Fragile Delivery: VN Ysadora

written by VN Ysadora's player from November 10th, 2012 through March 9th, 2013

General Summary

We pull into a space station, Port Santiago, on the Private Dancer. We hope to catch up to the partial shipment of cloning technology that Rogga the Hutt swiped.


On Smugglers Row, Khun goes to the Captains' Bar and Merchant Guild. I'm heading to Sinclair's, possibly a construction crew recruiting station/hangout. Eleni heads to the Golden Chiron Sushi Bar.


Yeager is here … being very un-Yeager-like! He's in Mando armor. I ask where construction crews tend to hang out, he points me at Sinclair's, and I say I'm buying ONE round.


Sinclair's is … special. It's a roughneck bar, probably previously a machine shop forty years ago. Since then it's been in use as Sinclair's, some of the tables are reshaped parts of ships (complete with blaster scores on them!). The bartender is human but ought to be a Wookiee by size. There's a lacquered dartboard, no darts, with blaster score marks. Various vibro-rapiers and swords hang on the wall behind the bar. Off to the far end of the bar is a …? deli meat slicer? … with a drip pan underneath. Behind that is a ?former? hibachi grill.


While I'm sipping a beer and looking over the pub menu, someone mentions Gel Rhomas from off to my right. These two humans might be talking about some sort of cargo. The buyer is willing to pay some big money, you gotta cross the front lines but if you're not willing to take the risk I understand.


A text comes in that weaponized puzzle flowers may be in Cargo Bay 12. I wrap up my sandwich and pocket it, bid farewell to my barely-touched beer, and head out the door to stride business-like that way.


Eleni goes after the footprints leaving the body Yeager is investigating. I look at the goo in some crates. The goo seems to be handprint-related? It might be decayed skin tissue.


A few fights later....


We're in medical treatment, reunited, and meeting with the Station Commander. He's from out of sector -- Corellian, originally?


He has a problem. Not the Reavers (or, rather, the problem dovetails with that problem). Port Santiago was founded by SanDae Corp, and they've ordered this station be scuttled with all hands aboard to contain the Reaver infection.


So the Station Commander has filed to claim salvage rights and start a new Corporation.




He wants to hire us under a Corporate Sector version of a Letter of Marque so we can't be convicted in CS law of "corporate espionage". We're to find out who caused this problem, track them down, and put an end to it.


Uhhh, instead -- as delighted as I am at the prospect of being a privateer! -- I get hired as a temporary Private Cop, along with "Aiden Quillix" aka Yeager.


The Noghri Death Commando who is now working for me -- previous contract was a guide for the assassin after Lyle here -- uses the name "Ko'liska". Ko for short.


Barin Tophis and Parnell Makola and some other guy were to get the things moved through. SanDai put this station up for sale/decommission 2 weeks ago but the transmission from the Corporate Sector was blocked at the transmission relay. A relay owned by House Vormecetti.


I'm in the station prison. Lyle's in cuffs, the bioware-sporting assassin formerly working with Ko is in cuffs, and medical care is probably a good idea.


Spar has infuriated the Emperor ... I need to finish this up so I can go find and spank Spar.

Dear Rico:
Do you think I should breach current contract and get a fast transport to induce-screaming-match-from-Uncle-Spar range?
V, not yet. Bad stuff went down. He tried for the Emperor, nearly got him. Emperor's wants him in chains in front of him. Don't break contract yet. But may need to soon. Word underground is a crime boss is involved.

Makola keeps pushing me toward Gel Rhomas, the biotech expert.
Keldrum Warren is the nervous little guy that Rogga wanted returned safely.


Barin Tophis says he was supposed to smuggle in one guy and smuggle out another, and Makola was part of Tophis's way back out. He figures the guy he smuggled in was probably an assassin, and smuggle out "that Chiss guy", meaning Keldrum Warren. He overheard that Rogga's got it in for the major Houses in Tapani Sector because one of them "did something" to Rogga and she's got a grudge. He says Rhomas was supposed to take out Makola after a while because Parnell Makola works for Black Sun. Gel was to handle the moving of the cloning tanks once he slipped in a surprise for the Alliance cruiser Manticore. He shipped 3 containers of biological vials for Gel Rhomas, which had to arrive a day and a half before the Alliance cruiser arrived; he put them in locker 47D. He also gave me his shipping manifest.


Meanwhile, Yeager sees on the telly a mandalorian named Renslip Fin attacking Captain Benacor in the (smoke-filled!) docking bay where Khun's yacht is berthed.


Renslip successfully sneaks away with a paralyzed Captain Benacor over his shoulder!


Khun gets attacked by a female Twi'lek wearing a modified biker scout helmet. Judging by the burn scar running along one of her lekku, that's Torana Sivron, aka the Blue Spider. She's a bounty hunter AND assassin, high-priced.


Barin Tophis says he was supposed to smuggle in one guy and smuggle out another, and Makola was part of Tophis's way back out. He figures the guy he smuggled in was probably an assassin, and smuggle out "that Chiss guy", meaning Keldrum Warren. He overheard that Rogga's got it in for the major Houses in Tapani Sector because one of them "did something" to Rogga and she's got a grudge. He says Rhomas was supposed to take out Makola after a while because Parnell Makola works for Black Sun. Gel was to handle the moving of the cloning tanks once he slipped in a surprise for the Alliance cruiser Manticore. He shipped 3 containers of biological vials for Gel Rhomas, which had to arrive a day and a half before the Alliance cruiser arrived; he put them in locker 47D. He also gave me his shipping manifest.


Meanwhile, Yeager sees on the telly a mandalorian named Renslip Fin attacking Captain Benacor in the (smoke-filled!) docking bay where Khun's yacht is berthed.


Renslip successfully sneaks away with a paralyzed Captain Benacor over his shoulder!


Khun gets attacked by a female Twi'lek wearing a modified biker scout helmet. Judging by the burn scar running along one of her lekku, that's Torana Sivron, aka the Blue Spider. She's a bounty hunter AND assassin, high-priced.


I keep getting emails from Yeager telling me people have been captured and that he wants me to come get him out of the bed in Sickbay, where he's wearing a bacta cast on his right arm and another on his left leg.


Security says they're closing off attempted access to break the lockdown, and want us to intercept the miscreants. Code to enter maintenance hall is 377.


This box used to hold 10 vials. It doesn't now, of course, as I expected; instead it has a thermal detonator, which Yeager shuts off.


Creepy nonhuman assassin Marik Tulor is temporarily working WITH us in order to go straighten out Gel Rhomas's hash.


The Alliance cruiser's captain is Lukas Vorstrensky (of House Vorbarnaba ). I whip out the "Our Imperial Master requests and requires your assistance in rescuing His Voice" thing. Yeager's going to use his backdoor access to help the techies circumvent the computer virii in the cruiser computers; I'm going to Do Mystic Mob Things to the area where the Reaver-infected Alliance SpecOps troops were. Greelo and Marik are going to hunt down and disable Gel's distraction traps.


Oh, and Yeager and I are going to go see if we've been infected/poisoned, once we're on the Alliance Cruiser, because I got the medglove from the same nurse who tried to get Yeager to drink drugged lemonade.


The Manticore's assigned clergy is Cmdr Ian O'Flaherty.
We unlock some of the cruiser computer systems so the techies can get rid of the virus, and Yeager heads to the sickbay while I head for a gymnasium where the infection started. The personnel definitely were infected via snack machine food and some tainted puzzlefruit. I can relate the registry number of the gonk droid that put the tainted supplies into the vending machines. All shipboard vending machines are now to be sealed as potential biohazards, that droid is to be tracked down and inspected, and I'm off to use Farseeing again in the hold where the Reaverized troops' bodies were stored.


Eleni sends me a text:

"Vanya, come kill this asshole for me!"
I asked if I could have 20 minutes.
Where Eleni is, I dunno, but I'll find her through the Force.


Eleni texts all of us:

"Look out for maintenance droids with some kind of strange, green liquid inside them"
... followed by
"Hey, I can wiggle my whole hand now!"


wow, people keep getting into frantic fights against plants!


In the cold storage cargo space, some plated crates used for coffins have been ruptured from the inside out. So they were put into a larger collective box. Wait, no, that's not how it happened after all.


So the first squad was infected, contained, put in the coffins and transported here. They broke out of the coffins and then exploded. Little demon cockroach things came out of the bodies and "converted" a second SpecOps squad. Then the critters went to station via the waste disposal umbilical, the ship systems all went down, somehow 2nd squad ends up in a crate while the critters get into the tubes. Marines wreck components and head out of the room, being Reaverry. A maintenance droid turns on, wheels over to a console and plug in and upload something, and then short itself out.


Time passes, the room is quiet, a figure in an infiltrator suit slips in through a maintenance accessway on the Manticore. He puts himself in a crate. The ship personnel come down and stick the defeated Reavers in a second crate and leave. The infiltrator guy gets back out, goes over to the console, types in a code -- in Imperial code -- and unlocks some doors. Some droids carry the crate out, and he marches out just like a graduate of the Imperial Officer Academy. He seals up the door behind him, and taaaa daaa.


Meanwhile the exploded bodies have reconnected into a conglomerate what-the-fuck. Yay for biohazard incinerator systems!


Ko'liska calls. "Gel Rhomas" was supposedly lost during the Battle of Epsilon 12. He knows me, and he knows my Mando companion from "when he was in the Corps". His name is Dr. Zel Gellanis, the guy who created the hunter-killer genetic virus and implanted it into Vor boys to send them back to a cotillion. Gellanis works for the high bidder, making toys; the current client is out of the Corporate Sector.


Now Dr. Gellanis is hiding out among the Reaver survivors.

Rewards Granted

  • spent 1 Force Point to try to save Yeager from the critical botch I knew had to be coming
  • Add 1 character point for saying that if the Corporate wipe-them-all-out consultants were active minutes after the Reaver attack made them appropriate, this was all planned.
  • Add 1 point for suspecting Gel Rhomas used droids to contaminate the snack vending machines (Danar's idea) and coffee machines (Yeager's idea) and beer taps for draft and kegs (my idea)
  • Add 4 character points and refund the FP spent to save a life.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Janis Aren, a bounty hunter looking for freighters who wouldn't mind carrying special cargo – high paying bounties
  • Renslip Fin, Mandalorian bounty hunter
  • Juuus, Trandoshan bounty hunter and captain of the Sadeet
  • Lyle Karrach, Cetagandan acquaintance of Captain Eleni Benacor
  • Ko'liska, a.k.a. "Ko", Noghri Death Commando
  • Parnell Makola, definitely a smuggler
  • Station Commander Sinclair O'Brian
  • Commander Ian O'Flaherty, Ship's Chaplain aboard Alliance cruiser Manticore
  • Gel Rhomas who is also Dr. Zel Gellanis, the guy who created the hunter-killer genetic virus and implanted it into Vor boys to send them back to a cotillion. Gellanis works for the high bidder, making toys.
  • Rogga the Hutt (offscreen but certainly a factor)
  • Torana Sivron, aka the Blue Spider: female Twi'lek bounty hunter and assassin, wears a modified biker scout helmet
  • Barin Tophis, probably a smuggler
  • Marik Tulor, creepy nonhuman assassin now annoyed at Gel Rhomas
  • Security Chief Lieutenant Alexander Van Sant
  • Captain Lukas Vorstrensky (of House Vorbarnaba), commanding Alliance cruiser Manticore
  • Keldrum Warren – Chiss exile, freelance operative who works all sides that will pay
  • Captain Eleni Benacor
  • Aiden Quillix
  • Greelo
  • Captain Khun Lakhia
  • VN Ysadora

Created Content

  • Alliance cruiser Manticore
  • Port Santiago, founded by SanDae Corp, located on far edge of Grella System
  • Autumn Moon Hotel
  • On Spacers' Row of Port Santiago:Captains' Bar and Merchant Guild
  • Golden Chiron Sushi Bar
  • Omar's Arms is next to Omar's Arbor
  • Quick Shots Tattoos
  • Sinclair's, possibly a construction crew recruiting station/hangout
  • Rangers of the Endless Night
Report Date
10 Nov 2014
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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