Herald's Gnaw
Herald's Gnaw by Naelín
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El Gnaw Heráldico es una de las subespecies de Gnaw. Es el mas grande y notorio de los miembros de su especie
Esta subespecie recibe su nombre ya que su imponente tamaño y potencia, además de la interesante forma de sus melenas, lo volvió un símbolo recurrente en los escudos y banderas de varios reinos y familias.
Otras variantes de Gnaw incluyen el Gnaw gris, el Gnaw florido, el Gnaw pequeño, el Gnaw rojo, entre otros.
Los Gnaw heráldicos tienden a ser robustos y musculosos. Sus mandíbulas son anchas y potentes, y sus pies grandes, con uñas extendidas. Tienen cola larga y un cuerpo bien proporcionado. Su cuerpo está cubierto de pelo enteramente blanco, sin marcas o manchas, y su característica más distinguible son las tres melenas de pelo largo que cubren su lomo. Además, tienen pelo largo y mullido en el cuello, y detras de los pies. El pelo de su cola crece en mechones de largo irregular. La piel es usualmente negra u oscura, y las orejas puntiagudas.Biología
Los Gnaw son exclusivamente carnívoros. Cazan a sus presas en manada, tomando turnos para desgastarla. Mientras uno o dos miembros persiguen activamente a su presa, los otros le cierran el paso.Comportamiento
Los Gnaw heráldicos viven en manadas pequeñas, de entre 6 a 15 miembros. Muchos de los individuos jóvenes sin embargo pueden llegar a pasar un largo tiempo solos o en grupos de a dos, buscando manada. Durante este período estos individuos solitarios suelen pasar pequeños períodos de tiempo con mandas formadas, ayudando a cazar pero manteniéndose generalmente al margen de las actividades sociales. Las manadas usualmente están formadas por uno o raramente dos miembros de un sexo, y el resto de los miembros del sexo opuesto. Este hembra o macho único suele ser un individuo particularmente grande, fuerte o hábil, que lidera al resto, y elige con quien y cuando aparearse. En muy raras ocasiones se encuentran manadas donde todos los individuos son de un mismo sexo.Distribución
Los Gnaw Heráldicos suelen encontrarse en terrenos nevados, como el este de las montañas de Karte y el norte de las Islas de la Cresta Roja. Sin embargo, también pueden encontrarse en bosques blancos.They receive their name from this popularity as a symbol, derived from its imposing size, strength, and physical aspect.
The herald's gnaw is generally robust and muscular, with wide and strong jaws and big feet with thick claws. They have long tails, pointy ears and a well-rounded body shape.They are covered by a coat of entirely white, thick fur without any markings, which most distinguishing feature is the three "manes" of long hair that cover their back like waves. They also have long hair in the neck and behind their feet, as well as in irregular threads through the length of the tail, similar to that of licerns. Their skin is black or very dark brown.
Licern by Welkinal
They hunt in packs, locking their efforts on a singled-out creature and taking turns in order to exhaust its energy, with one or two pack members actively chasing their prey while the others cut off their escape routes.
Herald's gnaws live in packs of between 6 to 15 individuals, though young adults may spend part of their lives wandering alone or in pairs in search of a new pack. During this period they might "try" other packs by spending some time with them and hunting together while otherwise staying on the periphery of their social activities. Packs are usually formed by one or rarely two members of one sex, and the rest of the opposite one.The unique female or male acts as a leader and is usually a particularly big, strong or capable individual that chooses when and whom to mate with.
On rare occasions, some packs are found to be formed by all same-sex individuals, which is assumed to be caused by the death of their leader. They are mainly nocturnal, using their sense of smell and excellent sight to track down and hunt their prey.
Geographic distribution
Herald gnaws take advantage of their white coats by inhabiting snowy terrains such as the mountain range east of Karte or the north area of the Red Crest Islands, as well as many of the archipelago's white forests, primarily the Chalk Expanse.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
14 years
Average Height
1.10 metres
Average Weight
105 - 200 kg
Average Length
2.5 metres
Geographic Distribution
I love the make up of their packs. That's a nice touch - I like that sometimes they are all of the same sex. :D I do kind of want to scruffle their fur, but I think they would eat me. :D
Worth it but only if you boop them as well