern part of the region.   Wood - There are a large number of different tree species in the jungles, their wood and bark have many different qualities and therefore uses, some are particularly susceptible to magical imbuing and seals, other are perfect for use in building.   Precious metals - Particularly in the more mountainous areas of Mirkireth, precious metals and gems are mined by the Dwarves, such as in the city of Belfaguoth.
Map of Mirkireth
Alternative Name(s)
Miredur (In Old Tongue)
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Related Myths


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